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Pope St. John Paul II takes his predecessors' exhortations to use the historical-critical method seriously and deals specifically and frankly with the
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      ChristianityCatholic StudiesCatholic TheologyTheology and History of Vatican II
De viering van de vijftigste verjaardag van het Tweede Vaticaans Concilie riep in het Nederlandse taalgebied de vraag op naar de actualiteit van de beschikbare vertalingen. De eerste vertalingen verschenen immers spoedig na de afkondiging... more
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      Second Vatican CouncilTheology and History of Vatican IIConcilio Vaticano IIVaticano II
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      Church HistorySecond Vatican CouncilChurch and StateTheology and History of Vatican II
Articles on Redemptorists in the United States and Canada, including an essay on two confreres who were periti at Vatican II.
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      History of Roman CatholicismRoman CatholicismTheology and History of Vatican IIReligious Life
Estas páginas suponen por tanto una visita guiada, una invitación a la lectura, una puerta de entrada a los mismos textos conciliares, que pueden ser plenamente comprendidos por el lector o la lectora contemporáneos. Comienzan por el... more
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      HistoryTheologyLiturgyCatholic Theology
Proponemos una identificación entre la categoría de semina Verbi y la categoría de praeambula fidei, dentro de la categoría de praepatatio Evangelii. Siguiendo los estudios de autores como Antonio Orbe y otros, podemos hablar de semina... more
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      HistoryTheologyPatristicsChristian Apologetics
A 50 anni dalla promulgazione della costituzione dogmatica Lumen Gentium, il documento più importante del Concilio Vaticano II dal punto di vista dottrinale, è forse possibile cominciare a recepirne senza timori la novità e le... more
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      EcclesiologyMissional EcclesiologyTheology and History of Vatican IILumen Gentium
Es ist wohl kaum übertrieben zu sagen, dass ganz Europa seit Montagabend unter Schock steht. Die schrecklichen Bilder der brennenden Kathedrale im Herzen der französischen Hauptstadt, welche viele Jahrhunderte das eigentliche Herz der... more
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      ChristianitySelf and IdentityHistory of ChristianitySpirituality
Since the 2002 exposure of the extent of the sex abuse cover-up by elements within the Catholic Church, Catholics must come to a renewed appreciation of Augustine’s refutation of the Donatists and defence of the principle that Christ’s... more
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      TheologyReformation StudiesHans Urs von BalthasarMartin Luther
An uncut version of the interview that appeared in Oct 7, 2016 issue of Commonweal.
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      Catholic TheologySecond Vatican CouncilCatholic Moral TheologyTheology and History of Vatican II
Introduction to August Adam's classic work of the same title.
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      HistoryGerman StudiesEthicsMoral Psychology
After fifty years of Vatican II, it is time to review the events and question the effectiveness of reforms and council resolutions. Nowadays, there are many opinions and trends regarding the interpretation of the Council. The opening... more
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      EcclesiologySecond Vatican CouncilTheology and History of Vatican IIVatican
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      Theological HermeneuticsSecond Vatican CouncilTheology of Revelation and CredebilityTheological Epistemology
Deklaracja o wolności religijnej to wśród tekstów Soboru Watykańskiego II dokument pod wieloma względami szczególny: jeden z najkrótszych -lecz mający największą liczbę kolejnych wersji poprzedzających ostateczną; dokument o niezbyt... more
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      TheologyCatholic Social TeachingTheology and CultureHistory of Church Councils
Jules Isaac est entré dans l’histoire comme celui qui a joué un rôle crucial pour la mise à l’ordre du jour d’un texte sur les juifs au Concile Vatican II. Nombre de ses propositions inscrites dans Jésus et Israël ont trouvé leur réponse... more
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      Theology and History of Vatican IIJews in France during the Second World WarChristian anti-JudaismMethodology of theology
10,00 € 6,00 € Samuele Pinna Presentazione di Piero Viotto SINTESI Il volume è un’introduzione al Vaticano II, nata da una rielaborazione di quanto papa Benedetto XVI ha scritto o insegnato, in diverse occasioni, sul... more
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      HistoryTheologyLiturgical StudiesLiturgy
Presentazione - Antologia di testi di Pierre Benoit o.p. per illustrare il ruolo del esegeta francese nella elaborazione dei documenti del Concilio Vaticano II
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      Early ChurchSecond Vatican CouncilBiblical ExegesisQumran
This article traces the links between Marc Sangnier and the movement he founded, Le Sillon, and Joseph Cardijn and the JOC/YCW.
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      DemocracyPope Pius XIITheology and History of Vatican IIPope Pius X
For centuries, Christian theology has understood the Eucharist in terms of metaphysics or in protest against it. Today an opening has been made to imagine the sacrament through the method of phenomenology, bringing about new theological... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionSociology of ReligionPhilosophy
Fruits of American Intercultural studies in abroad. Intercultural communication has evolved due to the activity of The Foreign Service Institute (FSI) in the United States, in a result of efforts to make more effective the FSI’s activity... more
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      ReligionHistoryInternational RelationsIntercultural Communication
Yves Congar and the priesthood of the faithful: Educating, serving and representing Twenty-five years this week since the death of the Dominican theologian, Yves Congar on 24 June 1995! Although I was studying canon law in Paris at that... more
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      LaityTheology of the LaityTheology and History of Vatican IIJoseph Cardinal Cardijn
« Allons-nous refaire la paix ? Aujourd'hui même ? Ici ? Le Pape sera-t-il de nouveau l'ami des artistes ? » 3. Cette salve d'interrogations au milieu du discours de Paul VI adressé aux artistes en un lieu exceptionnel - la Sixtine - et... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryFrench StudiesContemporary Art
We welcome applications in any field of European History by MA graduates. The PhD Program in History of Europe of the University of Teramo is looking for 5 young scholars. The selected PhD students will be awarded with full time research... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary HistoryIntellectual History
Il nome di J. Ratzinger, come teologo prima, come prefetto della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede poi e, infine, da papa, è strettamente legato al Concilio Vaticano II. L'articolo propone una panoramica storica degli interventi di... more
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      Second Vatican CouncilTheology of Joseph RatzingerTheology and History of Vatican IIConcilio Vaticano II
Genezę uchwalonej na Soborze Watykańskim II Konstytucji o świętej liturgii należy opisywać w dwóch wymiarach. Pierwszym jest to, co można by nazwać "fizyką‖ tej genezy: ułożony w linii czasu zespół wydarzeń bezpośrednio kształtujących... more
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      Liturgical StudiesLiturgyHistory of Church CouncilsChurch History
A scriptural index of all 16 documents
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      Second Vatican CouncilVatican IICouncil Vatican IITheology and History of Vatican II
L’étude retrace les difficultés d’accès au concile Vatican II (1959-1965) pour les interlocuteurs juifs, qui contactent le Vatican au sujet du schéma De Judaeis. Ces difficultés s'expliquent par la forte asymétrie des relations, les... more
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      ReligionHistoryDiplomatic HistoryInternational Relations
La conmemoración de los 50 años de la IIa. Conferencia General del Episcopado Latinoamericano, celebrada en la ciudad de Medellín entre agosto y setiembre de 1968, constituye hoy una oportunidad para hacer memoria agradecida y desafiante... more
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      Church HistoryTheology and History of Vatican IIhistoria de la IglesiaConcilio Vaticano II
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    • Theology and History of Vatican II
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      TheologySecond Vatican CouncilInterreligious DialogueTheology and History of Vatican II
Hace una presentación de la influencia geopolítica de la Santa Sede en asuntos diplomáticos y de interés político para todas las naciones.
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsGeopoliticsGeopolitical EconomyChurch History
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      Ecumenical TheologyEcclesiologyEcumenismTheology and History of Vatican II
This thesis studies the contribution of Joseph Cardijn and other bishops and theologians from the YCW (JOC) movement in helping develop the Vatican II vision of lay apostolate, and in the Council’s adoption of the jocist see-judge-act... more
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      Political ScienceSecond Vatican CouncilTheology and History of Vatican IICatholic Action
Congar famously stated that Vatican II 'has begun to give back to us the pneumato-logical dimension of the Church .... Has begun, we said, for the Council stopped half-way'. This article explores how Lumen gentium (LG) conceives the Holy... more
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      PneumatologyTheology and History of Vatican IILumen Gentium
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      EcclesiologySecond Vatican CouncilTheology and History of Vatican IIVaticano II
RESUMO: Entre agosto de 2009 e junho de 2010 desenvolvemos uma pesquisa que visou analisar o pensamento político-teológico do católico leigo mineiro e historiador João Camillo de Oliveira Torres . Para tanto, a investigação pautou-se na... more
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      Theology and History of Vatican IIBrazilian Catholicism
The question which leads me in this paper is whether the social doctrine of the Catholic Church, often called this Church’s “best-kept secret”, is being developed in a way which is sufficiently aware that “the doctrine of justification is... more
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      Catholic Social TeachingEcumenical TheologySecond Vatican CouncilEcumenism
This paper investigates the Catholic Church's view of Scriptural Inerrancy with a particular emphasis on Vatican II's Dei Verbum 11.
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      Catholic TheologyRoman CatholicismScriptureTheology and History of Vatican II
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisReligionChristianity
negli scritti di Padre Pio l. IrIarte, Esercizi spirituali con Francesco e Chiara La teologia spirituale oggi. Identità e missione, a cura di p. MartInellI IstItuto francescano dI spIrItualItà, Maschile e femminile, vita consacrata,... more
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      Franciscan StudiesFranciscan SpiritualitySecond Vatican CouncilSpiritual Franciscans
From ""Whoever needs an act of faith to elucidate an event that can be explained by reason is a fool, and unworthy of reasonable thought." This line, spoken by the notorious 18th-century libertine Giacomo Casanova,... more
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      ReligionChristianityNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
This study proposes a close historical reading of Dei Verbum 11-13, in order to overcome a false division between scientific exegesis and theology. Two readings of DV 12 are possible: (i) scientific exegesis is complete in its genre, but... more
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      Catholic TheologyBiblical TheologyTheological exegesisSecond Vatican Council
Between Pacem in terris, Liturgical Renewal, and Speculation About a Dying Church: Catholic Theology in the Context of the Normalisation of the Humanities This study examines the effects of so-called normalisation during the 1970s and... more
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      Czech HistoryHistorical TheologyCommunismCzech & Slovak Studies
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      HistoryTheologyEcclesiologySecond Vatican Council
A compilation of the interventions of the Fathers of Vatican II regarding the proposed reform of the lectionary, focusing on paragraphs 51, 24, and 35 of Sacrosanctum Concilium, the constitution on the liturgy.
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      LiturgySecond Vatican CouncilTheology and History of Vatican IICatholic Liturgy
This dissertation focuses on the theme of ecumenism as it is embodied in the career of the American Protestant church leader, Douglas Horton. The chapters delineate stages in the development of Horton's ecumenical commitments. First, as a... more
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      American HistoryInterfaith DiscourseProtestantismEcumenical Theology
This essay looks at the decrees Haec Sancta and Frequens of the Council of Constance (1414-1418) and Lumen Gentium of Vatican II (1962-1965). Both councils taught that full and supreme power was not exercised by the Pope alone, thus... more
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      TheologyPapacy (Medieval Church History)EcclesiologyChurch History
This book applies a novel method of critical reading of Lumen Gentium and Mystici Corporis in combination with redaction-historical analysis to channel the Second Vatican Council’s modest attempts at pneumatological renewal into a more... more
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      TrinityPneumatologyEcclesiologySecond Vatican Council