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cool breakdown of the crisis theory and accompanied intervention
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      SociologyPsychologyEducationSocial Work
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    • Risk and crisis management
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      Corporate FinanceTurnaround ManagementFinancial DistressEconomic Crisis
"Buhalis, Dimitrios and Michopoulou, Eleni (2011) 'Information-enabled tourism destination marketing: addressing the accessibility market', Current Issues in Tourism,, 14(2) pp145-168. more
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      Information TechnologyTourism StudiesTourism MarketingAccessibility
In the early morning hours of November 8, 2010, fire broke out in the aft engine room of Carnival Splendor, a 113,300 ton passenger cruise ship carrying over 3,000 guests. Although the fire was quickly suppressed, Cruise Director John... more
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      Corporate ReputationReputation ManagementRisk and crisis management
This book offers a new and original perspective on crisis communication based on the theory of the Rhetorical Arena and the so-called multivocal approach. According to this approach, we gain a more dynamic and complex understanding of... more
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      Crisis communication and managementPublic RelationsCrisis ManagementCrisis Communication
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    • Risk and crisis management
Jos van der Sterren Rami Isaac NHTV Breda Locally-driven (Community-based) Tourism Development an option for poverty alleviation? 2 Jos van der Sterren Rami Isaac NHTV Breda
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      Tourism StudiesCommunity DevelopmentPolitical ScienceSustainable Tourism
Critical decisions for crisis management: An introduction By Mario COCCIA a † Abstract. In the presence of crisis, such as global COVID-19 pandemic crisis, governments have more and more take critical decisions to cope with consequential... more
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      ImprovisationDecision MakingSatisficing & Bounded RationalityPolicy Analysis and Decision Making
The Ever Given Grounding in the Suez Canal has consequences that are yet to be felt, even after the vessel was freed and the canal reopened. This event is a classic example of a cascade effect of a risk realized. The cascade from Ever... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementBusiness Continuity PlanningRisk and crisis management
Many countries face cycles of repeated violence. Attacks on health workers and facilities exact a toll on civilian access to care and, in aggregate, population health status. A variety of humanitarian organizations provide essential... more
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      HumanitarianismCrisis ManagementHumanitarian InterventionRisk Management
Resumen: El turismo, alcanza su nivel de masividad a partir de la II posguerra jugando un rol clave en el comercio internacional por los movimientos de capitales que representaba. Este fenómeno, fue analizado por las más altas... more
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      Tourism ImpactsDestination MarketingRisk and crisis managementTourism Planning & Development
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      Crisis communication and managementCrisis ManagementCrisis CommunicationRisk and crisis management
This article provides an early account to document Swedens strategy to the COVID-19 pandemic and critically examines the countrys crisis response during the first six months of 2020. Sweden stood out internationally with a hands-off... more
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      Crisis communication and managementCrisis ManagementCognitive DissonanceNeoliberalism
THE ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE IN CONTEMPORANEITY: socio-environmental conflicts, constitutional guarantees and the effectiveness of public policies under debate.
Presentation in the form of an interview
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      Environmental SustainabilityRisk and crisis managementPublic Policy
Estimating the economic impact of special events to tourism destinations constitutes one of the major fields in tourism research. Extensive literature provides both practitioners and scientists with appropriate tools to measure tourism... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism economicsTourism Impacts
In the emergency of a fire or in the aftermath of a disaster, the struck area is rather difficult to access and may have become hazardous, hostile or toxic. Establishing whether the ground can be entered safely by human beings is time... more
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      Crisis ManagementDisaster ManagementAction PlanRisk and crisis management
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      Tourism StudiesGovernanceLocal Government and Local DevelopmentTourism Impacts
"Earlier provisional title was "Archaeology, Tourism, Museum...." "This chapter is divided into two distinct sections that are positioned in a point-counterpoint structure of dialogue. These two position statements invoke the... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesGeographyArchaeology
— It is no surprise that the notion of situation is key to situation awareness. The development of the discipline can thus benefit from careful analysis of the notion. In this paper, we approach this by proposing an ontology of situations... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceSoftware EngineeringInformation Systems (Business Informatics)
L’exercice de l’art infirmier répond à des règles réglementaires qui sont d’ordre public. Ceci implique qu’elles sont directement opposables à l’infirmier et ne souffrent pas d’exception. Néanmoins, en situation d’exception, ces règles... more
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      Crisis ManagementNurse EducationDisaster ManagementHealth Care Management
L'objectif de notre contribution est d'identifier plus précisément la place de la résilience dans la dynamique évolutive normal d'une organisation. Notre approche est essentiellement épistémologique. Nous pensons qu'avant de donner a... more
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      ResilienceExaptationRisk and crisis management
Özet Krizler, örgütlerin önleme ve uyum mekanizmalarını yetersiz hale getirerek mevcut değerlerini, amaçlarını ve varsayımlarını tehdit eden ve bu tehditlere karşı acele cevap verilmesini zorunlu kılan, gerginlik verici durumlardır.... more
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      ManagementCrisis communication and managementCrisis ManagementProject Risk Management
We built a multiagent simulation of urban traffic to model both ordinary traffic and emergency or crisis mode traffic. This simulation first builds a modeled road network based on detailed geographical information. On this network, the... more
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      Traffic SimulationAgent Based SimulationAgent-based modelingRisk and crisis management
Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans in August 2005, driving hundreds of thousands of residents out of the city and causing upwards of $55 billion in damage. Between August 2005 and New Year's Day 2006, New Orleans lost over half its... more
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      Risk Management and InsuranceEconomicsFinancial EconomicsFlood Risk Management
Tourism in Ireland is facing challenging times and thus new ways of attracting tourists into Ireland are required. Recent reports on the current state of Irish tourism highlighted the need to identify and invest in key market segments,... more
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      Civil EngineeringTourism StudiesSustainable TransportationTransport Planning
"This chapter aims to explain how and why the the 9/11 Commission succeeded whereas so many others did not. To shed light on the 9/11 Commission’s origins, goals, limitations, failings, accomplishments and consequences, we apply three... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisTerrorismSecurityCrisis Management
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive ScienceComputer Science
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      Risk and crisis managementExample
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      Event ManagementRisk and crisis management
Meta-governance recently emerged in the field of governance as a new approach which claims that its use enables modern states to overcome problems associated with network governance. This thesis shares the view that networks are an... more
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      Public AdministrationGovernmentalityGovernanceCrisis Communication
What are the risk of the current Syrian civil war from now until its end?
This paper will find out that the main risks are the extreme fragmentation of the political opposition, the ISIL and the economic crisis.
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      International RelationsMiddle East StudiesInternational SecurityPolitical Science
The present study highlights the impact that politics can have on marketing and overall destination competitiveness through the example of North Cyprus. Political stability is an important prerequisite for establishment, growth and... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementDestination Management
Il 16 febbraio 2016, a Roma, il Governo italiano e l'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l'educazione, la scienza e la cultura (UNESCO), rappresentati rispettivamente dal Ministro degli Affari esteri e della cooperazione... more
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      International LawUnescoInternational CooperationWorld Cultural Heritage
Dear Colleague, It is my great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 6th ICT Forum that will be held in October 14-16, 2014 in Nis, Serbia. Additional information on the 6th ICT Forum is enclosed and can be found at the... more
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      Sociology of DisasterFire and Emergency ServicesDisability StudiesFlood Risk Management
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      SociologyPatient SafetyQuality ImprovementQualitative Research
The purpose of this study is to examine the emerging flashpacker sub-culture in relation to the backpacker culture. Cultural Consensus Analysis is employed to examine the potential cultural divergence between flashpackers and... more
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      AnthropologyTourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismTourism Marketing
Упадъкът на Запада не е случайност 14 авг 2019 | 07:14 (300) (0) "Ситуацията е сериозна: постепенно изчезва не просто един политически, икономически и обществен модел, но и всичко това, което в продължение на хилядолетия беше... more
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      European HistoryCultural StudiesEuropean StudiesSelf and Identity
The objective of the Club Management Guide is to provide an in-depth study of the daily business activities of a football club; by way of sharing various club methods to current and future club officials of real-life examples from... more
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      BusinessManagementBusiness AdministrationFootball (soccer)
This study examined the determinants of food price inflation and its impact on the economy of PNG from 2001 to 2011 (10 years) using time series data. Secondary data obtained from credible sources such as BPNG, ADB, WB, and IMF were... more
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      Applied MathematicsEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsStatistics
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, in Washington, DC, is an institute of Harvard University dedicated to supporting scholarship internationally in Byzantine, Pre-Columbian, and Garden and Landscape Studies through... more
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      HumanitiesLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLibrary ScienceDigital Humanities
This article tries to analyse the pitfalls when it comes to supporting locally driven or community based tourism development. It relates this (idealistic) development objective promoted by NGO's and donor communities to the larger context... more
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      Tourism StudiesCommunity Engagement & ParticipationCommunity DevelopmentSustainable Tourism
This article builds upon earlier risk narrative research, focusing upon their historical development primarily in the US and UK and drawing upon a wide range of key historical and contemporary moments and examples. It proceeds from an... more
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      Environmental StudiesEnvironmental HistoryDisaster risk managementSociology of Risk
This paper explores the relationship between tourism and the challenges of governance in the Arctic region. Recently, both political and academic interest in the Arctic has been on the rise as a result of the increasing geopolitical... more
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      Business EthicsBotanyLandscape EcologyGeography
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      Public AdministrationCrisis ManagementCrisis CommunicationDisaster Management
Companies' responses to risk need to consider internal organizational realities.
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational ChangeRisk ManagementCorruption
This article probes the warning-response failures that left the city of New Orleans vulnerable to catastrophic hurricanes and the inability of local, state, and federal authorities to mount an adequate response to the consequences... more
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      Early WarningHurricane KatrinaRisk and crisis management
Τα τελευταία χρόνια ένα ευρύ φάσμα φυσικών καταστροφών έχει γίνει μια καλά τεκμηριωμένη και απτή πραγματικότητα με τραγικές επιπτώσεις. Και ενώ υπάρχει μια πλούσια βιβλιογραφία σε σχέση με την ετοιμότητα έκτακτης ανάγκης, η αντίστοιχη σε... more
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      Risk ManagementCivil ProtectionEmergencies and DisastersDisbility
Sentiment analysis techniques are increasingly used to grasp reactions from social media users to unexpected and potentially stressful social events. This paper argues that, alongside assessments of the affective valence of social media... more
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      Coping StrategiesCrisis communication and managementSentiment AnalysisSocial Media