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Moelle's book is a welcome addition to a number of relatively recent studies on the responsibility of international organizations and collective security. 1 With globalization and an increasing number of stakeholders in international... more
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      PeacekeepingInternational ResponsibilityUnited Nations Peacekeeping Operations
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      International Courts And TribunalsInternational Court of JusticeInternational ResponsibilityJus Cogens
The book is a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of all relevant aspects of the EU accession to the ECHR. Książka jest przekrojowym omówieniem wszystkich istotnych kwestii związanych z przystąpieniem Unii Europejskiej do Europejskiej... more
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      European LawHuman Rights LawInternational LawHuman Rights
Whether the European Union accedes to the European Convention on Human Rights is not a foregone conclusion, or at least not to the extent that it used to be in the period 2010-2014. Even though the accession remains a self-imposed... more
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      European LawHuman Rights LawInternational LawInternational Human Rights Law
Responsibility of the non-state actors in international relations, an international controversy, should be examined and analyzed, given the increasing trend of regional proxy wars. This study has aimed to explain the International Court... more
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      International Court of JusticeInternational Responsibility
Cet ouvrage est la publication de ma thèse de doctorat soutenue le 12 décembre 2013 à l'Université Paris II (Panthéon-Assas) Résumé: La réparation internationale de dommages individuels est un sujet assez nouveau et peu réglementé en... more
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      International LawRemedies (Law)Inter-American Human Rights SystemInternational Responsibility
Departing from the observation that traditionally the law of State responsibility has hardly interacted with the law of territory, the article examines how these two fields of international law may relate in the case of State action in... more
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      International LawLaw of the SeaInternational ResponsibilityMaritime
The present case is one of the first in which a court was squarely confronted with the problem of determining whether the separate legal personality of an international organization is consistent with the possibility of members being held... more
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      International LawInternational organizationsPublic International LawInternational Responsibility
In the last few decades, the role of non-state armed groups has become an essential topic of analysis and discussion to better understand international humanitarian law dynamics. While their increasing importance is uncontroversial, their... more
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      International StudiesHuman Rights LawInternational LawHuman Rights
As widely known, Libyan authorities have been committing gross human rights violations to the detriment of migrants coming from abroad and arrested in their territory. According to international law, Libya is directly responsible for such... more
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      Migration StudiesInternational Migration and Immigration PolicyInternational ResponsibilityInternational Law Commission
Actuellement l'arbitrage demeure, dans la plupart des cas, le seul mécanisme envisageable pour le règlement obligatoire des différends entre organisations internationales et etats (au d'autres organisations internationales). en même... more
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      International organizationsInternational ArbitrationUnited NationsPublic International Law
Kitap, Uluslararası Sorumluluk Hukuku kurallarını, devletlerin uygulamaları, çeşitli olaylara ilişkin uluslararası yargı kararları ve bu konudaki en önemli hukuki çalışma olan Birleşmiş Milletler Uluslararası Hukuk Komisyonu’nun ortaya... more
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      LawInternational LawState ResponsibilityInternational Responsibility
Kitabın Arka Kapağından: Sorumluluğa ilişkin kurallar her hukuk dalının etkinliği ve gerçek hayattaki gücü için en önemli kurallar olmakla beraber, Devletlerin her birinin egemen ve bir diğerine hukuken eşit kişiler oldukları uluslararası... more
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      International LawState ResponsibilityInternational ResponsibilityState Responsibility in International Law
Öz Bu çalışma uluslararası sorumluluk esasları çerçevesinde onarım yöntemlerinden biri olan tazminatın devletlerarası zararlar açısından incelemesini yapmaktadır. Çalışma bu bağlamda devletlerin uluslararası haksız fiilleri neticesinde... more
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      LawInternational LawState ResponsibilityInternational Responsibility
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      JurisprudenceComparative LawInternational LawUnited Nations
State as a counter-claimant in international investment arbitration. Main obstacles to the reaffirmation of states in international investment law. Franck Latty, « L’Etat demandeur (reconventionnel) dans les procédures arbitrales : le... more
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      Arbitration LawInternational Investment LawInternational Investment ArbitrationInternational Responsibility
O texto tem como objetivo analisar os principais impactos da Convenção Interamericana sobre o Desaparecimento Forçado de Pessoas na ordem jurídica brasileira, uma vez que esse tratado internacional foi ratificado e recentemente... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawHuman RightsInternational Human Rights Law
O estudo investiga a possibilidade de responsabilização internacional dos Estados por epidemias ou pandemias transnacionais, em especial o caso da Covid-19 que teve início na República Popular da China. O artigo analisa os regulamentos... more
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      International LawPublic International LawChinaInternational Responsibility
The world we live in is unjust and the existing political institutions fail to adequately address the current injustices. In this paper, I will discuss the role and the responsibilities of individual citizens in affluent countries 1 in... more
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      CosmopolitanismGlobal JusticeSocial ResponsibilityInternational Responsibility
The law of treaties and the law of responsibility have been studied in depth; nevertheless, the relationship between these two areas of international law is to some extent controversial. It has been maintained that the law of treaties,... more
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      International ResponsibilityLaw of Treaties
In its Draft Articles on the Responsibility of International Organizations, the International Law Commission included Article 17 in order to regulate instances in which binding decisions and authorizations were made by international... more
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      International LawInternational ResponsibilityLaw of International Organizations
As the International Law Association highlights “[power] entails accountability, that is the duty to account for its exercise.” Against this background, the article focuses on the question of accountability of the European Union (EU)... more
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      International ResponsibilityEuropean Migration LawMaritime Interdiction OperationsFRONTEX
This Report is divided into five sections devoted to specific categories of succession of States:
1. Newly independent States
2. Dissolution of States
3. Secession of States
4. Unification of States
5. Cession of a part of the territory
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      International ResponsibilitySuccession of States
In addition to the direct effects of war on the environment, there's a lot of indirect effects that during the war will never show. This causes irreparable damage to the environment as a clear violation of customary international law that... more
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      Environmental StudiesWar StudiesPublic International LawInternational Responsibility
Il presente volume è stato preliminarmente sottoposto a un processo di referaggio anonimo, nel rispetto dell'anonimato sia degli autori, sia dei curatori, sia dei revisori (double blind peer review). La valutazione è stata affidata a due... more
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      International LawInternational organizationsDiritto InternazionaleInternational Responsibility
SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione. -2. Può la Banca mondiale violare i diritti umani? -2.1 Obblighi nella fase di scelta degli Stati beneficiari. -2.2 Obblighi nella fase del project cycle. -2.3 Responsabilità della Banca mondiale in connessione... more
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      International LawHuman RightsInternational organizationsAccountability
Most of the present rules of international law regulate the behavior of States. Within States, however, there are other entities such as corporations, non–governmental organizations, individuals, international governmental organizations... more
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      LawInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryInternational Studies
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      International LawInternational organizationsInternational ResponsibilityDireito Internacional
This chapter tackles some aspects of the international responsibility of 2 the European Union and of its member States in the field of international investment law. Its main aim is assessing whether EU Investment Agreements are... more
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      International LawEuropean Union LawInternational Investment ArbitrationInternational Responsibility
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      International Human Rights LawInternational ResponsibilityDiplomatic ProtectionState Responsibility in International Law
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      Political PhilosophyClimate ChangePolitical TheoryClimate change policy
The grounds of attribution of conduct as codified in the International Law Commission's ('ILC') Articles on State Responsibility for Internationally Wrongful Acts ('ARSIWA')fail to capture different dimensions of the use of force by... more
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      International ResponsibilityUse of force in international law and international relationsState Responsibility in International LawComplicity
This article addresses the possibility of state responsibility for transnational epidemics or pandemics, especially focusing on COVID-19 as a case study, a pandemic originated in the People’s Republic of China. To that end, this article... more
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      Comparative LawHealth SciencesHuman Rights LawInternational Law
Chapter of the book edited by F. BASSAN, Research Handbook on Sovereign Wealth Funds and International Investment
Law (Edward Elgar, 2015)
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      Sovereign Wealth FundsInternational Responsibility
Ongoing discussions among international lawyers on defences in state responsibility have close analogies with debates in two other fields: debates in general legal theory on defeasibility in law, and debates in criminal law theory (and... more
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      JurisprudenceInternational LawLegal TheoryPhilosophy of Criminal Law
Published in the European Business Law Review vol 28 (2017) The present paper addresses the problem of determining who, between the EU and its member states must bear international responsibility for the treatment afforded to a foreign... more
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      International LawEU External Relations LawInternational Investment LawInternational Responsibility
The present article aims to analyze two different, albeit related, criticisms addressed to the general approach followed by the International Law Commission in its work of codification of the rules on the responsibility of international... more
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      International organizationsInternational ResponsibilityLaw of International OrganizationsGlobal Administrative Law
This paper examines the legal nature of the ‘rules of international organizations’ as defined by the International Law Commission in its works on the law of treaties and on international responsibility. Part 1 introduces the debate with... more
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      International LawInternational organizationsLegal TheoryLegal Pluralism
The present article aims to analyze two different, albeit related, criticisms addressed to the general approach followed by the International Law Commission in its work of codification of the rules on the responsibility of international... more
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      International organizationsInternational ResponsibilityLaw of International OrganizationsInternational Law Commission
This article explores whether domestic courts can deny jurisdictional immunity of a state as a countermeasure. The article offers a survey of state practice that, according to some scholars, would support this argument, demonstrating that... more
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      International LawPublic International LawInternational Courts And TribunalsInternational Court of Justice
This paper contributes to the research project on the OSCE Legal Framework led by the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law. It deals with the OSCE’s international responsibility by distinguishing three... more
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      Human Rights LawInternational LawHuman RightsInternational organizations
Alors que le monde commémore la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale et le centenaire du traité de Versailles, la question des conditions du rétablissement d’une paix juste et durable continue de se poser avec insistance. À rebours de... more
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      International LawAlternative Dispute ResolutionInternational Dispute SettlementInternational Responsibility
The interaction of multiple actors if European Border and Coast Guard Operations leads to a nexus of responsibilities, both individual and collective, positive and negative, direct or indirect, that is hard to disentangle. The connections... more
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      Border StudiesRefugee StudiesInternational organizationsAsylum Law
Las Empresas Militares y de Seguridad Privadas (en adelante EMSP) representan un desafío contemporáneo al Derecho internacional, ya que conforme pasa el tiempo se hace más usual que los Estados deleguen tareas que tradicionalmente eran... more
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      International Criminal LawInternational Human Rights LawInternational Humanitarian LawPrivate military contractors
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. − 2. Considerazioni generali circa la configurabilità quale contromisura dell'esercizio della giurisdizione nei confronti di Stati e organizzazioni internazionali o dei loro organi. − 2.1. Esercizio della... more
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      Access to JusticeInternational LawSovereign ImmunityState Immunity
Adopted in its 77th Session of Tallinn on the basis of the Report and draft submitted by Professor Marcelo Kohen
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      International LawState FormationInternational ResponsibilityState
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      International LawPublic International LawInternational economic lawInternational Responsibility
O presente artigo visa proporcionar o cruzamento entre o WTO Law e os princípios de direito internacional público que norteiam as normas de cunho cogente (jus cogens) e o direito da responsabilidade das Organizações Internacionais, com... more
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      International LawInternational organizationsInternational ResponsibilityWorld Trade Organization
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      European LawInternational LawEU External Relations LawEuropean Foreign Policy
Despite their exponential growth in number and activities, there is not an established legal concept of an international organization. This book tackles the topic by examining the nature of the legal systems developed by international... more
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      International organizationsUnited NationsPublic International LawEuropean Union