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Annual sequences of the first reprocessed albedo, bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF), and nadir BRDF-adjusted surface reflectance (NBAR) products are being evaluated. BRDF model parameters (or weights) are used to... more
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      GeographyRemote SensingAtmospheric ModelingBRDF
Reflective practice is a concept used in education studies, social work, psychology and management. It was introduced by Donald Schön in his two books (The Reflective Practitioner in 1983, Educating the Reflective Practitioner in 1987).... more
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      Reflective PracticeReflectionReflective TeachingReflectivity
ABB Bomem has recently designed a field-deployable reflectometer to measure the diffuse spectral reflectance of surfaces from 0.7 µm to 13.5 µm. Its spectral resolution is adjustable and can be as fine as 4 cm -1 . The instrument is... more
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      GeophysicsRemote SensingMethodologyMixing
"Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir a emergência da hermenêutica, desde sua versão clássica à virada ontológica que surge a partir do romantismo e idealismo alemão, com foco no debate que se estabeleceu durante uma década entre... more
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      Philosophical HermeneuticsOntological TurnReflectivityHermenêutica Clássica
A unique dataset consisting of high-resolution polarimetric radar measurements and dense rain gauge and disdrometer observations collected in east-central Florida during the summer of 1998 was examined. Comparison of the radar... more
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      PerformanceBiasAtmospheric sciencesMean square error
Abstruct-Using optical interaction coefficients typical of mammalian soft tissues in the red and near infrared regions of the spectrum, calculations of fluence-depth distributions, effective penetration depths and diffuse reflectance from... more
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      BiophysicsBiomedical EngineeringOperations ResearchLight Scattering
We propose a unification framework for three-dimensional shape reconstruction using physically based models. A variety of 3D shape reconstruction techniques have been developed in the past two decades, such as shape from stereopsis, from... more
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      PhysicsPackagingPattern RecognitionImage Reconstruction
Over the past three years Stanford University's 1200 acre Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve has been overflown by NASA' s Airborne Visible-Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) These images have been used to study the phenological... more
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      Data AnalysisSpectroscopyBiologyImage Analysis
In order to measure the D structure of a number of objects a comparably new technique in computer vision exists, namely time of flight (TOF) cameras. The overall principle is rather easy and has been applied using sound or light for a... more
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      EngineeringGeographyComputer ScienceComputer Vision
This paper presents a methodology to analyze time-series data from Hyperion to study seasonal vegetation dynamics on the Guánica Dry Forest in Puerto Rico. Unmixing analysis is performed over ten near-cloud-free Hyperion images collected... more
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      Image ProcessingRemote SensingTime SeriesGeoscience
We have used chemical deposition of copper complex solution to prepare CuO thin films on commercial fiberglass. The deposition of copper oxides was done in a beaker using a solution of thiosulfatocuprate (I) as precursor and NaOH as a... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyScanning Electron MicroscopyAtomic Force Microscopy
We describe the performance of a bulk micromachined deformable mirror coated with a dielectric stack for adaptive optics applications with high power lasers. A reflectance of greater than 99.9% was measured and the mirror had a residual... more
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      Adaptive OpticsDistortionGravity WavesHigh Power
Fog is a significant factor affecting the Air Traffic Control (ATC). Significant limitations of the airport capacity are due to fog that causes the reduction of the visibility (Runway Visual Range, RVR). Today METAR (Meteorological... more
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      MeteorologyAir traffic controlWeather ForecastingRadar Cross Section
The ultimate goal of pattern recognition systems in remote sensing is to achieve the best possible classification performance for recognition of different objects such as buildings, roads and trees. From a scientific perspective, the... more
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      Computer VisionRemote SensingPhotogrammetryData Mining
Thermal energy generated by radio-frequency current or other means may be employed in treating liver tumors by means of thermal coagulation when conventional resection is impossible. Currently, these thermal energy-based therapeutic... more
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      BiochemistryQuantum PhysicsCancerFluorescence
Individual tree detection methods are more and more present, and improve, in forestry and silviculture domains with the increasing availability of satellite metric imagery[2-7]. Automatic detection on these very high spatial resolution... more
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      Remote SensingLiDARSatellite remote sensingOptical Imaging
A fuzzy feature of weather radar echo was introduced as the measurement of horizontal texture of echo image, and the local mean of the second lowest level was taken as the measurement of vertical echo scale. An algorithm of weather radar... more
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      MeteorologySupport Vector MachinesFuzzyNonlinear filters
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      Remote SensingCarbon CycleMultidisciplinaryGlobal change
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      Synthetic Aperture RadarInverse Synthetic Aperture RadarRadar Cross SectionReflectivity
The potential of using remote sensing for the detection of chlorophyll-a (CHL) , dissolved organic matter ( D O M ) , and suspended matter ( S M ) concentrations in coastal and inland waters was investigated using measurements of... more
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      Remote SensingWater resourcesPigmentsAbsorption
La formation des travailleurs sociaux est confrontée, aujourd'hui, à des défis importants, en lien avec l'évolution de la profession, des réalités rencontrées, et des politiques sociales qui l'orientent et la régulent. Ces évolutions... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsEpistemologyPhilosophy of Action
This research study is about the way pre-service English language teachers’ levels of reflectivity, proposed by Van Manen, give an account of the construction of their identity as language teachers during their pedagogical practicum in a... more
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      Language EducationTeacher EducationIdentity ConstructionPre-service teachers
The spectral range of 50 to 115 nm in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) is characterized by the high absorption and low normal incidence reflectance of most materials, which make difficult the development of high reflectance multilayer... more
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      X-Ray OpticsReflectivityExtreme UltravioletIncidence Angle
The amplitude and phase representation of classic electromagnetic waves is used to model light propagating through a stratified medium, with a continuous refractive index profile. This medium is assumed to be isotropic, non magnetic,... more
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      Differential EquationsThin FilmsElectromagnetic RadiationMagnetism
This paper expands our previous numerical studies predicting the optical properties of highly ordered mesoporous thin films from two-dimensional (2D) nanostructures with cylindrical pores to threedimensional (3D) structures with spherical... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyMorphologyPorous Materials
Most natural images span a large range of luminance values, often a thousand-to-one and sometimes a million-to-one (Heckaman & Fairchild, 2009). This luminance range must be mapped by the visual system onto a scale of perceived gray... more
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This paper describes how operational radar, satellite and lightning data may be used in conjunction with numerical weather model data to provide remote detection and diagnosis of atmospheric turbulence in and around thunderstorms.... more
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      AlgorithmsRemote SensingMachine LearningTurbulence
The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
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      Image ProcessingSeleniumOscillatorsTuning
This paper presents the modeling and characterization of an optical fiber grating for maximum reflectivity. Grating length and change in refractive index are the critical parameters in contributing to the performance of fiber Bragg... more
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      SimulationFiber Bragg gratingRefractive IndexOptical physics
Site specific, in situ techniques such as X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and Raman spectroscopy are commonly used to identify pigments on illuminated manuscripts. With both techniques, spectra are usually acquired on visually identified sites... more
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      VisualizationFiber OpticsMultispectral ImagingSpectroscopy
Reflective practice is process of inquiry where educators reflect on their setting and think about what they may change. It is about considering how everyday ‘happenings’ shape thinking and influence decision making. Said to enhance... more
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      Reflective PracticeReflective practice in educationReflective Teaching, Teacher Education, Critical PedagogyCritical reflective practice
Recent work has shown that laser annealing may have advantages over conventional RTP for nickel silicidation formation, such as lower leakage and better device performance [1, 2]. However, there are a number of requirements that must be... more
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      NickelTemperature DistributionTemperature measurementTemperature Control
Spectral characterization involves building a model that relates the device dependent representation to the reflectance function of the printed color, usually represented with a high number of reflectance samples at different wavelengths.... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmsModelingGenetic AlgorithmReflectivity
Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) scattering offers significant advantages compared to traditional reflectivity measurements, essentially turning a non-radiative process into a radiative one. Recently, we have shown that SPR scattering can... more
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      BiosensorsSurface RoughnessThin FilmsSensors
In recent years, many methods have been proposed for the spectral-based characterization of inkjet printers. To our knowledge, the majority of these are based on a physical description of the printing process, employing different... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmsMathematical ModelingGenetic AlgorithmMathematical Model
Labellum micromorphology was imaged via scanning electron and light microscopy in 32 microspecies and one artificial hybrid of the European terrestrial orchid genus Ophrys, together representing all ten macrospecies circumscribed in the... more
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      SpeciationPlant BiologyPhylogenyOntogeny
Dünyadaki hızlı gelişme ve değişimler, hemen her alanda dönüşüme yol açmıştır. Siyasal, sosyal, kültürel, ekonomik ve teknolojik bakımdan,bugün, bırakınız uzak geçmişi, yakın geçmişimize göre dahi farklı bir dünyada yaşıyoruz. Çok klasik... more
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      ConstructivismMultiple IntelligencesMastery LearningMetacogntion
هدف البحث الحالى إلى التعرف على العلاقة بين الضغوط الاكاديمية والأسلوب المعرفي التروي / الاندفاع لدي التلاميذ ذوى صعوبات التعلم فى المرحلة الابتدائية حيث تكونت العينة من (13 متروى ، 10 مندفع) تلميذ وتلميذة من ذوى صعوبات التعلم و وتراوحت... more
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      Teacher EducationResearchSpecial Education Teacher EducationDyslexia
The characteristics of ring resonator based optical mirrors are numerically evaluated. The mirrors are optimized to provide high reflection in the passband. A design procedure is outlined that relates the required coupling to the... more
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      Optical WaveguidesDispersionReflectivityBandwidth
This article explores the complex positioning of Jeanne-Justine Fouqueau de Pussy (J.J.), editor-in-chief and columnist for the long-running Journal des Demoiselles (1833–96), vis-à-vis the dominant ideology of the feminine in... more
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      Women's StudiesMarriageSewingFashion
In order to meet the goals of the Department of Defense (DoD) for smaller and more accurate weapons, the Munitions Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL/RW) has numerous projects investigating the miniaturization of... more
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      PhotonicsMicroelectromechanical systemsSilicon on InsulatorSurface Tension
In this paper, a comparison is made through evaluating the withinand between-class species variability for the original, the first derivative and second derivative spectra. For each, the experiment was conducted (i) over the entire... more
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      Remote SensingNear InfraredGeoscience and remote sensingImage Classification
Spectral albedo may be derived from atmospherically corrected, cloud-cleared multiangular reflectance observations through the inversion of a bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) model and angular integration. This paper... more
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      GeophysicsAlgorithmsRemote SensingProduction
Our report concerning advanced imaging and interpretation technology includes the development of theory, the implementation of laboratory experiments and the verification of results using field data. We investigated a reflectivity model... more
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      Porous MaterialsLaboratory experimentGulf of MexicoDeep water
We have designed and grown a resonant, lowfinesse quantum-dot saturable absorber mirror and subsequently modified the important parameters using chemical etching. The modulation depth and saturation fluence at the design wavelength of... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringQuantum DotsOptical physicsQuantum Dot
Les campagnes océanographiques SEDIFAN (1997) réalisées par IFREMER sur la marge continentale celtique ont permis de reconnaitre et de caractériser le fan sousmarin profond celtique entre 4200 m et 4800 m de profondeur d'eau. La... more
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      OceanographyUnderwater AcousticsComparative StudyLithology
Performance measures for quantifying human color constancy and computational color constancy are very different. The former relate to measurements on individual object colors whereas the latter relate to the accuracy of the estimated... more
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      VisualizationColor ConstancyColorColour
In this paper, we present a comparative simulation and evaluation of digital cameras using spectroscopy, colorim e- try and photogrammetry. Here, we compare the output of commercially available cameras to that yielded using the CIE-1931... more
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      Computational ModelingSpectroscopyColorHyperspectral Imaging
We report a novel graded refractive index antireflection coating for III/V quadruple solar cells based on bottom-up grown tapered GaP nanowires.
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      EngineeringCompositesNanophotonicsSolar Cell