Residential Child Care
Recent papers in Residential Child Care
This paper deals with the contact and relationship youth have with staff while in care and after emancipation and examines the young adults' needs in contacting staff after leaving care. The study was conducted through 60 interviews with... more
Maltreated and child welfare-involved youth are over-represented in juvenile justice systems. These youth are at a greater risk of serious offending and justice system entrenchment relative to their non-maltreated peers. Understanding... more
Background. Runaway behavior among children in residential care is a serious social problem in all countries of the world. Existing scientific data on risk factors and motives of runaway from out-of-home care may not be absolutely... more
In the United States, thousands of young people reside in private schools aimed at reforming 'troubled teens'. These 'troubled teens' are young people who are considered to have emotional, behavioural and/or substance misuse problems.... more
The most common adverse effects that children who grow up in residential care experience include: developmental delays; behavioural problems; attachment disorders; lack of life skills; institutionalisation; and difficulty forming and... more
This chapter reviews the use of institutional care for children and young people in the mega-city of Delhi. The situation in Delhi is located within a national overview of India and then the focus moves on to the provision of... more
Immunization protects us from many harmful diseases that can have very serious complications or even cause death. More than 30 million children are unimmunized because of some of the following reasons; unavailability of vaccines, poor... more
On paper, Romania’s Child Protection System offers a child temporary intervention until they are reintegrated into their biological family, or placed in an adoptive family. In reality, this “temporary intervention” usually lasts until... more
Kenya has approximately 2.4 million orphans and vulnerable children and it is estimated that 30-45% of these children end up in institutions (Government of Kenya 2014: 4). According to the alternative care guidelines (ibid 2014), children... more
Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die Entwicklung der Erziehungs- und Familienberatung in Deutschland in den 25 Jahren seit Inkrafttreten des Kinder- und Jugendhilfegesetzes (KJHG). Insbesondere wird auf den Rechtsanspruch auf... more
Although neurodisability features significantly across child welfare and youth justice cohorts, little research investigates neurodisability among crossover children with dual systems involvement. This study examined differences in... more
Institutionalization of children who are deprived of parental care is a thriving phenomenon in the global South, and has generated considerable concern both nationally and internationally, in the last two decades. In Kenya, the number of... more
The need for scrutinizing and implementing childcare rights in the SAARC is imperative. It has become quite apparent in recent years, that for children living in non family environments, this may indeed be a preferred care option as laws... more
There is a growing concern in Africa on the growing number of orphanages/ residential care institutions. And a lot has also been done by developmental psychologists to detail the deleterious effects of institutionalization on children.... more
Der Beitrag gibt einen Uberblick uber die Entwicklung der Erziehungs- und Familienberatung in Deutschland in den 25 Jahren seit Inkrafttreten des Kinder- und Jugendhilfegesetzes (KJHG). Insbesondere wird auf den Rechtsanspruch auf... more
There has been an increasing emphasis on the provision of family-style residential care for children in alternative care globally, the aim of which is to create a family environment for children without parental care. Few studies have... more
The over-representation of children from child protection backgrounds in the youth justice system is a significant and longstanding concern. While the association between child maltreatment and youth offending is established, the pathway... more
… ich hätte alles getan, damit ich ja da nicht mehr reinkomme.« Karzer, Besinnungsstübchen, Therapiestation: Räume der Erziehung? FLAVIA GUERRINI »Frau Hammerle brachte mich durch den langen halbdunklen Gang in den Karzer. Nachdem sie mir... more
El objeto de la presente aportación consiste en realizar un estudio comparado entre las medidas estatales y autonómicas de protección de menores en situación de riesgo o desamparo y el sistema de protección previsto en Inglaterra y Gales.... more
In this article we review ways of understanding how social and welfare institutions achieve their goals and produce their products, whether these are expected or not. We analyze mainstream approaches to study these institutions in Spain... more
This article looks at how charity organizations running private residential child care institutions on the Kenyan coast make use of the personal data of children in their care, as a means of securing and maintaining the support of donors... more
There has been increasing recognition that the diversity and dynamic nature of family composition, structure, and living arrangements are intimately related to the key factors that support children's care and well-being and should be... more
Conflicting interpretations of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) send mixed messages on the safety and legitimacy of residential care, resulting in the... more
Resumo Em Portugal, 2703 crianças em acolhimento perspetivam regressar para a família biológica. A investigação combina as perspetivas de crianças, pais e profissionais sobre reunificação familiar, identificando necessidades,... more
An international network of researchers was established by the in 2007, to produce online blended learning caregiver training and educations for local professional trainers, in the field of placed children and... more
Abstract Residential childcare workers in child welfare (RCWs) can suffer negative impacts as a result of exposure to distressing experiences at work, such as violence and details of child abuse. These impacts undermine the well-being of... more
Ерицян К.Ю., Колпакова О.И. Побеги детей из детских домов в Российской Федерации: опыт качественного изучения//Ананьевские чтения – 2017: Преемственность в психологической науке: В.М. Бехтерев, Б.Г. Ананев, Б.Ф.Ломов: материалы... more
Der Beitrag berechnet aus den Daten der Bundesstatistik für die Kinder- und Jugendhilfe für die begonnenen Hilfen zur Erziehung eines Jahres auf der Basis der durchschnittlichen Dauer der einzelnen Hilfearten die durchschnittlichen... more
Апстракт: У овом раду дат је приказ једног модела предгрупног планирања у соци-јалном групном раду. Планирање у групном раду још увек је занемарена компонента, иако веома битна за цео процес и успешност социјалног групног рада. Области... more
When, in the summer of 2008, Essex County Council's decided to launch a 3-year pilot project to develop social pedagogy within its children's residential services the bigger picture of social pedagogy in the UK looked very sketchy. The... more
There has been increasing recognition that the diversity and dynamic nature of family composition, structure, and living arrangements are intimately related to the key factors that support children's care and well-being and should be... more
From a wider educational ethnography, we analysed the implementation of a point-based reward system as an educational tool in a Spanish children’s home. This is examined within a policy and ideological framework strongly influenced by... more
Although neurodisability features significantly across child welfare and youth justice cohorts, little research investigates neurodisability among crossover children with dual systems involvement. This study examined differences in... more
An excerpt of the first section of a history of The Children's Village, a residential treatment center for juveniles in Westchester County, New York, originally the New York Juvenile Asylum, established 1851, couched in a broader review... more