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Más de 350 divulgadores de ciencia se reúnen en el XV Congreso de Popularización de la Ciencia en América Latina y el Caribe en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Derivado de un acuerdo de Asamblea, se pone en circulación este manifiesto sobre la... more
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      Public Communication of Science and TechnologyDivulgacion CIentificaPopularización De La Ciencia
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      Science in SocietyPublic Communication of Science and TechnologyAttitude Towards Science
Although, in the last decades, the historiography of popular science/science popularization has significantly evolved from the “deficit model” legacy to “knowledge in transit” and the “participatory turn” (Secord 2004, Bucchi, Neresini... more
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      History of ScienceDarwinismFrancoismPublic Communication of Science and Technology
"A rhetorical, multi-disciplinary guide, Writing in the Sciences discusses the major genres of science writing including research reports, grant proposals, conference presentations, and a variety of forms of public communication. Multiple... more
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      Composition StudiesRhetoricHealth CommunicationComposition and Rhetoric
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
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      EntrepreneurshipManagementEngineeringElectrical Engineering
El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo analizar la representación de los pueblos indígenas en las salas Arqueología y Etnografía en la megaferia de ciencias Tecnópolis (Buenos Aires, Argentina), y pro- blematizar la práctica de los... more
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      Indigenous PeoplesPublic Communication of Science and TechnologyGuides
In diesem Beitrag plädiere ich dafür, Wissenschaftskommunikations-Events wie den Science Slam nicht als Phänomen des Kulturverfalls zu deuten. Die Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung hat gezeigt, dass selbst die wissenschaftliche Suche... more
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      Science CommunicationSociology of KnowledgePublic Communication of Science and Technology
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      EpistemologyVisual StudiesHistory of SciencePublic Communication of Science and Technology
Removing the language barrier could bring great benefits not only to the scientific community. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to improve both the tools and procedures in which these tools are used, to ensure a reliable exchange of... more
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      Social SciencesScience CommunicationMachine TranslationKnowledge sharing
O intuito que motivou esta pesquisa foi, em um escopo mais alargado, perceber em que medida a divulgação científica está mudando com o uso da Internet no Brasil. Mais especificamente, perceber como os modelos de comunicação pública da... more
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      Science CommunicationPublic Understanding Of SciencePublic Communication of Science and Technology
This study aims to find new opportunities for cooperation in science strategies in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). As a starting point, the study takes existing areas of scientific excellence, research infrastructure, and international... more
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      Science PolicyBaltic StudiesNorthern EuropeBaltic Sea Region Studies
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam: The People’s President.
Dream 2047, October 2015, 18 (1), 32-34.
This article narrates life and works of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, the eleventh President of India.
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      History of Science and TechnologyHuman Resource DevelopmentScience CommunicationHistory of Technology
每年都有数百万的儿童与他们的父母或老师同学们一起近距离接触野生动物。而对公众进行保护教育也是对各专业动物园协会的成员们的一项基本要求。但是,最近几年,动物园受到越来越多来自动物权益保护组织的批评,认为他们没有很好地展示他们对生物保护的公众理解的权威性,以及对相关生物学概念的诠释,例如动物对栖息地的适应性。的确,迄今为止还没有一个完整的研究项目严格地评估过动物园对他们最主要的受众---儿童在有关生物保护的学习方面的影响。这份(我的)研究是对于全世界7-15岁儿童游览动物园的教育... more
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      CommunicationInformal LearningEnvironmental EducationConservation Biology
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      Science CommunicationPublic Communication of Science and TechnologyScientific DivulgationDivulgacion CIentifica
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      Non-formal EducationScience CommunicationPublic Communication of Science and TechnologyDivulgacion CIentifica
El libro fue integrado a partir de once capítulos, los cuales han sido redactados por investigadores de distintas áreas del conocimiento, provocando así una diversidad de temas e intereses en torno a la investigación y de la necesidad de... more
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      Migration StudiesMultidisciplinaryScientific JournalismFísica
ETHICS AND EPISTEMOLOGY OF NANOTECHNOLOGY I – Critically Mapping Current Approaches From an early stage, nanoscience and nanotechnology (NST) have been associated with a political will to integrate upstream the question of their... more
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      EngineeringEthicsEpistemologyPhilosophy of Science
This paper argues that there exists a collective epistemic state of 'Broad Medical Uncertainty' (BMU) regarding the effectiveness of many medical interventions. We outline the features of BMU, and describe some of the main contributing... more
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      Social PsychologyHealth SciencesMedical SciencesMedical Anthropology
With the accelerated growth the social media platform Instagram has seen over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic its potential as a tool for communicating archaeological science is becoming ever more apparent. The platforms' focus on... more
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      ArchaeologyScience CommunicationCultural HeritageSocial Media
Research on Public Communication of Science and Technology has been focused on non-experts and mediators. Scientists as communicators has not been explored yet although they are involved in communicative practices. The SHARPER project, in... more
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      Science CommunicationPublic Communication of Science and Technology
Despite the revolutions brought out by science and technology in different walks of life, it did not catch the eye of the masses and has remained a privilege of a few. The rising population, environmental backlash, mismanagement of... more
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      Science EducationHistory of ScienceScienceAgriculture
Libro de resúmenes del 4° Congreso Internacional de la Comunicación Pública de la Ciencia y la Tecnología
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      Science CommunicationCommunication sciencesPublic Communication of Science and TechnologyCommunications Science
In order to find solutions in the current panorama of “post-truth” and “anti-intellectualism,” a recent report from the Science and Technology Committee of the House of Commons has suggested a move towards more direct communication from... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceCommunicationLegitimacy and AuthorityJournalism
The Conversation representa un cambio notable en la relación de los académicos con sus públicos. Cualquiera que sea la especialidad, institución o temática, los profesores e investigadores tienen ahora un canal abierto de forma permanente... more
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      Science CommunicationPublic Communication of Science and Technology
Three key questions guide this thesis. First, how is public communication of science and technology (PCST) organized in different models of expert–public interaction? Second, how do different models of science and technology... more
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      Science CommunicationPublic Communication of Science and TechnologyScience and Technology Studies
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      Sociology Of Technology (Science And Technology Studies)Public Perception of SciencePublic Communication of Science and TechnologyScience and Technology Studies
El libro es el segundo volumen de una colección que busca contribuir al debate y al diálogo en torno a la comunicación pública de la ciencia a través de la investigación académica. En esta obra se presentan diversos trabajos que muestran... more
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      Environmental CommunicationPublic Communication of Science and Technology
To date, the majority of scholarly research into the public communication of climate change has been focused on three main areas: the communication of risk; the dynamics of debate in legacy media such as newspapers, and how these debates... more
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      Social NetworksScience CommunicationClimate ChangePublic Communication of Science and Technology
Cos’hanno in comune cristalli, esseri viventi, pianeti e atomi? Due secoli di progressi nelle scienze evolutive ci mostrano un filo rosso che unisce micro e macrocosmo, un nuovo paradigma che sta cambiando il volto dell’intera civiltà... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyQuantum ChemistryCosmology (Physics)Morphological evolution
This article, published alongside the translation of “Bishop Brown – A Fundamental Modernist” in this volume of Pragmata, highlights the value of John Dewey’s short piece for The New Republic, originally written in 1926. Dewey pays... more
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      EducationAtheismSocial SciencesMarxism
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      Science CommunicationPublic Communication of Science and TechnologyScience and Technology Studies
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      Science CommunicationPublic Communication of Science and Technology
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      JournalismSocial SciencesScience CommunicationHistory of Science
Millones de niños visitan zoológicos todos los años con sus padres o la escuela para tener un encuentro de primera mano con la vida silvestre. La educación pública para la conservación es un requisito básico para ser miembro de las... more
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      CommunicationInformal LearningScience CommunicationLearning in Informal Settings
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      Science CommunicationComputer NetworksScience, Technology and SocietyDatabases
Trench(这个问题)提出了一个关键问题---我们如何能够知道科学传播是否向大众成功地传播有价值的东西。谨慎采用,熟练操作,并有效共享的高质量效果研究能够为研究实践者提供一个基础,来发现发现科学传播活动的哪些方面正在在工作,通过什么样的方法,面向哪个受众群以及原因。这篇论文辩证地回顾了主流科学传播实践的评估现状,并将关注点聚焦在了拥有最优资源的机构。... more
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      CommunicationScience CommunicationEvaluationPublic Communication of Science and Technology
In the diverse social structure that characterizes India, misbeliefs and superstitions are still as active as in earlier days. Social media in particular has been swamped by hundreds of beliefs and superstitions during the COVID-19... more
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      Science CommunicationCommunication sciencesSuperstitions and Superstitious BeliefCommunication Science
Often we find an inconspicuous sherd on the surface of a field; in scientific language, we speak of ceramic fragments, which can lead archaeologists to a site. Within the Austrian "Lange Nacht der Forschung" framework, such sherds should... more
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      Public ArchaeologyScience CommunicationNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic Europe
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    • Public Communication of Science and Technology
The theoretical prediction of Higgs boson was arguably one of the most important contributions in particle physics in the 20th century, with significant implications for modern cosmology. Its reported discovery in 2012 was celebrated as... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceScience CommunicationScience and ReligionHistory and Philosophy of Physics
Desde distintas ópticas, los trabajos aquí presentados contribuyen a la comprensión sobre cómo se producen, para qué se producen, por qué son importantes y en qué sentido son fundamentales para un país las estrategias de comunicación... more
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      Environmental CommunicationPublic Communication of Science and Technology
Wildlife managers are responsible for mitigating conflict from stakeholder groups towards controversial natural resource management plans. These stakeholder groups can be summed up in a wide lens as: utilitarians (anthropocentric),... more
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      Natural Resource ManagementPublic Communication of Science and TechnologyWildlife ManagementScience of Science Communication
Um ensaio de sociologia da C&T.
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      Science CommunicationPublic Understanding Of ScienceSTS (Anthropology)Public Communication of Science and Technology
Introduction at the film by C. Nolan - Interstellar - shown at the Planetarium of Bari during the second day of the film festival "Space Words" organized by University of Bari, Seminario Interuniversitario di ricerca Storia della Scienza,... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisHistory of SciencePublic Communication of Science and Technology
Studies on Public Communication of Science (PCST) have traditionally focused either on the cases of "deviation," i.e. cases in which scientists face directly the audience by skipping the usual stages of scientific communication, or, in... more
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    • Public Communication of Science and Technology
With the aim of overcoming the disciplinary and national fragmentation that characterizes much research on nuclear energy, Engaging the Atom brings together specialists from a variety of fields to analyze comparative case studies across... more
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      Nuclear EngineeringEuropean HistoryEnergy EconomicsBorder Studies
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      Women in Science, Technology and EngineeringPublic Communication of Science and Technology
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      Food SafetyImpact EvaluationCommunication TheoryRisk communication
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the cc by 4.0 license. Nuncius 37 (2022) 84-117 In the Footsteps of Galileo History of Science in Italian tv Films and Series in the Nineteen-Sixties and... more
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      Science CommunicationHistory of SciencePublic Understanding Of ScienceGalileo Galilei
In the information society and in the complexity that is one of the distinctive features of modernity, the public role of experts has increased considerably. Engineers, doctors, jurists or politicians are increasingly called upon to talk... more
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      Social TheoryScience CommunicationSociology of SciencePublic Communication of Science and Technology