Sociology Of Technology (Science And Technology Studies)
Recent papers in Sociology Of Technology (Science And Technology Studies)
This article examines how 'safety case' experts working on Finland’s nuclear waste repository project at Olkiluoto summoned, conjured, or channeled memories of Seppo—a deceased colleague whose ‘specter,’ as some put it, still ‘haunts’... more
This paper analyzes an emerging form of post-pharmaceutical health and its underlying regime of value in the global bioeconomy of regenerative stem cell-based medicine (RSCM). Animated by a vision to overcome drug-based therapies and... more
Yuri Takhteyev's Coding Places is an ethnographic study of software development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. As such, it offers a welcome and necessary counterpoint to Gabriella Coleman's Coding Freedom, which examines the culture of free... more
This paper aims to show the possible and actual synergies between social robotics and sociology. The author argues that social robots are one of the best fields of inquiry to provide a bridge between the two cultures – the one represented... more
This paper examines current issues at the intersection of the Sociology of Technology and the interdisciplinary field of Sound Studies. It begins with an overview of major social constructionist, interpretive semiotic, and actor–network... more
In chapter 1, we discussed the ideological, normative, and affective aspects of the cosmology of the Cocoa developer community, in particular, its celebration of the "indie." Cocoa developers spoke in particular of the pleasure they... more
What happened, in the years leading up to Valentine's Day 2014, that made a canister of nuclear waste burst open and spew out fire underground at a US facility for the long-term disposal of radioactive military waste? According to one... more
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
Backcover endorsement by Richard Butsch, author of “The Making of American Audiences” ‘This collection is a most comprehensive book on television ratings systems. It offers a remarkable breadth of case studies of nations from North... more
These slides begin with thoughts about what topics an epistemologically-informed sociology of science might explore, and then turn to one in particular: fraud in science. After looking at how to define fraud, and explaining why it's... more
Winner of the 2005 Philip Abrams Memorial Prize, British Sociological Association
Since the 1960's, the prevalent perception in the Israeli educational system, as well as in many other countries, has been that the use of ICT (Information and Communications Technology) as a tool for instruction, learning and management... more
Diverse future scenarios are presented in the expectation that the so-called " fourth industrial revolution " will come up, and one of them is a hyper-connected society where technologies such as the internet of things, big data and... more
This paper describes a 'déjà vu' experience from the first decade of the 21 st century. It shows that, 30 years apart, one can single out from history two waves of major accidents across safety-critical systems. This new series of major... more
This is the Introduction to my book The Quantified Self: A Sociology of Self-Tracking Cultures, (2016). Cambridge: Polity Press.
Les uses et pratiques liés aux technologies numériques font partie aujourd’hui des processus d’incarnation, des devenirs des corps, de ce qui signifie avoir, acquérir et être un corps. Ces médiations technologiques particulières... more
Thee slides introduce students to the work of Kuhn, Lakatos, and Feyerabend; while none is defensible, Haack argues, each can teach us something important as we move forward.
Considerable scholarly discussion has been given to the idea that we are moving toward a state of “posthumanism.” This essay examines some possible implications of a posthuman existence, specifically as it relates to that most basic of... more
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference,
Our current era is one of profound changes and uncertainties, and one issue is to understand their implications for high-risk systems and critical infrastructures (e.g. nuclear power plants, ships, hospitals, trains, chemical plants).... more
In this book, I argue that there is a need to revisit Perrow’s seminal contribution, Normal Accidents. I discuss conceptual and empirical changes in the past three decades and show the relevance of thinking our current situation with the... more
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
This dissertation is an ethnographic study, accomplished through semi-structured interviews and participant observation, of the cultural world of third party Apple software developers who use Apple’s Cocoa libraries to create apps. It... more
Increasingly, a range of 'things' (e.g. infrastructure, data, knowledge, bodies, etc.) are configured and/or reconfigured as assets, or capitalized property. Accumulation strategies have changed as a result of this assetization process,... more
Развитието на възобновяемите енергийни източници (ВЕИ) в световен мащаб е белязано с изключителна динамика: ветроенергетиката успя значително да увеличи своята производителност, за да достигне в някои страни до паритет с разходите на... more
This paper analyzes creation museums that explain the biblical creation story as an authoritative “scientific fact,” a certain type of museum that has become popular since the 1980s in the United States. Based on the perspectives gained... more
TECHNOSCIENCE & SOCIETY BOOK SERIES Series Editor: Kean Birch Objectives Our futures are highly uncertain in large part because of the changing relationship between technoscience and society: artificial intelligence holds... more
El objetivo de este capítulo consiste en describir los procesos de institucionalización de la prospectiva CTI en los países seleccionados (Argentina, Colombia, México y Perú), analizando de qué manera la interacción entre los... more
The aim of this thesis is to examine the way that the videogame industry has evolved as a complex sociotechnological system and how the discourse surrounding the industry, as well as videogames as a medium of expression, has shaped that... more
The key objectives of the GCSA’s report are to raise awareness of risk and innovation concepts, to share issues of common concern and interest, and to promote learning across borders. A parallel set of objectives informed a recent Durham... more
This thesis explores the ways in which Facebook is created as a space and how this space is produced through the presentation of the self and the friendships that Facebook contains. The focus of the thesis is on understanding the... more
The dominant modalities of treatment for alcoholism in Russia are suggestion-based methods developed by narcology—the subspecialty of Russian psychiatry which deals with addiction. A particularly popular method is the use of disulfiram—an... more
In this article I explore the political and technical controversies of measuring water leakages in Mumbai to demonstrate how the dense historical accretions of technology, material, and social life that form hydraulic infrastructures in... more
Los modelos de transición hacia la sociedad del conocimiento suponen la existencia de emprendedores que no solo resuelven los secretos del nuevo paradigma tecno-económico sino que tienen un lugar de privilegio en la consideración social.... more
The article provides an anthropological analysis of the different social worlds that make up electrical energy infrastructures. Using the lens of the anthropology of infrastructures, we reflect on the role of meteorological information... more
Neste artigo dirigimos nossa atenção para alguns casos empíricos brasileiros, destacando as formas de participação e colaboração entre cientistas e não-cientistas implicadas nesses modos de conhecer, bem como os desafios decorrentes da... more
This paper first aims to draw attention to, and diagnose, the failure of IR's 'sociological turn' to extend the domain of sociological reason into the philosophical turf of epistemology and thereby fulfill the full promises of the... more