Recent papers in Reparations
Mediante las voces y experiencias de campesinos quechuas de las comunidades de Ocros y Huancapi (Ayacucho), Los silencios de la guerra. Memoria y conflicto armado, hurga en los rastros de los años de violencia que enlutaron al Perú a... more
This article argues that the post-Dayton political organisation of Bosnia represents an exemplary illustration of the difficulties associated with the empirical application of the pluralist model of “consociational democracy”. The... more
In light of the armed conflict that took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1990s, most research focuses on the high-level war crimes committed in this period and there is a tendency to put the focus on the perpetrators. However,... more
In this article, I offer the opposing view (con-side) against reparations for American slavery, as if in a forensic debate before a moot court: I presume the American public will judge the merits of my opposing arguments. I oppose... more
Truth commissions have become key mechanisms in transitional justice schemes in post conflict societies in order to assure transitions to peace, the rule of law, and respect for human rights. However, few studies examine what must happen... more
This toolkit supports viewers in discussing what it means to be an American, community choices, civil rights and civil liberties, the role of media during times of war, and connecting the Korematsu v. United States Supreme Court case to... more
Taxing legal cannibis sales could fund a stratagy for reperations for the war on drugs. This paper helps outline how this stratagy might unfold.
Da un anno a questa parte le relazioni fra Giappone e Corea del Sud sono ai minimi storici. Le divergenze fra i governi giapponese e coreano intorno a una sentenza della Corte Suprema della Corea sono degenerate in una spirale di... more
English version. French version forthcoming in Patrick Savidan (ed.), Dictionnaire des inégalités et de la justice sociale (Presses universitaires de France)
This article offers a new interpretation of Marcel Mauss's The Gift. It situates Mauss's argument within his broader thinking on the politics of sovereign debt cancellation and the question of German reparations paid to the Allies after... more
African Nova Scotians constitute the largest multigenerational Black Canadian community, with 400 years of presence in Atlantic Canada. Despite the end of de jure school segregation in 1954, African Nova Scotians' social and cultural... more
This paper will attempt to present the biblical and theological argument for reparation and will encourage Caribbean spiritual and religious leaders to be deliberate, intentional and reconciliatory in their support of the Caricom... more
The 'structural injustice' framework is an increasingly influential way of thinking about historical injustice. Structural injustice theorists argue against repara-tions for historical injustice on the grounds that our focus should be on... more
Immunità degli Stati dalla giurisdizione e negoziazioni fra Stati: sulla vicenda delle comfort women coreane Sommario: 1. La vicenda delle comfort women e la ricerca di una riparazione adeguata.-2. La sentenza della Corte distrettuale di... more
Publication complète: Il n’y a guère de conflits sans son cortège de pillages et de destructions de biens culturels. Le... more
In the wake of the explosion of the "comfort women" issue, with the help of lawyers and activists, Chinese comfort women instigated four class-action lawsuits against the Japanese government. However, how the lawyers represented the... more
La jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos ha tenido un impacto trascendental en la forma como el Consejo de Estado de Colombia viene reparando a victimas de graves violaciones de derechos humanos, desde hace algunos... more
What should we do with statues and place‐names memorializing people who committed human‐rights abuses linked to slavery and post-slavery racism? In this article, I draw on UN principles of transitional justice to address this question. I... more
Die Sammlung zum Goldenen Leuen im Schweizerischen Diessenhofen, Kanton Thurgau, beinhaltet neben hunderten von pharmazeutischen Gefässen und Geräten auch fünf Steinzeuggefässe mit Netzbindungen aus Eisendraht, die in die zweite Hälfte... more
The Movement for Black Lives: Philosophical Perspectives brings philosophical analysis to bear on the aims, strategies, policy positions, and intellectual-historical context of M4BL. Leading scholars tackle such themes as: "Black Lives... more
Embedded in transitional justice processes is an implicit reference to the production of collective memory and history. This article aims to study how memory initiatives become a crucial component of truth-seeking and reparations... more
This article assumes the existence of the principle of full reparation to consider the potential applicability of punitive damages in international human rights law and, more specifically, whether the Inter-American Court of Human Rights... more
Cet ouvrage est la publication de ma thèse de doctorat soutenue le 12 décembre 2013 à l'Université Paris II (Panthéon-Assas) Résumé: La réparation internationale de dommages individuels est un sujet assez nouveau et peu réglementé en... more
This paper identifies 29 reasons why paying reparations for slavery is a bad idea.
This article examines the legal and moral basis for migration as a form of reparation for the harms inflicted on the states and peoples of the Global South through climate change and through centuries of predatory economic policies. Using... more
Private restitution of Nazi looted art was until recently an underestimated issue on the agenda of nations and art institutions. The historical and legal context shows clearly that WWII brought the protection of cultural property on the... more
This is from a symposium on Catherine Lu's Justice and Reconciliation in World Politics, published in the journal Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric. Abstract: This article analyzes and criticizes the temporal orientation of... more
MASTER THESIS SUBMITTED IN 2910 IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE EUROPEAN REGIONAL MASTER’S DEGREE IN DEMOCRACY AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN SOUTH-EAST EUROPE The thesis was written in 2010, as The conflict in ex – Yugoslavia made 25.000 to 30.000... more
In The Rhetoric of Racism Revisited, Mark McPhail refines his analysis of racism as complicitous interaction and his conception of rhetoric as coherence, but he then suggests that racism in the US may be a psychological problem beyond the... more
See chapter re Quest for Reparations already uploaded
This guide supports viewers in discussing the history of slavery in the United States, confronting hard truths and emotions around the legacy of slavery, the importance of having difficult conversations, privilege, “repair” and... more
In this paper, I examine the Caribbean reparations movement using an intersectional framework that is located within the Black radical tradition. In order to engage civil society in the discourse of reparations, I argue for the movement... more
Legacy of slavery research has branched out into an important new niche in social science research by making empirical connections between the trans-Atlantic slave trade and contemporary social outcomes. However, the vast majority of this... more