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Incursiono en el estudio de la querella nullitatis romana, la que durante el transcurso del tiempo se fué amoldando con el paso de los siglos a una y otra legislación hasta nuestros días, todo ello con la finalidad de lograr la revisión... more
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      Res JudicataRes Judicata in International ArbitrationQuerella, Nulitatis
It has been proposed that the habeas process be streamlined by injecting § 2254 petitions directly into the federal appellate courts, without any preliminary federal district court proceeding. This treatment of state prisoners’ habeas... more
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      Habeas CorpusRes JudicataConstitutional RightsFourteenth Amendment
As ações coletivas têm como pontos sensíveis a discussão acerca da legitimidade e da coisa julgada. O presente estudo tem por escopo a análise desta última, em que o debate se justifica porque a coisa julgada reflete as consequências do... more
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      Access to JusticeCoisa JulgadaProcesso ColetivoAcesso à Justiça
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      Competition LawEU Competition LawRes JudicataDispute Resolution and Civil Procedure
It is settled position of law that a litigant does not have a right to approach the Court time and again for the same cause of action by only changing grounds each time. All possible grounds ought to have been raised or challenged at the... more
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      Constitutional LawCivil LawRes JudicataWrit petition
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      LawDispute ResolutionPublic International LawLaw of the Sea
With the aim of barring Nicaragua’s fresh request for the delimitation of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles, Colombia raised the issue of the res judicata effect of the previous decision of 2012, rendered in the Territorial... more
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      International LawLaw of the SeaInternational Court of JusticeRes Judicata
With a significant body of literature on the doctrine of res judicata in international arbitration, and more specifically investment arbitration, this article largely builds up on two recent decisions: the Award in Caratube v. Kazakhstan... more
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      International ArbitrationArbitrationArbitration LawInternational Commercial Arbitration
Merger of remedies, alternative and cumulative remedies doctrine: application in court proceedings in Ukraine The article is aimed at identifying peculiarities and ability of being categorized of remedies in civil, commercial and... more
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      Civil ProcedureRes Judicataгражданский процессцивільний процес
In the current English dispute litigation framework, arbitration has become undoubtedly the most utilised alternative to formal civil justice. Notwithstanding the well-recognised similarity between arbitration and litigation, some aspects... more
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      International ArbitrationArbitration LawRes JudicataCivil Justice
IT IS important to underscore, time and again, the importance of procedural laws in adjudication of disputes having regard to the tendency of courts to often disregard them in the purported pursuit of substantive justice. The apex court,... more
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      JurisdictionCivil ProcedureRes JudicataSecond Appeals Civil Procedure Code
Shkrimi është botuar në gazetën "Panorama" të datës 06.03.2017.
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      Criminal ProcedureConstitutional LawHuman RightsCivil Procedure
Romanian Abstract: Caracterul obligatoriu al hotărârilor și ordonanțelor Curții de Justiție a Uniunii Europene („CJUE”) este analizat din perspectiva efectului general al hotărârii, atât prin prisma jurisprudenței Curții de la Luxemburg,... more
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      European StudiesRomanian StudiesJudicial PrecedentEuropean Union Law
The res judicata effect of an arbitral award is of paramount importance in international arbitration since parties to a dispute predominantly choose arbitration to obtain a final and binding resolution to their existing or potential... more
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      Civil LawDispute ResolutionInternational ArbitrationArbitration
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      Derecho Procesal CivilRes JudicataRecursosCosa Juzgada
Padova, CEDAM, 2012, pp. 300
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      Constitutional LawEuropean ConstitutionalismComparative Constitutional LawEuropean Constitutional Law
Pilkov K. M. Res judicata and related doctrines of finality of judgments: comparative aspect Abstract. The article contains the results of the analysis of the development of res judicata doctrine into a multicomponent doctrine with... more
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      Res Judicataцивільний процесLegal Doctrinesпорівняльне правознавство
Nos proponemos analizar cómo operan los modelos de cosa juzgada que gobiernan los sistemas de procesos colectivos representativos en el arco de acuerdos transaccionales en materia de consumo. El centro de la cuestión radica en que, en... more
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      Comparative Civil ProcedureClass ActionsCivil ProcedureDireito Processual Civil
La cosa juzgada (res judicata) es un principio general del derecho aceptado por todos los sistemas jurídicos del mundo. En virtud ello, constituye también una fuente de derecho internacional público. Los tribunales internacionales se han... more
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      International Court of JusticeRes JudicataCORTE INTERNACIONAL DE JUSTICIACosa Juzgada
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      Constitutional LawCivil LawPhilosophy Of LawBusiness Law
Após delinear alguns exemplos de modificações sobre a disciplina da coisa julgada, realizadas pelo novo Código de Processo Civil em relação ao Código de Processo Civil de 1973, o presente estudo aborda os requisitos para o trânsito em... more
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      Direito Processual CivilCoisa JulgadaRes JudicataNovo Código De Processo Civil Brasileiro
Cualquier sistema de justicia relativamente sofisticado cuenta con reglas de clausura de la litigación. Estas reglas funcionan con un doble objetivo: primero, poner término a una controversia judicial actual, clausurando el debate y... more
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      Derecho Procesal CivilRes JudicataProceso CivilCivil Justice System
And... the games continue and they're no fun. Lying lawyers are spewing their BS yet again; from the little I've read so far, is the same garbage they shoveled before. No rule of law any more if ever there was. Now, have to reply to... more
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      JurisdictionMortgage ForeclosureRes JudicataStop Foreclosure
Un estudio sobre el fundamento, función y operatividad de la res judicata en los sitemas de justicia contemporáneos, en base a la experiencia chilena y española en el derecho continental; y al sistema de Inglaterra y Gales en el common law
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      Res JudicataCivil JusticeProceso CivilCivil Justice System
The paper analyses the cases in which the Corte di cassazione allows the formation of implicit decisions on procedural pre-requisite, distinguishing them from the cases in which these implicit decisions are not permitted and the... more
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      Procedural LawDiritto Processuale CivileRes IudicataRes Judicata
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      Res JudicataBrussels I RegulationRecognition and Enforcement of Foreign Decisions
Questions concerning res judicata and lis pendens in investment arbitration proceedings remain a subject of academic discussions, particularly with regard to the application of the " triple identity test ". The necessity of a more... more
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      International ArbitrationInternational Courts And TribunalsInternational Investment LawInternational Investment Arbitration
"O livro de André Dias Fernandes, “Da eficácia das decisões do STF em ADIN e ADC: efeito vinculante, coisa julgada ‘erga omnes’ e eficácia ‘erga omnes’”, oferece ao leitor interessante análise do sistema brasileiro de controle abstrato de... more
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      Direito ConstitucionalErga OmnesRes IudicataControle De Constitucionalidade
This paper will investigate the errors that can make the judgment null and void and, therefore, produce the reversal of the res judicata. Res judicata is considered the irrevocable end of a correctly constructed judicial proceeding. We... more
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      Criminal Justice HistoryRes JudicataVoid Judgement
El presente artículo tiene por objetivo hacer una propuesta relativa a dos de los conceptos más importantes del proceso civil, del sistema de justifica en general e, incluso, del derecho procesal como rama de la ciencia jurídica: la cosa... more
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      Law of evidenceEvidenceEpistemologíaRes Judicata
This Article argues that that issue preclusion might be considered as a part of res judicata, however not its essential element, since many legal systems do not attribute issue preclusive effect to rendered judgements. The Article defines... more
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      Civil LitigationUkrainian lawRes JudicataEstoppel
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      European UnionEuropean Union LawDireito AdministrativoDireito da União Europeia
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      European UnionEuropean Constitutional LawEuropean Union LawLegality
Área do Direito: Processual Resumo: O presente artigo busca expor as semelhanças entre o novo sistema brasileiro de incidência da coisa julgada sobre questões prejudiciais e o collateral estoppel, particularmente os Estados Unidos.... more
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      Coisa JulgadaRes JudicataNovo Código De Processo Civil Brasileiro
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      Human RightsEuropean Convention of Human RightsEuropean Court of Human RightsRes Judicata
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      Res JudicataAbuse of processAutorité De La Chose JugéePrincipe De Concentration Des Moyens
Neste artigo, analisamos o entendimento formado a partir do julgamento do Habeas Corpus Nº 126.292/SP pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, conforme o qual o princípio da presunção de inocência não proíbe o cumprimento antecipado da pena... more
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      HermeneuticsLaw and LiteratureUmberto EcoLegal hermeneutics
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      Legal TheoryProcedural JusticeValidityRes Judicata
O presente ensaio defende a aplicação do regime jurídico da coisa julgada sobre questão prejudicial (art. 503, § 1º e 2º do CPC) nas ações coletivas. Para isso, aborda os fundamentos e os requisitos dessa aplicação a partir das... more
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      DireitoClass ActionsDireito Processual CivilCoisa Julgada
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      Criminal ProcedureCoisa JulgadaProcesso PenalRes Judicata
Принцип остаточності рішення суду (res judicata) є багатоаспектним феноменом, який охоплює як остаточність вольового акту органу правосуддя, тобто результату вирішення справи (вольовий компонент), так і преюдиціальне значення для... more
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      Res Judicataцивільний процесгосподарський процесадміністративне судочинство
A coisa julgada, direito fundamental garantido no art. 5º, inciso XXXVI, da Constituição republicana, foi construída ao longo dos séculos para servir ao processo subjetivo individual com vistas ao dogma da segurança jurídica, não perdendo... more
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      DireitoClass ActionsRes JudicataNovo Código De Processo Civil Brasileiro
This article explores the concept and elements that compose the law of Res Judicata, particularly taking into account the recent judgments rendered by the International Court of Justice on the matter.
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      International LawColombiaArbitration LawPublic International Law
Resumo: O presente trabalho trata do tema das chamadas coisas julgadas contraditórias. Demonstra que a superação do prazo da ação rescisória para atacar a segunda coisa julgada não elimina a primeira coisa julgada e, assim, traça... more
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      Comparative Civil ProcedureCivil ProcedureProcedural LawCoisa Julgada
Relazione al “XXII Colloquio biennale dell’Associazione Italiana di Diritto Comparato”, Salerno, 30 maggio - 1 giugno 2013
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      Comparative Constitutional LawEuropean Court of Human RightsRes JudicataDue Process Rights
This work has the scope to analyze the Brazilian Class Action nº 98.0025524-9/1998, which resulted on the prohibition of smoking in all the Brazilians Airplanes. Moreover, we pretend to demonstrate the relevance of Brazilian Collective... more
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      DireitoClass ActionsCivil ProcedureDireito Processual Civil
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      Civil LawArbitrationInvestmentCommon Law
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      LawCivil ProcedureRes Judicata
Trata-se de prefácio da obra "Casos repetitivos e ações coletivas: a vinculação das decisões no processo coletivo" escrita por Gustavo Silva Alves.
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      Judicial PrecedentDireitoComparative Civil ProcedureClass Actions