Sociology of Science
Recent papers in Sociology of Science
Lotfi A. Zadeh, in his article entitled “The Birth and Evolution of Fuzzy Logic” discusses R.E. Kalman’s and W. Kahan’s strong criticisms of fuzzy logic and presents his answers to these criticisms. The main subject of this debate... more
The Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) theory offers a useful conceptual framework for examining the social and cultural factors that may contribute to or detract from the successful integration of computer technology into... more
This paper addresses the views regarding the certainty and uncertainty of climate science knowledge held by contemporary climate scientists. More precisely, it addresses the extension of this knowledge into the social and political realms... more
PEOPLE'S Science Movement (PSM) has had little to say for or on women's struggle. This is partly because of its general reluctance to challenge current science. It has internalised much of the ideological content of current science both... more
A ciência entre a comunidade e o mercado: leituras de Kuhn, Bourdieu, Latour e Knorr-Cetina Gilberto Hochman SciELO Books / SciELO Livros / SciELO Libros PORTOCARRERO, V., org. Filosofia, história e sociologia das ciências I: abordagens... more
Federal and state laws present marijuana as a dangerous substance requiring coercive control and forbid private citizens from possessing, selling, or growing it. Possession cases brought under these laws depend on a forensic confirmation... more
The issue of climate change from the perspectives of climate change scientists and climate policy makers is discussed using results from two survey questionnaires. Emphasis is given to the German context. Included is the self assessment... more
One of the most hotly debated ideas in science studies is the claim that contemporary science is in the midst of a transformation. While ‘transformationalist’ arguments and concepts vary, their core principle is that the norms, values,... more
This supplement presents a sensitivity analysis for the data extraction method, based on the longest and most complicated search string-for the case of solar radiation and cancer. Our primary consideration in choosing a search string was... more
Il potenziale critico fondamentale delle scienze storiche risiede nel poter includere nella ricerca idee e punti di vista che rischierebbero altrimenti di esserne esclusi. Nell'ambito specifico che interessa questo articolo, quello dello... more
In vocational education, there is an ongoing discussion about problems occurring in school-work transitions and in relating school and work-based learning processes. Apprenticeships have been identified as valuable learning and working... more
In this article, I revisit Max Weber's lecture 'Science as a Vocation' by considering his position that choices between values are, in the end, irrational. In examining an argument, which he attributes to Tolstoy, on the relationship... more
1 Croyances et acceptations dans la pratique scientifique Le volontarisme épistémique de Cohen à l'épreuve de l'affaire Poisson et du cas Le Verrier Texte paru dans Croire ou accepter ? (dir. A. Bouvier & R. Künstler), Hermann, 2017... more
During the COVID-19 Pandemic, migration has come up against new challenges. In all OECD countries except Turkey and Colombia, attitudes towards immigrants had seen improvements over the past decade. This progress is now put at risk... more
One of four known ancient Maya books, the Grolier Codex depicts different manifestations of Venus; the column of glyphs on the left of each panel records days in a 104-year Venus almanac. These plaster-coated bark-paper pages,... more
Материалы доклада подготовлены при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 13-06-00010а
The article is concerned with the analysis of efficiency of the main scientific research impact indicators: the quantity of publications, citing index, Hirsch index, the impact-factor of scientific edition. Their efficiency is analyzed... more
Le vicende del Premio Nobel come chiave per comprendere l’immagine pubblica della scienza e i suoi cambiamenti tra società, politica e cultura. Raccontando la storia e le storie del Premio Nobel, le singolari vicende, controversie e... more
This article analyses the role of Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) in teachers' work in the Skills for Life sector. It shows how ILPs, originally a means of formative assessment, have become part of a system of performance indicators and... more
Healthcare workers were among the primary sectors that stood on the frontline amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. They play a significant role in giving medical aid and services, especially at the time when the world requires them the most. In... more
Despite their relative semantic proximity, the fields of public understanding of science (PUS) and social studies of science (SSS) / science and technology studies or science, technology and society (both STS) 1 appear to acknowledge... more
Il libro della psicologa del MIT di Boston Sherry Turkle, Insieme ma soli. Perché ci aspettiamo sempre più dalla tecnologia e sempre meno dagli altri, ha il merito di riuscire a far luce sull’intimità del rapporto uomo-robot. Tuttavia, ci... more
The process of informed consent is fundamental to basic scientific research with human subjects. As one aspect of the scientific enterprise, clinical drug trials rely on informed consent documents to safeguard the ethical treatment of... more
O texto original de John Law aproxima a atividade científica da atividade empresarial, através da gestão que justapõe elementos heterogêneos para obtenção de determinados fins: Law, J. (1989). Le laboratoire et ses réseaux. la science et... more
Soziologische Zeitdiagnosen sind ein zwischen akademischem Diskurs und öffentlicher Debatte angesiedeltes Genre, in dem die Gegenwart als Epochenbruch dargestellt wird. In diesem Beitrag wird erstens das Verhältnis zwischen Zeitdiagnosen... more
It is difficult to define perspective within sets that are self belonging. For example in the study of mankind, anthropology, both men and their studies fall into the same category that contains the topic outline. This situation entails a... more
The expression of an Islamic political radicalism in Britain has been one of the most dramatic developments in recent decades. Islamic Radicalism and Multicultural Politics explores the nature of this phenomenon by analysing the origins... more
How can historical examination of the Pleistocene extinction question in Australia shed light on ways that scientific debate is influenced by the cultures of science and extra-scientific concerns? In Europe, investigation of the antiquity... more
Nuova edizione riveduta e aggiornata, 2010 Quali sono il ruolo e le responsabilità degli scienziati nella società contemporanea? Come può la ricerca scientifica mantenere la propria autonomia di fronte a sempre più pressanti esigenze... more
In this paper, we analyse patients’ perspectives on the introduction of artificial intelli- gence (AI) and robotic systems in healthcare. Based on citizens’ experiences when hospitalised for COVID-19, we explore how the opinions and... more
of the National System of Researchers (SNI) in Mexico. *Paper presented at the 4th Latin American and Caribbean Congress of Social Sciences, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain. Análisis sobre el uso de redes sociales académicas por parte... more
Conclusion générale d’un ouvrage collectif, ce chapitre fait la synthèse des enjeux et des problèmes soulevés par la notion de charisme en sciences sociales. Il revient à la fois sur les difficultés de la conceptualisation du charisme... more
In an effort to carve a distinct place for social facts without lapsing into a holistic ontology, John Greenwood has sought to define social phenomena solely in terms of the attitudes held by the actor(s) in question. I argue that his... more
At first glance, Suzanne Simard's Finding the Mother Tree is an odd book to be reviewed in Cosmos and Taxis. It is largely about trees. Simard is a professor of Forest Ecology at UBC, Vancouver. She is best known for her initial... more
This article provides an overview of the origins and development of green chemistry. Aiming to contribute to the understanding of green chemistry, basically from a historical point of view, this overview argues that contextual influences... more
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more