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      FuturismScience, Technology and LiteratureLiterature And ScienceStructuralism/Post-Structuralism
Reading Erich Auerbach’s highly influential Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature, it quite quickly becomes evident that Auerbach is not seeking to supply us with a universal recipe for realism in literature, if... more
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      English LiteratureDante StudiesMimesisShakespeare
This article surveys new forms of drama, performance, and spectatorship created by artists making use of the real-time microblogging website Twitter—as either a forum for performance in itself, or way to extend the boundaries of a more... more
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      Digital HumanitiesDramaturgySocial MediaContemporary Drama
Tüm sanat dalları gibi edebiyat da çağın gerçeklikle kurduğu ilişki doğrultusunda yenilenir, gelişir. Özellikle yirminci yüzyılda hızlı bir değişime giren dünya ve günlük hayat yabancılaşma, tekinsizlik gibi yeni bireysel gerçeklikleri... more
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      ReadingPostmodernismPostmodernism (Literature)Postmodern Literature
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      Literary TheoryTheory of the NovelFredric JamesonGeorg Lukacs
Middlemarch, in contrast to Adam Bede, represents the accomplishment of two apparently irreconcilable tasks. George Eliot succeeded in creating both a realistic novel about contemporary conditions and a Victorian romance. In her monograph... more
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      The NovelVictorian LiteratureMagical RealismGeorge Eliot
The historical novel is one of the most popular and critically significant genres of postcolonial writing, but, to date, almost no systematic scholarship is dedicated to it. This essay proposes theoretical and critical parameters for... more
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      Postcolonial TheoryContemporary LiteraturePostcolonial LiteratureAllegory
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      English LiteratureClimate ChangeRealism (Literature)Charles Dickens
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      Creative NonfictionFilm StudiesReality televisionNarrative Theory
Este artículo investiga los modos mediante los cuales la experiencia, definida al modo de Walter Benjamin, es transmitida en la narración autobiográfica Memorias de un emigrante. (Imágenes y confidencias) (1957), del escritor... more
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      Migration StudiesRealism (Literature)Chilean Literature
Literary historians have long debated the extent to which the Modernist novel broke with conventions established in the nineteenth century. One of the most hotly debated matters is the existence of an “inward turn,” a rupture with the... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)HumanitiesDigital HumanitiesFrench Studies
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      AestheticsIconographyArt HistoryMimesis
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      BakhtinMemory StudiesCultural MemoryRealism (Literature)
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      Television StudiesRealism (Literature)The Wire
Cierto “retorno de lo real” a la ficción argentina del presente parece marcar el pulso en las discusiones de la crítica literaria de los últimos años. Un arte “informe” –en sintonía con las transformaciones de una ciudad que prolifera en... more
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      Literature and cinemaGeorges BatailleRealism (Literature)Literatura argentina
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      Victorian LiteratureRealism (Literature)George Gissing
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryRoland BarthesCinema
Procurando um início de resposta perante as dificuldades de classificação do “reality-show”, o presente trabalho argumenta que, não obstante, a sua multiplicidade constitutiva, a sua diversidade de formatos e a sua natureza fluida e... more
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      Media StudiesTelevision StudiesPopular CultureDocumentary (Film Studies)
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      Modernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Realism vs Anti-RealismRealism (Literature)
This paper examines the poetics of Realism through the genre of the sketch of manners as this genre is described in theory in the manifestos of Realism and used in practice by two major writers of the 19th century, Flaubert and... more
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      FlaubertWorld LiteratureDostoevskyRealism (Literature)
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      Italian StudiesLiterary TheorySigmund FreudRealism (Literature)
Dans la littérature européenne, il y a toute une lignée de la «folie» ambigüe, parfois lucide, censée de révéler la vérité, de faire justice, de corriger le réel. C'est la «folie» de Hamlet, du pirandellien Enrico IV, d'Alonso Quijano... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTheatre StudiesMedieval LiteratureTheatre History
This work aimed to analyze the relationship between art and politics, based on the aesthetic conception of the triumph of realism, originally indicated by Friedrich Engels. For this, the theoretical categories came from a letter in which... more
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      English LiteratureMarxismLiteratureCritical Realism
This paper will address two moments in cinematic history: a shot that occurs in Robert Wiene's avant-garde production of THE CABINET OF DR CALIGARI (1920) and the attempt by the main protagonist in Antonioni's BLOW-UP (1966) to discern a... more
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      Literature and cinemaModern ArtRealism (Literature)Indeterminacy
El presente trabajo intentará dar un primer acercamiento a la noción del límite en el novelato “La ilusión monarca” de Marcelo Cohen, incluido en El fin de lo mismo. El análisis partirá del presupuesto de que el límite es transversal al... more
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      Realism (Literature)Literatura argentinaMarcelo CohenLímite
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      PoeticsModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Realism (Literature)Witold Gombrowicz
This article reads Kafka’s 1912 short story “Das Urteil” against—and potentially, as a response to—Gustav Freytag’s bestselling saga of German mercantilism and middle-class advancement, the 1855 novel Soll und Haben. Placing these two... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureJames JoyceLiterary Criticism
Der Umgang mit der Sprache ist von zentraler Bedeutung in Theodor Fontanes Berliner Alltagsgeschichte Irrungen, Wirrungen. Das zeigt sich schon daran, dass die Personen des Romans in höherem Maße durch ihre Sprache als durch ihr äußeres... more
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      Theodor FontaneRealism (Literature)
Short comparative essay dealing with the representation of the character of the priest in love in both the English Gothic novel "The Monk" by M. G. Lewis and the Spanish Realist novel "La Regenta" by Leopoldo Alas, "Clarín."
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      Comparative LiteratureSpanish LiteratureLiteratureEnglish
Im ersten Teil eines Gesprächs, das der Schattenblick mit Ingar Solty, einem der beiden Organisatoren der Tagung "Richtige Literatur im Falschen?", die vom 19. bis 21. Mai im Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus in Berlin stattfand, führen... more
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      German StudiesComparative LiteratureAestheticsLiterature
The article reconstructs Jacques Rancière’s reading of Madame Bovary. Gustav Flaubert is presented by the French philosopher as a writer with a profound understanding of the contradictions of literature caught up with ‘the aesthetic... more
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      French LiteratureContemporary French PhilosophyJacques Rancière19th Century French Literature
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      Realism (Literature)Croatian literature in 19th centuryAugust Šenoa
O objetivo desta apresentação é discutir brevemente as principais personagens masculinas de A Normalista e de Bom-Crioulo, romances do escritor naturalista cearense Adolfo Caminha. Meu objetivo principal é mostrar que essas personagens se... more
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      Brazilian LiteratureRealism (Literature)19th Century Brazil
The translation of Anthony Neilson's two-act in-yer-face play The Wonderful World of Dissocia into Turkish brings forth various struggles for the translator. Translation of plays has a hesitant nature; the missions of translating a... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageTranslation StudiesAllegory (Literature)Absurdism
The article studies the Finnish realistic novel at the end of the last millennium and its way to build a critical construction of social reality after the neoliberal turn. It describes different types of commitment and takes two novels as... more
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      Self and IdentitySubjectivitiesLiterature and SocietyCapitalism
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      French LiteratureNarratologyTheory of the NovelNineteenth-Century Literature and Culture
"Zaczęłam była trzeci tom Nad Niemnem -zwierzała się Orzeszkowa Leopoldowi Meyetowi w liście z 10 maja 1887 r. -ale jak na złość w tej chwili całkiem niepotrzebnie wlazła mi w głowę nowela i z taką natarczywością napastowała, że napisać... more
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      Polish LiteratureHistory of Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthRealism (Literature)Jesus Parables, Q, Historical Jesus, and Biblical Hermeneutics for Ethico-Political Interpretation of New Testament, The relation between Theology and Ethics in Pauline Letters
OlyilCrs Epapsct~ Kpóvov scais r v icap6ilo~ttv. T O~( T L 8' 6x0 xOOv 6 i a @CEV v~00qhÉa scoíqv, hwtóv O' Epofl~vta i8E ilpóilov 413' 66il~vOov nvnvbv ilai pahailóv, 6 s Olxb xOovOs 6~ó o ' E E~~E .
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      HomerPoeticsRealism (Literature)Oral Poetry
Modernity, philosophical, literary and political, is rightly thought to have effected a sort of Copernican revolution, putting the subject at the centre of its considerations. And the figure of Marcel Proust is often taken as emblematic... more
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      Walter BenjaminLiterature & PhilosophyMarcel ProustLiterature and Philosophy
Sarah, Sarah, par qui le monde commence? -Par la parole? -Par le regard?
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      Portuguese StudiesVisual RhetoricRealism (Literature)Relics
"The Brothers' Keepers is a collaborative work written by John H. Paddison and Charles D. Orvik. Based on the book's tone, theme, and literary intention, this work will prove to be a significant contribution to contemporary... more
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      Fiction WritingNon Fiction WritingAmerican LiteratureChild abuse and neglect
In criticism of children 's literature, notions of 'fantasy' and 'realism' are pivotal. In school 'booktalk' conversations, pupils referred to what is 'real' in three different ways: (i) by referring to feelings or semblance of 'real'... more
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      Children's and Young Adult LiteratureRealism (Literature)Eductaion
In Beauport, Kate Colby poses the question of whether the fictions that orient our daily lives are necessarily less real, natural and true than the more visceral, complex and historically subtle world revealed by experimental poetry.... more
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      PsychoanalysisWilderness (Environment)DeathJean-Luc Nancy
In ”En grænse for transgression? Jakob Ejersbos Nordkraft” Mikkel Jensen offers a reading of one of most popular Danish novels since 2000 focusing on how this debut relates itself to discussions of transgression. Portraying a drug-using... more
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      Literary CriticismDanish LiteratureRealism (Literature)Scandinavian Literature
Come scrittore realista-naturalista, Eça de Queirós (1845-1900) realizza, all'interno della propria opera letteraria, affreschi di grande valore icastico della realtà sociale portoghese della seconda metà dell'Ottocento. Un elemento che... more
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      Portuguese and Brazilian LiteratureRealism (Literature)Food StudiesLíngua Portuguesa
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    • Realism (Literature)
The realist novel seeks to depict the world as it really is. It deliberately wants to stand in “contrast to the normative childlikeness of the epic’’ (Lukács, 1971). How do realists then justify their own work? Are realist novelists and... more
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      French LiteratureRomanticismModernismModernist Literature