Quran's Translations
Recent papers in Quran's Translations
Kur'an imlası / تهجئة و ترقيم القرآن / Spelling (Punctuation) of the Qur'an. Lütfen -okuduğunuzda- resmi mushaf ve diğer tercümelerle karşılaştırınız. Please -when you read- compare with the offical mushaf and other translations.... more
On Translating the Quran: Towards Understanding Hidden Meanings beyond the Quranic Syntactic Construction (An-nazm) via Skopostheorie في ترجمة القرآن نحو فهم المعاني الكامنة خلف النظم القرآني Dr. Muhammad Fawzi Al-Ghazi Assistant... more
Published between 1934 and 1937 in installments, Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s Holy Quran translation and commentary is perhaps one of the most informed and authentic twentieth century English translations of the Quran with an inclusive language.... more
This research investigates the translation of in the Glorious Qur' n into English. It attempts to show the way translators have rendered it, and then, based on the accredited Qur' nic interpretations, correcting the translations of the... more
al-Baqarah (The Cow) is named after the incident of the cow, as related in Ayas 67-74, highlighting the lukewarm response of the Children of Israel to God’s commandments whereby He sought to test their Faith. Merit: the longest sura in... more
Holy Qur'an's translation into Turkish
This chapter surveys scholarly literature on Qur’anic translations into non-European languages—in this sample, Swahili, Persian, Turkish, Mandarin Chinese, and Malay. It highlights the foci and problems of research in the field and... more
Kitabın PDF'sinin tamamı (https://murselahiskali.wordpress.com/2018/01/02/rusca-kuran-i-kerim-cevirileri-tanitimi-ve-analizi/) --- İnsanlığa Son Çağrı olan Kur’an-ı Kerim’in hem Doğu’da hem Batı’da birçok dile çevrildiğine tanık... more
Kitabın PDF'sinin tamamı (https://murselahiskali.wordpress.com/2018/01/17/kuranda-ibranice-kelimeler-muhezzeb-baglaminda-elestirel-bir-inceleme/) --- Bu çalışmamızda Süyûtî’nin el-Mühezzeb fimâ vakaa fi’l-Kur’an’i mine’l-muarreb... more
Qur'an is the central religious text of Islam, which Muslims believe to be a revelation from God (Arabic: الله Allah). It is widely regarded as the finest piece of literature in the Arabic language. Translation of the Qur'an has always... more
Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları - 2127
İlmi Eserler - 302
ISBN: 978-625-435-168-6
İlmi Eserler - 302
ISBN: 978-625-435-168-6
The pun is a tricky use of a word or phrase which has very different meanings that are closely interrelated, or of words with the same sound but different meanings. The Pun is a term with a dual meaning: “close” using obvious reference,... more
An abbreviation of this work in Spanish is available at: https://www.academia.edu/25384585/LOS_VALORES_QUR%C3%81N_REH%C3%89N_DEL_LIBRE_ALBEDR%C3%8DO هذه الدراسة هنا لتُسلِّط الضوء ليس فقط على التراجم الأسبانية حصراََ، وإنما لتنقل صورة... more
The current thesis is an investigation of the problems of translating the embedded meanings of some of the axiomatic structures in the Glorious Qur'ân from a pragmatic and semantic perspectives. The axiomatic expressions are... more
В Издательском доме Марджани, из печати вышел перевод Корана, выполненный Бетси Яковлевной Шидфар (1928-1993) – выдающимся востоковедом, ученицей академика И.Ю. Крачковского. Бетси Яковлевна хорошо известна как блестящий знаток и... more
The aim of this article is to shed light on the main features of Muhammad Hamidullah’s writings in French from 1935 to 1994, as well as some new aspects of his scientific life in Paris where he lived from 1948 to 1996, with particular... more
jnw 12 ijhwd kI hY Y ? 15 krn dw kM m 18 1 sU rq Al-&wiqhw 21 2 sU rq Al-bkrh 21 3 sU rq Awly -iemrwn 64 4 sU rq-An-insw 89 5 sU rq Al-mwiedw 114 6 sU rq Al-AnAwm 134 7 sU rq Al-Awrw& 157 8 sU rq Al-An&wl 182 9. sU rq Aq qO bw 191 10 sU... more
Allaah granted his Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, qualities of perfection and noble characteristics which distinguished him from all other human beings. Consequently, he, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, combined all the possible... more
Translation of the Qur’an is still a problematic issue for each translator in the Islamic theology, because the Quran has numerous Islamic terms/words that hold multiple or double meanings, which cause problems in translation. These... more
In this interview, the interviewer asks Dr. Waleed Bleyehsh al-Amri a number of precise, to the point questions about various issues related to Qur'an translation.
Kuran imlası / تهجئة و ترقيم القرآن / Spelling (Punctuation) of the Quran. Lütfen -okuduğunuzda- resmi mushaf ve diğer tercümelerle karşılaştırınız. Please -when you read- compare with the offical mushaf and other translations.... more
Al-Ikhlas is one of the Surahs that give us recognition of our Lord. This Surah is also known As-Samad (the one who is eternally besought). Sahaba also kept some other names for this Surah.
The translations of the holy books are important for correctly identified the vocabulary of historical language. Because of the sensitivity of believers in religious issues, the vocabulary in these translations, it has provided the most... more
Doç. Dr. MEHMET HAKKI SUÇİN Ankara Üniversitesi, Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi, Arap Dili ve Edebiyatı'ndan mezun oldu. Yüksek lisans tezinde Mısırlı yazar Yahya Hakkı'nın öykücülüğünü ele aldı. Doktora tezinde Arapça-Türkçe çeviride... more
Noble Qur’ān is the Word of Allah and it cannot be easily translated with complete accuracy because of its aesthetic, linguistic and eloquent features. The linguistic uniqueness of the Glorious Qur’ān, of course, reinforces the chance of... more
This Master's Degree thesis, whose full title is “Figurative Imagery in Chapter Two (The Cow) of the Noble Quran (in Arabic): between the English Translation of the Chapter’s Meanings and the Semantics of the Rhetorical and... more
Early modern Europeans developed several ways of thinking about the Qur’an and the person whom they took to be its author, the Prophet Muḥammad. This article looks at two distinct traditions of reading the Qur’an as law and as literature... more
This paper deals with how the pronouns of ash-shān and al-qiṣṣa (a singular third person pronoun that comes before a sentence), which have a very important function in Arabic language and rhetoric, is used in the Qur’ān and how their... more
"Kim ki, benliğinde hem bir filolog hem de bir şairi birleştirir, o da en fazla zavallı ben gibi tercüme yapabilir." (Friedrich Rückert) 19. yüzyılın ilk yarısında doğuya karşı duyulan ilgi – daha doğrusu: Alman yazarların “doğu”... more
(3. letnik, Teološke in religijske študije) AL' PRAV SE PIŠE ALAH ALI ALLAH?
Kur'an imlası / تهجئة و ترقيم القرآن / Spelling (Punctuation) of the Qur'an. Lütfen -okuduğunuzda- resmi mushaf ve diğer tercümelerle karşılaştırınız. Please -when you read- compare with the offical mushaf and other translations.... more
al-Ma’idah (as found in al-Bukhari: 347, Muslim: 368, Imam Ahmad: 25547, al-Nasa’i: 11073, al-Hakim: 3210) is titled after the heavenly feast which the disciples of Jesus asked him for as comforting proof of the Truthfulness of his... more
Whose Middle Ages: Teachable Moments for an Ill-Used Past, edited by Andrew Albin, Mary C. Erler, Thomas O'Donnell, Nicholas L. Paul, Nina Rowe (New York: Fordham University Press, 2019), 94–103.
The environmental conservation discourse has become a central issue in the threat of global environmental crisis due to the consideration that it is the biggest problem of this century that effect the inhabitants of today’s world and... more
Kur'an-ı Kerim çevirileri diğer kutsal metinlerin çevirisnde olduğu gibi büyük tartışma uyandırmıştır. Gerek Doğu gerekse Batı'da Kur-an Çevirilerinin farklı görünümleri, gerekçeleri ve işlevleri olmuştur. Bu slayt Kur'an Çevirilerin hem... more
The Holy Quran - Japanese translation - Islam International Publications
Kur'an imlası / تهجئة و ترقيم القرآن / Spelling (Punctuation) of the Qur'an. Lütfen -okuduğunuzda- resmi mushaf ve diğer tercümelerle karşılaştırınız. Please -when you read- compare with the offical mushaf and other translations.... more
An Epistle with a Commentary on Q 17:1 (Āyat al-Isrāʾ) Doctor Umar Hamdan, Tübingen University Doctor Saleem Abu Jaber, Achva Academic College This study has two parts. The first, introductory, part consists of a biography of Abū l-Ḥasan... more
Kur'an imlası / تهجئة و ترقيم القرآن / Spelling (Punctuation) of the Qur'an. Lütfen -okuduğunuzda- resmi mushaf ve diğer tercümelerle karşılaştırınız. Please -when you read- compare with the offical mushaf and other translations.... more
Kur'an imlası / تهجئة و ترقيم القرآن / Spelling (Punctuation) of the Qur'an. Lütfen -okuduğunuzda- resmi mushaf ve diğer tercümelerle karşılaştırınız. Please -when you read- compare with the offical mushaf and other translations.... more
Wie wird die Heilige Schrift des Islam außerhalb ihrer arabischsprachigen Ursprungsregion verstanden? Kann der Koran überhaupt übersetzt werden und seit wann gibt es Übersetzungen in wichtige Sprachen der islamischen Welt wie Türkisch... more
Öz Kıraatlerin bir uzmanlık alanı olarak ele alınması hicri ilk asrın sonlarına denk gelmek-tedir. Bu tarihten itibaren Osman Mushaflarına bağlı olarak kıraatleri inceleyip tasnif eden önemli birçok çalışma yapılmıştır. Bu konudaki... more
بحث مقدم في ندوة "عناية المملكة العربية السعودية بالسنة والسيرة النبوية، المنعقد بمجمع الملك فهد لطباعة المصحف الشريف تحت وزارة الشؤون الإسلامية بالمملكة العربية السعودية.
The 'Turk' was greeted in various ways, but generally with hostility by Early Modern Europeans. The advancing army of Suleiman the Magnificent attacked Vienna in 1529, prompting apocalyptic fear from Christians throughout Europe. Martin... more
Published between 1934 and 1937 in installments, Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s Holy Quran translation and commentary is perhaps one of the most informed and authentic twentieth century English translations of the Quran with an inclusive language.... more
En las páginas que siguen ofrecemos, en primer lugar, un índice cronológico de traductores y traducciones del Alcorán en el ámbito hispano, recogiendo tanto aquellas traducciones completas o parciales realizadas a la lengua castellana en... more
Title: al-An’am equates to livestock. The word an’am derives from ni’mah which means. Livestock are mentioned in detail in this sura by way of providing a concrete Sign of God’s sole rightfulness to the worship of the Arabs of the time... more