Remix Culture
Most downloaded papers in Remix Culture
#Musica_Dispersa Rubén López Cano Editorial: Musikeon Books (Barcelona) Año de publicación. 2018 ISBN: 978-84-945117-1-4 Palabras clave: Identidad y... more
How do social meanings and general associations attached to certain musical genres come into play when classical music meets disco, hip-hop meets the symphony or heavy metal meets the opera? How do artistic or commercial concepts and... more
Remix--or the practice of recombining preexisting content--has proliferated across media both digital and analog. Fans celebrate it as a revolutionary new creative practice; critics characterize it as a lazy and cheap (and often illegal)... more
La musica, in quanto forma testuale, non è sfuggita ai processi d’ibridazione permessi dalla tecnologia digitale, anzi l’estrema facilità di appropriazione, manipolazione, rielaborazione e mescolanza è forse l’aspetto che più di altri... more
Found Footage denomina el tipo de cine realizado con material de archivo como un objeto encontrado: películas caseras, históricas de archivo, anuncios, películas pornográficas, reportajes, documentales, programas de televisión... que... more
One doesn’t need to look far to find examples of contemporary locations of cultural opposition. Digital piracy, audio mashups, The Onion and Wikipedia are all examples of transgression in our current mediascape. And as digital age... more
This article examines how popular culture is remixed for the purposes of facilitating mystical experiences within a global electronic dance music culture. In particular, it investigates the sampling of space travel and alien contact... more
In the twenty-first century, the remix, the mashup, and the reboot have come to dominate Western popular culture. Consumed by popular audiences on an unprecedented scale, but often derided by critics and academics, these texts are the... more
This article explores new forms of serial structure found in transmedia story worlds, with particular attention to the innovations of amateur transmedia works. Although the term transmedia has most often been associated only with... more
Critical Remix Video (CRV) is an emerging form of experimental video art activism that uses as raw materials previously published, often copyrighted audio-visual content in order to critique perceived wrongs and injustices or make... more
Although social media platforms have garnered much attention in recent years for their putative role in dramatic social and political movements around the world, scholars such as Clay Shirky and Ethan Zuckerman have suggested that the... more
Pasamos de la imagen que remitía a la cosa, la suma de las cuales constituía el mundo, a la suma de las imágenes como mundo. El actual contexto multipantalla de producción de imágenes se basa en la idea de interfaz como lugar sin espacio... more
This article considers the ways in which metal has interacted with the aesthetics of electronic music since the 1980s, from its earliest exchanges with hip hop through to recent developments in the djent subgenre. It highlights the... more
UNREVISED VERSION of a first attempt to draw the aesthetic of genres of music involving sampling, this article seeks to explore aesthetic grounds for new paradigms of legal legitimation of the new status of authorship incarnated by... more
“There’s only here, and now, and light.” This line is taken from Arseny Tarkovsky’s poem, Life, Life, and was incorporated into the script of the show Afterlife: an audiovisual performance. Alongside this Film & New Media Capstone... more
How did we get from Hollywood to YouTube? What makes Wikipedia so different from a traditional encyclopedia? Has blogging dismantled journalism as we know it? Our media landscape has undergone a seismic shift as digital technology has... more
In the lead-up to the release of some feature films, fake and fan trailers are created by users and uploaded to YouTube and other Web sites. These trailers demonstrate that users are literate not only in the form of the trailer itself,... more
This article aims to discuss the role humour plays in politics, particularly in a media environment overflowing with user-generated video. We start with a genealogy of political satire, from classical to Internet times, followed by a... more
Appropriation, transformation and remix are increasingly recognized as significant aspects of digital literacy. This article considers how one form of digital remix – the video remix – might be used in classrooms to introduce critical... more
The thesis of this essay can be stated quite directly: Slavoj Žižek, despite having little to say about mashup and remixing in any direct way, engages this new media phenomena in both theory and practice, providing contemporary culture... more
How did 'remix' a post-production technique and compositional form in dance music, come to describe digital culture? Is it an apt metaphor? In this article I consider the rhetorical use of remix in Lawrence Lessig’s case for copyright... more
As an electronic dance music movement, for over 20 years, psytrance (psychedelic trance) has been a context by which sonic, visual, pharmacological and virtual media have facilitated the expression of interwoven narratives, experimental... more
Revista Lis ~LetRa imagen sonido~ Ciudad mediatizada. año iii # 5. maR.~Jun. 2010. Bs. as. uBaCyt. Cs. de La ComuniCaCión. FCs~uBa 14. La vida en copias. Breve cartografía del reciclaje musical digital 1
This article examines user-generated music remix videos critiquing or commenting on Donald Trump throughout the 2016 election cycle. Our aim is to discover not just whether remix was used as a vehicle of critique or support, but how remix... more
During a recent conference panel on mashups, remixes, and bootlegs (NCA 2009), one of the attendees asked what was initially termed an "innocent question." Although I cannot remember the exact wording, the gist of the inquiry concerned... more
La lettura è sempre stata un’attività allo stesso tempo individuale e sociale; l’evoluzione di tale peculiarità ha condotto alla formazione di eterogenei contesti di condivisione; tra questi vi sono i gruppi di lettura, i quali, grazie... more
Critical evaluations of audio mash-ups and remixes tend to congregate around two poles. On the one hand, these often clever recombinations of recorded music are celebrated as innovative and creative interventions in the material of bland... more
Poaching ideas, texts, material and its forms of distribution have become a processes inextricably entrenched in the practice of creative production. This development contributes to an ecology of creativity, where audiences are no longer... more
El presente trabajo supone una aproximación a las nuevas formas de producción, distribución y consumo emergentes en la industria musical. Bien visto como amenaza o como oportunidad, Internet ha revolucionado (o evolucionado) la manera... more
From Teaching Tech-Savvy Kids: Bringing Digital Media Into the Classroom, Grades 5-12: Students are plugged in, powered up, and connected. Are you? The author gives teachers a deeper understanding of the dynamic potential for... more
This paper evaluates the work of Gene Youngblood on television in the context of a digital multiplatform television environment. In the 1970s, Youngblood called for a media revolution based on an inversion of the structure and function of... more
Remix is now considered by many to be a form of derivative work, but such generalizations have resulted in numerous non-commercial remixes being wrongfully accused of copyright infringement. Gallagher argues that remix is a fundamentally... more
The theory and practice of sound recording, from at least the moment of the invention of the phonograph, has been groping toward "simulation" and the "hyperreal" even if these words are not used as such or, when used, are employed in a... more
In this article I analyze the cover version as a specific form of copying in music recording and performance, and then evaluate it as a cultural variable that is part of the creative process in remix practice. This analysis demonstrates... more
This paper focuses on chutney, a form of popular music in Trinidad with roots in prepartitioned North India, as an intriguing genre through which, culturally, to analyze Trinidadian social dynamics. It concentrates on developments during... more
O desejo de estabelecer correspondências entre som e imagem vem intrigando e suscitando inúmeros questionamentos e analogias há séculos. Esta pesquisa visa levantar questões relativas ao sonoro e ao visual, discutir a prática dos mashups... more
Entrevista al músico Soy tan sutil
In its hybridized, intertextual and multifaced core, internet memes carry hereditary characteristics of cultural repertoires, such as day-to-day matters, media content and socio-political discourses. They are part of a vast digital... more
Delivering engaging and rigorous learning experiences in online environments has become a key priority for higher education institutions, driving prolific innovation in tools, pedagogy, and research over the last 20 years. The design and... more
[ Proceedings: International Association of Visual Semiotics 2012 ] Critical Remix Video (CRV) is an emerging form of experimental video art activism that uses as raw materials previously published, often copyrighted audio-visual... more
This article addresses the most recent projects in early and silent film exhibition at the EYE Film Institute Netherlands (Amsterdam), in particular, those promoting users’ remixes of digitized clips from its silent collection. By placing... more
Unlike conventional discourses around remix, this paper frames video remixing as a regurguration practice, one capable of incorporating research as well as its expression in the resultant artifact. By demonstrating the ways in which the... more
This paper examines the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Marriage Equality logo as an example of a meme to further understandings of memetic transmission in social media technologies. The HRC meme is an important example of how even seemingly... more