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This article examines the position of Joseph Ratzinger with regard to the classical question in the field of the theology of religions, the salvation of non-Christians. In criticism of a recent book by Ambrose Mong, it is argued that... more
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      SoteriologyPurgatoryTheology of ReligionsBenedict Xvi
Una característica peculiar de la filosofía es que tiene la capacidad y la necesidad de plantearse la pregunta acerca de su propia naturaleza. Con el estudio titulado Naturaleza y misión de la filosofía en el pensamiento de Joseph... more
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      PhilosophyFilosofíaTheology of Joseph RatzingerFaith and Reason
Working with any subject is not something done in isolation, and here I would like to first thank God, who must always be our first priority. I would also like to thank my supervisor, Svein Rise, for words of encouragement and for... more
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      EucharistEucharistic TheologyWolfhart PannenbergTheology of Joseph Ratzinger
A synoptic overview of some of the interrelations between anthropology, theology, and worship in the thought of Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI).
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      LiturgyEcclesiologyWorshipTheology of Joseph Ratzinger
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      TheologyTheology of Joseph RatzingerRatzinger's Theology and Philosophy
Jeudi 5 mai 2022 (Salle Tauler) 09h15 | Accueil 09h30 | PHILIPPE CAPPELLE-DUMONT (Université de Strasbourg) Ouverture du Colloque 09h45 | ' 4377, (Université de Strasbourg) Salutations du Vice-é ' B K X , (Regensburg)
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      French StudiesEtienne GilsonTeilhard de ChardinHenri de Lubac
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      ConscienceTheology of Joseph RatzingerBenedicto XVIPope Benedict XVI/Josef Ratzinger
El aporte específico que quisiera reseñar será uno pasado por el cedazo de la cristología fundamental en virtud de la especifidad de la teología fundamental entendida como inteligencia de la fe que busca “dar razón de la esperanza” (1 Pe... more
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      Theology of Joseph RatzingerFundamental theologyJoseph RatzingerAntropología
En este artículo ofrezco un estudio de la lección inaugural con la que Joseph Ratzinger inició su cátedra en la Universidad de Bonn, "El Dios de la fe y el Dios de los filósofos", con la intención de sacar a la luz la comprensión de la... more
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      ChristianityPhilosophyFilosofíaTheology of Joseph Ratzinger
Il presente articolo intende fornire una rilettura critica del celebre incontro del 2004 tra Jürgen Habermas ed il cardinal Ratzinger. Si sofferma pertanto sull’evoluzione che il pensiero di entrambi ha subito nel corso del decennio, con... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionJurgen HabermasPhilosophy Of LawRatzinger's Theology and Philosophy
J. Ratzinger-Benedict XVI relates theological cognition to following Jesus and going in His footsteps. He emphasizes the inseparable, mutual, servant-like relationship between academic theology and Christian praxis, Christological... more
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      TheologyTrinityCatholic TheologyChristology
The study aims to show the profound meaning of the pauline expression of Gal. 2,20 (ζῶ δὲ οὐκέτι ἐγώ, ζῇ δὲ ἐν ἐμοὶ Χριστός) as a contribution to a deeper understanding of the relationship between personal identity and sociality... more
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      TeologiaTheology of Joseph RatzingerAntropología filosóficaJoseph Ratzinger
Joseph Ratzinger, Benedicto XVI, argumentó que es necesario ampliar la razón moderna para que no se cierre en sus presupuestos: materialistas, positivistas, pragmatistas... La teología mantiene abiertas las grandes preguntas sobre las... more
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      TheologySystematic TheologyPhilosophical TheologyModernity
This essay examines the evolution of the various meetings of religious leaders in Assisi convened by Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI and what this evolution signifies about interreligious dialogue and interreligious prayer. From their... more
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      Ecumenical TheologyJulia KristevaMuslim-Christian RelationInterreligious Dialogue
The article examines the question of the Mariological interpretation of the eight beatitudes contained in Matt 5:3-10. Christian theologians of all ages, from Clement of Alexandria to the authors of contemporary biblical commentaries,... more
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      New TestamentPilgrimageMatthew's GospelHans Urs von Balthasar
For Joseph Ratzinger, Romano Guardini was a valued lecturer and an author of inspiring books. Ratzinger finds attractive Guardini's ardent quest for truth, the courage to ask big and important questions, boldness to confront the Christian... more
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      TheologyTruthCatholic TheologyFaith
One of the important reasons why the issue of freedom of conscience is one of the most controversial problems of modern times is the ongoing dispute over its definition. In the context of the contemporary emphasis on the moral autonomy of... more
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      TheologyConscientious Objection/Draft ResistanceMoral TheologyConscience
One will encounter views that there was no Supper of the Lord with His disciples, with the character of a religious and soteriological mystery, and that it only had the character of a simple supper or at most a mere Old Testament ritual.... more
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      TheologyCatholic TheologyEucharistDogmatic theology
Culturali della Chiesa -Dipartimento Beni Culturali è stato ideato da Yvonne zu Dohna Ph.D., docente di Metodo e Teoria nell'arte cristiana. Esso nasce per accogliere le sollecitazioni del Santo Padre Benedetto XVI indirizzate a... more
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      PhilosophyArt HistoryArtTheology
Recourse to natural law reasoning has long been a part of how Catholics and Christians engage in debates about issues of public and private morality with people and communities of people who do not share the Catholic/Christian faith. But... more
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      Natural LawNatural Law TheoryTheology of Joseph RatzingerJoseph Ratzinger
Krytyka hierarchicznej struktury katolicyzmu dobiega dzisiaj z bar dzo wielu stron, zarówno z zewnątrz, co nie dziwi prawie wcale, albo zupełnie wcale, jak i też niestety od ludzi, którzy z Kościo łem się utożsamiają, wyznają jego wiarę.... more
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      TheologyEdmund BurkeEcclesiologyDemocracy
The article presents Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI's view on mathematics as a way towards the creative Logos, and at the same time shows the understanding of scientificity presented by the present Pope Emeritus. For Joseph Ratzinger/... more
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      MathematicsCatholic TheologyNatural ScienceTheology and Science
This article presents the method of Bible interpretation which was chosen by Benedict XVI in his book Jesus of Nazareth pt. l. Using this method, Joseph Ratzinger was looking for an answer to the question about the true identity of Jesus... more
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      History of Biblical InterpretationFaithBiblical InterpretationJesus of Nazareth