Realism (Literature)
Recent papers in Realism (Literature)
The Mapping Balzac project is an online companion to Balzac’s great roman fleuve La Comédie Humaine. Mapping Balzac is a complete repertory of the characters in Balzac’s foundational series of realist novels, the places mentioned and... more
Reading Erich Auerbach’s highly influential Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature, it quite quickly becomes evident that Auerbach is not seeking to supply us with a universal recipe for realism in literature, if... more
The work entitled Literary capitalism. The images of economic abstracts in the Polish literature of the second half of the 19th century offers an analysis of capitalism based on literary historical sources. The three initial chapters... more
This article surveys new forms of drama, performance, and spectatorship created by artists making use of the real-time microblogging website Twitter—as either a forum for performance in itself, or way to extend the boundaries of a more... more
Middlemarch, in contrast to Adam Bede, represents the accomplishment of two apparently irreconcilable tasks. George Eliot succeeded in creating both a realistic novel about contemporary conditions and a Victorian romance. In her monograph... more
Apstrakt: Tolstojev roman Ana Karenjina se ne tumači na tradicionalan način kao mimetička slika ruskog višeg društva treće polovine 19. veka, vek kao oličenje procesa sagledavanja stvarnosti kroz pripovedački postupak. Ovo dekonstruktivno... more
Este artículo investiga los modos mediante los cuales la experiencia, definida al modo de Walter Benjamin, es transmitida en la narración autobiográfica Memorias de un emigrante. (Imágenes y confidencias) (1957), del escritor... more
9h Accueil des participant.e.s 9h15 Introduction (Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod) 9h30-10h15 : Anne Sauvagnargues : "Vers un matérialisme gazeux. Marx, l'individu, l'histoire" 10h15-11h : Antoine Janvier : "Marx, Deleuze et la répétition... more
Στα διηγήματα "Σα θα γίνουμε άνθρωποι" του Πέτρου Πικρού (α΄ έκδοση: 1924) εντυπωσιάζει η έντονη παρουσία των απόκληρων ή ψυχικά διαταραγμένων τύπων, ακόμα και η τολμηρή ανάδειξη όψεων μιας αποκλίνουσας σεξουαλικότητας. Κεντρική θέση στο... more
The translation of Anthony Neilson's two-act in-yer-face play The Wonderful World of Dissocia into Turkish brings forth various struggles for the translator. Translation of plays has a hesitant nature; the missions of translating a... more
This article examines the mechanics of the characters as well as the text and their application in response to a traumatic childhood experience: the destruction of the symbiotic unity of the Ego and the world. The walk the child and... more
Tüm sanat dalları gibi edebiyat da çağın gerçeklikle kurduğu ilişki doğrultusunda yenilenir, gelişir. Özellikle yirminci yüzyılda hızlı bir değişime giren dünya ve günlük hayat yabancılaşma, tekinsizlik gibi yeni bireysel gerçeklikleri... more
Ο Πέτρος Πικρός στο μυθιστόρημα "Τουμπεκί", τελευταίο μέρος της τριλογίας "Χαμένα κορμιά", διερευνά και πάλι το κρυφό πρόσωπο της πόλης, οδηγώντας τον αναγνώστη στους σκοτεινούς δρόμους του κοινωνικού περιθωρίου. Ο τίτλος του έργου του... more
Πρόγραμμα «ΣΠΟΥΔΕΣ ΣΤΟΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟ» ΕΛΛ213: ΝΕΟΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΛΟΓΟΤΕΧΝΙΑ I (16ος-19ος αι.) Ακαδημαϊκή Σύμβουλος: Δρ. Δήμητρα Δημητρίου ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΤΙΚΟ ΥΛΙΚΟ. «Πεζογραφία του 1880: Αλέξανδρος Παπαδιαμάντης και Γεώργιος Βιζυηνός» © 2020... more
This paper examines the poetics of Realism through the genre of the sketch of manners as this genre is described in theory in the manifestos of Realism and used in practice by two major writers of the 19th century, Flaubert and... more
The paper is an attempt at drawing the relationships between realism and mise en abyme. Starting with Artur Sandauer’s concept, who understood the development of mise en abyme poetics as a result of the demise of realist... more
The realist novel seeks to depict the world as it really is. It deliberately wants to stand in “contrast to the normative childlikeness of the epic’’ (Lukács, 1971). How do realists then justify their own work? Are realist novelists and... more
El presente trabajo intentará dar un primer acercamiento a la noción del límite en el novelato “La ilusión monarca” de Marcelo Cohen, incluido en El fin de lo mismo. El análisis partirá del presupuesto de que el límite es transversal al... more
Procurando um início de resposta perante as dificuldades de classificação do “reality-show”, o presente trabalho argumenta que, não obstante, a sua multiplicidade constitutiva, a sua diversidade de formatos e a sua natureza fluida e... more
Seit der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts analysiert, kategorisiert und bewertet die Institution Literaturwissenschaft zeitgenössische Werke: eine neue Situation für die Schriftsteller und Schriftstellerinnen. Es kommt zu Allianzen,... more
The sketch of the life and works of Bohemian born German philosopher Fritz Mauthner, novellist and drama critic Fritz Mauthner (1849-1923) is followed by an analysis of his novel Der letzte Deutsche von Blatna (The Last German of Blatna,... more
Der Umgang mit der Sprache ist von zentraler Bedeutung in Theodor Fontanes Berliner Alltagsgeschichte Irrungen, Wirrungen. Das zeigt sich schon daran, dass die Personen des Romans in höherem Maße durch ihre Sprache als durch ihr äußeres... more
This paper discusses The Virgin in the Garden's negotiations of time and temporality as realised through and within the novel's intricate temporal narrative framework. It argues that The Virgin in the Garden represents both an... more
This work aimed to analyze the relationship between art and politics, based on the aesthetic conception of the triumph of realism, originally indicated by Friedrich Engels. For this, the theoretical categories came from a letter in which... more
Cierto “retorno de lo real” a la ficción argentina del presente parece marcar el pulso en las discusiones de la crítica literaria de los últimos años. Un arte “informe” –en sintonía con las transformaciones de una ciudad que prolifera en... more
Literary historians have long debated the extent to which the Modernist novel broke with conventions established in the nineteenth century. One of the most hotly debated matters is the existence of an “inward turn,” a rupture with the... more
"Zaczęłam była trzeci tom Nad Niemnem -zwierzała się Orzeszkowa Leopoldowi Meyetowi w liście z 10 maja 1887 r. -ale jak na złość w tej chwili całkiem niepotrzebnie wlazła mi w głowę nowela i z taką natarczywością napastowała, że napisać... more
The historical novel is one of the most popular and critically significant genres of postcolonial writing, but, to date, almost no systematic scholarship is dedicated to it. This essay proposes theoretical and critical parameters for... more
У раду се проблематизује мотив „успешне” удаје у комедијама Бранислава Нушића: „Народни посланик”, „Сумњиво лице” и „Госпођа министарка”. Кроз три наведене Нушићеве комедије се протеже родитељска нереална амбиција да своје кћери удају за... more
Dans la littérature européenne, il y a toute une lignée de la «folie» ambigüe, parfois lucide, censée de révéler la vérité, de faire justice, de corriger le réel. C'est la «folie» de Hamlet, du pirandellien Enrico IV, d'Alonso Quijano... more
The article studies the Finnish realistic novel at the end of the last millennium and its way to build a critical construction of social reality after the neoliberal turn. It describes different types of commitment and takes two novels as... more
Jacques Rancière reads Madam Bovary - but also Proust's In Search of Lost Time and Virginia W oolf's Waves as an evidence of changing relationship between life and literature. The rejection of the hierarchy of themes characteristic of... more
Review of a book dealing with local colour literature of the European 19th century (e.g. by Maria Edgeworth, Walter Scott, Berthold Auerbach, Jeremias Gotthelf, Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, George Sand et al.).