Intercultural dialogue
Recent papers in Intercultural dialogue
In this paper I discuss in a critical manner what I believe to be some of the more interesting contributions of Anthony Steinbock’s book Home and Beyond: Generative Phenomenology after Husserl. I will thus refer mainly to his... more
Ubuntu is an African moral force and worldview that has held its primal societies peacefully together. It is interesting to observe that contemporary awareness of this concept in scholarship particularly associates Ubuntu with potentials... more
I respond to Jonathan Chimakonam's paper in which he presents an approach to dialogue in philosophical space, and raises questions about my own approach. I raise four questions to his understanding of conversation. First, I ask him for... more
The Structure of Iki and the Listening to the Voice of Being. Reflections on Language between Shūzō Kuki and Martin Heidegger This essay aims to establish the possibility of a dialogue between different linguistic and aesthetic... more
The Year 1968 in Czechoslovakia – exceptional case from political, social and religious point of view in European context This study presents specific moments of the historical development of the year 1968 in Czechoslovakia. Not only... more
Buddhist-Christian Encounter: A Visionary Approach. A Conference Inspired by Lynn A. De Silva (1919-1982) on the centenary of his birth
To be held at the Arch Abbey of St Ottilien, near Munich, Germany: 27 June – 1 July 2019
To be held at the Arch Abbey of St Ottilien, near Munich, Germany: 27 June – 1 July 2019
The article discusses the definition of inculturation of Christianity in the missionary activity of the Roman Catholic Church. With respect to the research methodology of the study of this definition, the author refers directly to the... more
En este artículo intento mostrar que los mecanismos de rendición de cuentas alrededor de los Estudios de Impacto Ambiental (destinados, precisamente, a crear un clima social favorable) entorpecen la visión de una política de la... more
La ignorancia ser vencida el día que (..) los hombres llamados civilizados bajen de su pedestal y reconozcan con humilde lucidez que también ellos son una variedad de indígenas." (FINKIELKRAUT:1987:61) Todo acto educativo es, antes que... more
Luisa Conti Dialogue is a concept replete with great potentiality for the re-orientating process towards the more inclusive transformation of society, which indeed the Covid-19 pandemic has made even more urgent. This study verifies this... more
La siguiente investigación analiza la educación con capacidad dialógica como principal característica de la pedagogía de la confianza como estrategia emancipadora contemporánea. Posibilidad que se sustenta sobre el reconocimiento de la... more
Multiculturalism is an emerging issue in research and in the political agenda, especially with regard to the recent migratory waves in Europe. The pivotal role of urban policies in intercultural integration has been increasingly... more
Após uma tragédia familiar e a situação política insegura na Índia,a família Kadam, em que a paixão pela cozinha é partilhada por todos os seus membros, decide emigrar, primeiro para a Inglaterra, onde consegue ter uma casa modesta... more
This paper is a short commentary on the article named “Discourses on governing diversity in Europe: Critical analysis of the White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue”, written by Lähdesmäki and Wagener, published in International Journal of... more
INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE IN THE EURO-MEDITERRANEAN REGION: A FOCUS ON YOUTHS AS ACTIVE AGENTS FOR CHANGE Karen Mamo, M.S., M.A. George Mason University, University of Malta, 2012 Dissertation Director: Dr. Monika Wohlfeld This thesis... more
Mirroring Jacques Delors’ much quoted ‘No one falls in love with a common market,’ there has been an increased emphasis on ‘culture’ as a vital tool in the European Union (EU) integration process. Yet, how these programs for ‘cultural... more
“Transformation” describes deeply rooted, profound, long-lasting change in attitudes, perspectives, worldviews and or perspectives. Enabling such transformations is a key component of addressing or forestalling conflicts, particularly... more
Islamophobic sentiments in the Western world have gained scientific attention, particularly after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. However, the effects of religious stigma on Muslim minorities’ identity formation have rarely... more
Il Mediterraneo, spazio entro cui si è dispiegata una parte importante della storia dell'umanità, è da sempre luogo di libera circolazione di uomini, beni, idee, tecniche, simboli, miti, religioni. Oggi è teatro d'un dramma umanitario... more
This book analyses the problematique of governance and administration of cultural diversity within the modern state of Afghanistan and traces patterns of national integration. It explores how modern state construction in twentieth-century... more
This edited collection is the first to respond to a recent resurgence of critical activity around the term ‘interculturalism’ that has multiplied rather than limited its contemporary resonances. Long one of the most vigorously debated... more
Internationale Zusammenarbeit ist im Kulturbetrieb und in der Kulturpolitik selbstverständlich. Kultureller Austausch muss auf Augenhöhe geschehen, um wirklich fruchtbar zu sein. Doch geschieht das? Sind es „faire“ Kooperationen? Dr.... more
This project aims to give a simple and multi-layered presentation of the Muslim minority of Western Thrace and the relation between the Orthodox and the Muslim communities of Western Thrace. It was first observed that in Komotini,... more
The Book Of longing for dialogue was summerized and some suggestions were included.
Studie se soustředí na problematiku mezikulturního a mezináboženského soužití a zkoumá, co v této oblasti může nabídnout teologie a její pohled na některé podstatné společenské otázky (obavy z proměn společnosti, kulturní a náboženské... more
Diplomatic and peacekeeping initiatives by the international community in emerging cultures in conflict have failed to stem the violence and resolve the underlying conditions. Based primarily on political analysis, such initiatives do not... more
The conflict in families disputing child custody cases across international borders continues to grow worldwide resulting in an epidemic of parental abduction. Governments and international bodies continue to work toward creating... more
Interfaith groups can be fruitfully interpreted through a Durkheimian framework as moral communities gathered on the basis of shared values and ritualistic discourses. The function of the interfaith society is to generate social... more
procuram-se destacar algumas "rotas" para rediscutir a questão de direitos humanos em linha decolonial.
Texts are available at "Anthropos?" Academic Journal affiliated to the Faculty of Philology at the University of Silesia in Katowice. The Academic Journal entitled "Anthropos?"... more
In 2008, the Council of Europe Ministers of Foreign Affairs set out a new framework for approaching ethno-religious diversity within member states. As a direct response to expressed concerns about the failure of multiculturalism, or at... more
This thesis explores, analyzes and exemplifies the situation of Portuguese residents in the context of postcolonial Macau, with particular reference to the contexts of history, identity and language maintenance, acquisition and use. I... more
The idea of social movements tends to be associated, in a reductionist manner, with protests in public spaces and negotiations in institutional spaces. Nevertheless, social movements are agents of change across a wide variety of social... more
The universality of Aristotle’s categories raises two questions in relation to the Chinese language: (1) Can these categories be translated into Chinese? (2) Are the same categories to be found in Chinese thought? We examine both of these... more
Mit fortschreitender Globalisierung werden nicht nur in der Politik nationale Alleingänge zusehends obsolet, sondern auch im philosophischen Denken. Wer global wirkt, hat sich weltweit zu verantworten; angesichts weltweiter... more
An approach to some topics about methodology of intercultural theology, sketched from a christological perspective
Одной из характерных черт даосской философии является осознание текучести и изменчивости, которые внутренне присущи природе. Все природные изменения китайцы считали динамическим чередованием двух противоположностей, например, Инь и Ян,... more