Queen Victoria
Recent papers in Queen Victoria
A brand new guidebook to the Crown Jewels at the Tower of London
Her picture is on the five-pound British note. She brought about prison reform in Britain, which spread to civilized nations in Europe and beyond. Her school of nursing inspired and supported the work of Florence Nightingale. She was the... more
This MA Thesis analyses hundreds of Victorian newspapers, periodicals, pamphlets and other media to investigate how Victorian perceptions of Napoleon I affected perceptions of Napoleon III and vice versa. It is argued that Victorian... more
Las vidas de las seis reinas retratadas en esta obra distan mucho de ser un cuento de hadas. No tuvieron grandes historias de amor porque sus matrimonios eran concertados. Algunas fueron emperatrices en contra de su voluntad y sufrieron... more
The Philadelphia Times included a detailed account of a commemoration of King Charles the Martyr in its January 30, 1897 issue. The article narrates the unveiling of a painting of the Royal Martyr (originally painted with an elderly Queen... more
Today we tend to see India as the largest democracy on the subcontinent of Asia and our natural ally along with our other democratic ally, Great Britain. India and the independent countries that were created out of the British Raj,... more
The Victorian Royal Nursery attempts to shed more light on the nursery for the children of Queen Victoria. It examines the creation, organisation, and financing of the nursery, with a consideration of the most important individuals who... more
An account of the political and architectural policies that shaped the design and execution of the Victoria Memorial Hall in Calcutta/Kolkata in 1901-21.
In this highly acclaimed, classic biography of Queen Victoria who, with her irresistible sincerity defined an era and etched her name into history by the power of her personality, Lytton Strachey created a humane portrait of the iconic... more
In this paper, the main literary branches of Victorian literature, alongside the social, moral and political environment of this epoch will be explained. Throughout these pages, the needs of an era greatly affected by the arriving of the... more
This paper discusses the representation of moral values in Dickens’ Oliver Twist and their relationship with English Victorian culture and society.
MA Thesis at the University of Chicago
The chapter explores how an academic history book on nobility is created. It tackles methodological and technical steps, as well se theoretical problems and connects them to the postmodern historiography field. It shows how historians... more
On the eve of her wedding, Prince Albert gave Queen Victoria a large sapphire brooch surrounded by 12 brilliants. Nothing was known about the origins of this jewel until correspondence detailing the sale of the brooch emerged. It was... more
It is a critical edition of extracts from a virtually unknown diary of Dr Robert Ferguson, a physician and accoucheur to Queen Victoria. Acquired only in 2009, the diary is housed in the archives of the Royal College of Physicians in... more
Kensington Gardens has influenced many artistic and literary ideas, with a strong emphasis on childhood imagination, fantasy and magic. The natural beauty of the Gardens has inspired the artists and writers, who have moulded British... more
Women’s underwear has gone through quite the transformations throughout the years from the preliminary hints of undergarments in Ancient Egypt to the Victorian Age and now in its apex. Undergarments can be viewed as a necessary invention... more
En este texto nos proponemos destacar los aspectos más signi-ficativos de las estrategias de representación-estéticas y narrativas-que entretejen los discursos de los filmes dedicados a Victoria del Reino Unido durante las dos primeras... more
MÜTERCİM HALÎMÎ EFENDİ1’NİN NOTLARI ÇERÇEVESİNDE SULTAN ABDÜLAZİZ’İN AVRUPA SEYAHATİ VE SONUÇLARI (21 Haziran 1867 ‐ 7 Ağustos 1867)2 Özet Sultan Abdülaziz ordusunun başında olmaksızın, Avrupa’yı sadece seyahat ve ikili ilişkiler... more
Au rez-de-chaussée du palais de Buckingham, ouvrant largement sur les jardins, se trouve encore de nos jours un vaste salon de réception qui ne manquera pas d’interpeller d’éventuels visiteurs français. En effet, ici au cœur emblématique... more
This publication deals with the metamorphoses of the Brisbane Victoria Bridge. It includes an Appendix Palladiana where the ideological "matrix" of the Palladian Manifesto Villa "La Rotunda" is said to be the "Tetraktys" (the upper... more
Despite reigning for sixty-four years, Queen Victoria’s renown for famous sayings is surprisingly meagre. Even her famous comeback – ‘We are not amused’ – is likely to be a myth, relying entirely on Caroline Holland’s nonchalant and... more
This essay explore the figure of the Amazon warrior woman in nineteenth-century literature. African and English women, including Queen Victoria, are both represented as “Amazons.” Colonizers are represented as Amazons, as are the... more
During the middle nineteenth century, jet obtained from Whitby (England) was sought after due to its dark black color and hardness. This fossilized plant material was used in mourning jewelry, and Whitby hard jet was regarded among the... more
Резюме. Статията е посветена на темата за сведенията, които съдържат дневниците на британската кралица Виктория за Кримската война (1853-1856). Дневниците на кралицата са ценен източник на информация за този етап от развитието на Източния... more
The article explores the evolution of the discourse of taste during the XVIII and XIX centuries, adopting the categories of pure and impure as paradigmatic keys to the subject. Reyn-olds' standards of aesthetic judgement, and the voices... more
In this article I analyse a selection of Alan Moore’s characters and their vicious behaviour in three graphic novels that belong to the period when, according to Roger Luckhurst, a ‘contemporary trauma culture’ began to develop (2008: 2).... more
A partir das vivências do casal real D. Maria II de Bragança e D. Fernando de Saxe-Coburgo-Gotha, abordam-se as sociabilidades dinásticas europeias de meados de Oitocentos, envolvendo as famílias reinantes de Inglaterra, França, Bélgica,... more
A válogatott bibliográfiát összeállította: Lengyel Gábor A címlapon található kép Mátis Rita festménye. Az elő-és hátlapot tervezte: Matucza Ferenc Nyomdai munka: Virágmandula Kereskedelmi, Szolgáltató és Oktatási Kft. © Szerzők, 2018
A fresh and intimate portrait of Queen Victoria 'at the play'. Through Victoria's diary, artwork and correspondence, we see her as enraptured spectator, bountiful patron and tyrannical director of private theatricals. At times, she... more
During the Georgian and Victorian periods, the fourteenth-century hero Edward the Black Prince became an object of cultural fascination and celebration; he and his battles played an important part in a wider reimagining of the British as... more
With its relevant images:
This article explores the ambivalent re-imagination of Queen Victoria in Jean-Marc Vallée's The Young Victoria (2009). Due to the almost obsessive current interest in Victorian sexuality and gender roles that still seem to frame... more
Queen Victoria: This Thorny Crown. By Michael Ledger-Lomas. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021, Pp. 347. $40.00); Margaret Mead: A Twentieth-Century Faith. By Elesha J. Coffman. Oxford: oxford University Press, 2021, 218. Pp.... more
This article explores the ambivalent re-imagination of Queen Victoria in Jean-Marc Vallée's The Young Victoria (2009). Due to the almost obsessive current interest in Victorian sexuality and gender roles that still seem to frame... more
Despite reigning for sixty-four years, Queen Victoria’s renown for famous sayings is surprisingly meagre. Even her famous comeback – ‘We are not amused’ – is likely to be a myth, relying entirely on Caroline Holland’s nonchalant and... more
Stórbrotið, töfrandi og átakamikið líf kóngafólks er vinsælt efni í sjónvarpi og kvikmyndum. Sem dæmi má nefna þættina The Crown sem Netflix framleiðir og hafa slegið í gegn svo um munar, en þeir fjalla um fyrstu áratugi Elísabetar II í... more
U ovom radu nastojat ću analizirati film The Young Victoria (Viktorija: Život mlade kraljice) kao povijesni izvor.