Popular Science
Recent papers in Popular Science
Acaba anlaşıp aynı anda zıplasak yer yerinden oynar mıydı? Elimizde bir şalter olsaydı ve yer çekimini şıp diye kapatsaydık ne olurdu? Sizin aklınıza da böyle sorular geliyor mu? "Olmaz öyle şey!" deyip geçmeyin. Bunları hayal etmek bile... more
models that aim to predict potential range shifts and broad-scale community reshuffling. Finally, there is a clear taxonomic, geographic, and disciplinary bias. Most examples come from plants or large vertebrates in Arctic ecosystems,... more
Il potenziale critico fondamentale delle scienze storiche risiede nel poter includere nella ricerca idee e punti di vista che rischierebbero altrimenti di esserne esclusi. Nell'ambito specifico che interessa questo articolo, quello dello... more
"In January 2008 the world’s leading scientific journal, Nature, carried an editorial titled “Spread the Word: Evolution is a scientific fact, and every organization whose research depends on it should explain why”. Speaking for the... more
This is the Index of all the articles published in Urdu Science Monthly in 2017.
La Lupa Colección Fueguina de divulgación científica. Comité Editorial Lic. Ulises Balza Dra. María Eugenia Barrantes Mag. María Laura Borla Lic. Samanta Dodino Dra. Victoria Julieta García Lic. Pablo Jusim Téc. Adriana Lasa Lic. María... more
Robots are increasingly behaving in a manner that completely defies our understanding about non-thinking machines that they are supposed to be.
"In 1974 Stephen Jay Gould began to write a column on the monthly review of the American Museum of Natural History: “This View of Life”. In more than 25 years of continuous activity, he published more than 300 brief essays, narrating... more
Explaining the philosophy of Machiavelli on the example of street racing: power, deception, realist behaviour, realist ethics, violence. The article was first published on Drivetribe. The article is a part of the book "Introduction to... more
My husband and I have been faithfully married for years, and we are shocked by what we read in your columns. As black vultures, we engage in none of the revolting practices you advocate so regularly, and we don't think anyone else should... more
Is Earth the only planet that harbours life in this Universe? It need not be so.
Замисляли ли сте се коя е онази институция – за разлика от ЦРУ, КГБ и МИ-6, видима, явна, на показ и вероятно по-мощна от всичките подобни служби, взети заедно… Която управлява без да отговаря на неудобните въпроси за управлението и... more
There are many unresolved enigmas in the Universe. We are trying to find the answers to some of the most intriguing of these mysteries, with commendable success.
Sjajna naučna knjiga, kakvih je malo danas...
How do synchronization and self-organization emerge from systems that didn't have these properties to begin with? characterizing and understanding the transition from disorder to synchrony is of fundamental importance in order to... more
Focusing on the period of unprecedented influence of popular science in Yugoslavia following the Second World War, the article examines a combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches to linking science and Marxist philosophy of... more
År 2007 undersöktes en nästan 2000 år gammal grav nära Skee i Bohuslän. I den graven fanns en kvinna, som vi kommit att kalla Björnkvinnan eftersom hon fick björnklor med sig i graven. Björnkvinnans grav är en bok om den arkeologiska... more
" To sleep, perchance to dream-ay, there's the rub. " Hamlet Why do we sleep? There are various theories-and none explains it fully. We know that deprivation of sleep causes various problems including irritability, lack of focus and... more
Contrary to analyses of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein as a warning about the danger of science and technology taken too far, the classic story can be assessed as a cautionary about the undermining of a worthy scientific enterprise by the... more
Given the speed and exponential nature of technological progress, artificial intelligence will soon cease to be artificial. Man and machine will also become a unified hybrid entity in future.
Основните теми се концентрират около двата Потопа, седемте отломки от комети, които бомбардирали Земята в миналото й и вероятността човешката цивилизация и постиженията й да са запазвани и възраждани не в Месопотамия, Шумер, Акад и... more
Times magazine selected Albert Einstein, the German born Jewish Scientist as the person of the 20 th century. Undoubtedly, 20 th century was the age of science and Einstein's contributions in unravelling mysteries of nature was... more
Using the recent discovery of the Hohle Fels figurine as a catalyst, in this article we briefly review the history of scholarship regarding Upper Paleolithic figurines that are often referred to as “Venus” figurines. We integrate this... more
This is the story of a pupil and his master on his initiation journey. In each chapter, the reader can learn about something related to science. Every chapter is also a step into a mysterious and perplexing adventure. In the end, what the... more
Popular science is a genre that sprung in the 19th century and now has become a wide phenomenon. Offering the opportunity to make science accessible to readers who are not familiarised with it, it could be said that it has almost... more
Popularna nauka, Pornografija, Antropologija, Istorija Pornografije.
Emil du Bois-Reymond is the most important forgotten intellectual of the nineteenth century. In his own time (1818–1896) du Bois-Reymond grew famous in his native Germany and beyond for his groundbreaking research in neuroscience and his... more
These three propositions revolutionized humankind's concep-tion of the universe. Obviously, they were truly vast in their implica-tions. Yet they were not fully agreed to by all astronomers until the early decades of the twentieth... more
Despite the revolutions brought out by science and technology in different walks of life, it did not catch the eye of the masses and has remained a privilege of a few. The rising population, environmental backlash, mismanagement of... more
Some critics hold that all talk of functions, purposes, goals, and intentions should be outlawed in biology, because they are all teleological notions. This stricture makes it difficult to write non-teleologically about evolution (or... more
A local history of the government of Antonio Piqué, 1923-1926, the first mayor of les Borges Blanques (Catalonia) during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera in Spain.
O artigo apresenta as ações correspondentes à construção de um site e quatro minidocumentários, partes do projeto "Arqueologia e Divulgação Científica: Diálogos e Saberes", desenvolvido pelo Laboratório de Arqueologia Pública Paulo Duarte... more
The 13th-century route description from Utlängan to Tallinn - colloquially known as King Valdemar's Itinerary - is one of the oldest and most exiting written sources on navigation in the Baltic Sea. While the Latin transcription was... more
This paper, centred on two British figures of natural history film-making, Cherry Kearton (1871-1940) and David Attenborough (born 1926), examines how the figure of the natural history film-maker was historically constructed as one of... more