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The paper analyzes the tricky phenomenon of religious feelings related to the question of authenticity. The challenge to describe and make sense of this elusive relationship, providing one exists at all, becomes clearer against the... more
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      Religious DiscourseSocial Psychology of Religion
Le discours religieux musulman est pris dans une fièvre idéologique depuis au moins deux siècles, réagissant avec une violence verbale aux évolutions sociales, ce qui atteste d'une crise culturelle profonde. La domination européenne a... more
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      Sociology of ReligionIslamic PhilosophySociology of islamIslam
In a social context of ethnic adversity wherein several identity dimensions are involved, the question of belonging reveals itself problematic. In American society, African Americans had been denied elementary constitutional rights and,... more
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      Cultural StudiesSociology of ReligionSocial PsychologyEthnic Studies
Joel Osteen is America's most popular televangelist and pastor of the country's largest congregation, Lakewood Church in Houston, TX. The 54-year old has been preaching since 1999, and his sermons air in over 200 U.S. markets and over 100... more
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      Sociology of ReligionPopular Culture and Religious StudiesReligious StudiesTelevangelism
“On Roman Religion” will add the perspectives of lived ancient religion and individual appropriation to the study of Roman religious institutions and ritual. Lived religion and the individual appropriations need not to be sought at the... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionSociology of ReligionRoman History
Resumen El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar las similitudes y diferencias que se evidencian en los discursos de Benedicto XVI y su sucesor, Francisco I en materia de homosexualidad, aborto y pederastia. Se utilizará la Teoría... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCatholic Social TeachingIntertextualitySystemic Functional Linguistics
This study investigated the discourse and stylistic features employed in Christian Religious Discourse for the projection of meanings and intentions. The data for the study were drawn from the three randomly selected Bible study outlines... more
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      English language and literatureLinguistic and Literary Stylistics, Semiotics, Pragmatics and Discourse AnalysisCritical Discourse Analysis (CDA)Applied Lingustics
Resumo.- Numa perspectiva foucaultiana de explicitação da construção social da sexualidade, analisam-se os elementos da discursividade heteronormativa que se fazem presentes, ainda que subrepticiamente, no ritual matrimonial pós-conciliar... more
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      Discourse AnalysisDiscourseAnálisis del DiscursoHeteronormativity
The study analyzes some discourses of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) in southern Mozambique and problematizes the dialogues of this church with aspects of different religious contexts and with political power. The... more
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      African StudiesReligion and PoliticsMozambiquePentecostalism
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      Discourse AnalysisText LinguisticsFrench syntaxReligious Discourse
The current study aims at exploring the various social functions associated with employing bidialectal code-switching between Standard Arabic (SA), or the high code, and the Egyptian Colloquial Arabic (ECA), or the low code. In contrast... more
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      Arabic SociolinguisticsCode SwitchingEgyptian Colloquial ArabicArabic Diglossia
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      PragmaticsIndian studiesPsycholinguisticsCrisis Communication
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      Religion and PoliticsCritical Discourse AnalysisReligious DiscourseChilean Dictatorship
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      Environmental StudiesEcolinguisticsEcotheology (Environment)Ecotheology
In this set of three powerful essays, the late world renowned scholar and philosopher, Ismail al Faruqi, ‎displays his formidable insight, vast knowledge, and unique trademark logic, brought to bear on ‎subjects still considered to be at... more
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      DiscourseIslamTraditionsCultural Values
The paper examines the use of the familiar (“the T form”) and the polite (“the V form”) personal pronouns in prayers, such as we find in the New Testament Greek and Hebrew/Aramaic text, in Jerome’s Vulgate and in several French... more
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      Linguistic PolitenessPrayerSociology Of IntimacyProxemics
The article deals with the genre fundamentals of Christian religious discourse. Religious texts have been selected and analyzed. An attempt has been made to create the classification of biblical, church, religious-theoretical and... more
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      TheolinguisticsGenre AnalysisReligious Discourse
The book Letters Across the Divide: Two Friends Explore Racism, Friendship, and Faith embodies a dialogic rhetoric with significant potential to influence its intended audience to accept the need for racial atonement and reconciliation.... more
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      DialogueBakhtinReconciliationIntercultural dialogue
It is perhaps a truism to note that ancient religion and rhetoric were closely intertwined in Greek and Roman antiquity. Religion is embedded in socio-political, legal and cultural institutions and structures, while also being influenced,... more
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      RhetoricHistory of RhetoricClassical AntiquityAncient Greece and Rome
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      Socialism19th-Century French HistoryReligious Discourse
Language plays a key role in religion, framing how people describe spiritual experience and giving structure to religious beliefs and practices. Bringing together work from a team of world-renowned scholars, this volume introduces... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEcolinguisticsEcotheology (Environment)Corpus-Assisted Discourse Analysis
Abstrak: Dalam novel Petals of Blood, A Grain of Wheat dan Weep Not, Child karya Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o, tampak adanya keraguan terhadap nasionalisme yang diproblematisasi sebagai kerangka ideologis untuk membentuk masyarakat Kenya sebagai... more
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      Exile and RestorationPost Colonial TheoryReligious DiscourseHeteroglot Novel
En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar las variaciones en el empleo del lexema “pueblo” durante el proceso de redacción del documento Iglesia y comunidad nacional (1981). Para ello nos detendremos en la demanda elaborada por el grupo... more
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      Discourse AnalysisReligion and PoliticsPopulismArgentina
El libro es una reedición del artículo extenso, homónimo, publicado en la serie "Informe de Investigación", nº 24. El trabajo analiza la relación entre estrategias discursivas de largo plazo y tácticas coyunturales en el dispositivo... more
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      Discourse AnalysisArgentinaDemocracyPolitical Discourse Analysis
French illustrator Bernard Picart was responsible for the execution, but also for the conception and selection, of the engravings in Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde. This chapter interprets the elaborate... more
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      History of ReligionPopular Culture and Religious StudiesReligion, Media, and CultureRepublic of Letters (Early Modern History)
El libro presenta los resultados de una investigación interdisciplinaria que aborda desde múltiples aspectos el funcionamiento político de la escritura religiosa desde la perspectiva del análisis del discurso. Explora campos de... more
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      Discourse AnalysisReligion and PoliticsArgentinaDemocracy
En este trabajo nos proponemos: a) contribuir a la comprensión de los discursos religiosos institucionales a partir del análisis de la producción discursiva de la Conferencia Episcopal Argentina (CEA); b) examinar sus estrategias... more
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      Discourse AnalysisArgentinaInstitutional discourseGenres of discourse
Narratology is the contextualized retelling of events whereby the speaker addresses current situations by relating other or past or events, and religious discourse is one of the areas of narratology. This is what concerns this research by... more
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      NarratologyReligious LanguageReligious Discourse
El artículo analiza un grupo de estrategias discursivas identificadas en homilías católicas pronunciadas en la iglesia Nuestra Señora Del Carmen de la ciudad de Santa Fe (Argentina). El trabajo busca mostrar el modo en que las homilías... more
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      Systemic Functional LinguisticsHomileticsAnálisis del DiscursoSociología de la Religión
The changing face of religious discourse: A Multi-modal analysis of televangelists' performance Televangelism or the use of satellite television/YouTube to preach religion has become one important media phenomenon, inter alia, among... more
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      PerformanceMultimodal Discourse AnalysisReligious DiscourseThe discourse-historical approach
Many languages of West Africa have adopted religious phrases from Arabic. They are used either in the form of direct borrowings (assalamu alaikum) or as their translated versions. The paper investigates the scale of penetrating the... more
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      West AfricaHausaReligious Discourse
Due to the dominating non-human actions in the world, appealing to rights has become a central concern of all humans. As such, to bridge the gap between the idea, cultivation, and conventions of human rights on the one hand and their... more
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      Human RightsCritical Discourse AnalysisReligious Discourse
The paper examines the use of religious language in the light of Wittgenstein's two philosophies – the logical atomism of the Tractatus and the more complex approach Wittgenstein later adopted and which received its clearest formulation... more
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      Political PhilosophyReligious StudiesReligious Discourse
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      HistoryWest AfricaHausaReligious Discourse
The changing face of religious discourse: A Multi-modal analysis of televangelists' performance Televangelism or the use of satellite television/YouTube to preach religion has become one important media phenomenon, inter alia, among... more
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      PerformanceMultimodal Discourse AnalysisReligious DiscourseThe discourse-historical approach
The Romanian language version of the paper Wittgenstein and Religious Discourse, given on 8 November 2014 in Sibiu at the Conference Text Si Discours Religios. În prezenta lucrare doresc să examinez anumite înțelesuri ale limbajului... more
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      Political PhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionReligious StudiesReligious Discourse
The paper examines the discursive practices of religious discourse constructing devout religious identity that instigates fiery sentiments not only to rule out law of the state but also to assassinate others in the name of Allah (Hussain,... more
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      AccusativeReligious Discourselexical choicesspeeches of the scholars
While Elizabeth’s linguistic excellence is widely acknowledged and easily verifiable in her writings, scholars have paid her prayers surprisingly little attention. Yet, the voice of Elisabetta supplex, of the Queen at prayer, is one of... more
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      Early Modern Women's WritingReligious DiscourseHistorical StylisticsQueen Elizabeth I's Writings
מאמרון שפרסמתי במיזם של בינ''ה - ששמו "אנו מכריזים בזאת" וכולל מעין "תלמוד ישראלי" על מגילת העצמאות, בעריכת דב אלבוים.
הגיליון בו נכלל המאמרון שלי עסק בקטע שמתחיל "מתוך קשר היסטורי ומסורתי...".
יום העצמאות תשעו - 2016.
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      Israel StudiesContemporary SpiritualityIsraeli SocietyState of Israel
Fatwa discourse is an effective and powerful instrumental in Muslim communities, as it is a source of knowledge, guidance, adaption, and change. Thus, this study aimed at investigating the discourse of fatwas on English as a foreign... more
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      Discourse AnalysisDiscourseReligious Discourse
Resumen La religión puede ser entendida como un lenguaje, ya que es un tipo de construcción simbólica mediante la cual se “aprehende” la realidad (Bourdieu) y que permite que las personas conciban al mundo de determinada forma. Hasta... more
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      ModalityMethaphorMetáforasReligious Discourse
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      Discourse AnalysisReligion and PoliticsEvangelicalismReligious Studies
C’est de cette réalité que je pars. Beaucoup plus que la dimension poétique vue comme invention je vais considérer la dimension poétique comme survivance en parallèle avec l’idée que la « religion » est la première tentative spéculative... more
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      ReligionChristianityPoetryMiddle Ages
Este artículo analiza algunas de las consecuencias semio-políticas de la adopción de un discurso familiar por parte de una institución fuertemente patriarcal como es la Iglesia católica. En este sentido, intentaremos explorar cuál es el... more
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      Gender StudiesCatholicismEstudios de GéneroReligious Discourse
En este trabajo presentamos algunos resultados de nuestra investigación doctoral, dedicada al análisis de los procesos de génesis, circulación y recepción del documento del episcopado católico argentino Iglesia y comunidad nacional... more
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      Discourse AnalysisReligionPhilosophyPlato
Titres : Nouvelles publications Cismoc-Cismodoc sur la Belgique - Spectre de l’Islamo-gauchisme dans les universités françaises ? - Vaccin, Ramadan et gélatine de porc - Le CCIF change de nom et s’implante en Belgique - Hirak : deux ans... more
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      SociologyVaccinesSociology of islamIslam
Calls for renewing the religious discourse, which have become part of the Egyptian arena after the events of September 11, 2001, reflect a desire to challenge the threat posed by the Jihadist ideology and the propagation of Islamophobic... more
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      Reformation StudiesEgyptAuthoritarianismal-Azhar
Ein meister las has been regarded an »eigentümliches Gemisch« by scholars who have questioned its authenticity. Those critics who have (in the opinion of the present author, rightly) rehabilitated the poem as part of Walther’s »authentic«... more
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      Medieval German LiteratureGenrePoetryMedieval German
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      ReligionJapanese StudiesHistory of ReligionJapanese Religions
El objetivo de este trabajo es establecer algunos de los procedimientos de negociación discursiva empleados en la redacción colectiva de un discurso institucional. Para ello examinamos, a partir de la metodología contrastiva de la crítica... more
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      Discourse AnalysisGenetic Criticism (Genetic Criticism)Political Discourse AnalysisAnálisis del Discurso