Robert Darnton
Recent papers in Robert Darnton
Le tappe della modernità dell’editoria sono segnate da alcuni testi qui raccolti di Valentino Bompiani, Roger Chartier, Robert Darnton, Carlo Dionisotti, Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, Gérard Genette, Gian Carlo Ferretti e Donald McKenzie, il... more
Gabriel Torres Puga hace un recorrido de fa rrayectoria academica de Robert Darnton. De fa bistoire des mentalites a fa antropofogfa y de fa ,fOciofogfa a fa microhirtoria, Darnton se ha dedicado a estudiar fa manera en fa que fa gente... more
This chapter surveys the three most prominent ways in which the historical context of ideas have been understood. Put simply, they can be labelled textual contexts, social contexts and cultural contexts. Although all three ways of... more
The history of mentalities a field of scholarly history, considers the mentalities of ordinary individuals towards regular day to day existence, including thoughts concerning adolescence, sexuality, family, time, and death. 1 This... more
El presente trabajo pretende analizar de qué manera la "nueva historiografía francesa" sentó los precedentes ideológicos y metodológicos necesarios para que un historiador medievalista como Jacques Le Goff considere la historia del cuerpo... more
Texto presentado en el homenaje a Robert Darnton, organizado por el Fondo de Cultura Económica, el jueves 16 de octubre de 2014.
Podejmując zagadnienie historii antropologicznej i/czy antropologii historycznej (mikrohistorii i praktykowanej w tym stylu etnohistorii), ważne jest, aby wskazać ich relacje z dziedzinami macierzystymi, tj. z historią i antropologią,... more
Robert Darnton famously described book history as " one of the few sectors in the human sciences where there is a mood of expansion and a flurry of new ideas. " Indeed, for literary scholars, a renewed attention to the materiality of... more
Entrevista com o historiador Robert Darnton Publicada na revista Leituras da História n°1 (2007)
罗伯特·达恩顿《屠猫狂欢》(一名《屠猫记》)是新文化史研究的代表作。这种研究模式对非常规史料,尤其是文学文本的使用以及对“阐释”的看重,与文学研究多有共鸣之处,近年来也在中国现当代文学研究领域产生了一定影响。本文将首先回到《屠猫记》文本,分析这种研究方式所带来的启发,而后,我将以同样描述相同历史时段的托克维尔《旧制度与大革命》作为参照,指出这种研究思路的限制和可能性。以文学研究者的视野深入理解《屠猫狂欢》是必要的,《屠猫狂欢》面对正统史学时表现出的那些“灵巧”与“困窘”,正让... more
Le recours à des tactiques de contournement prémunit-il un texte hétérodoxe de toute censure ? Si le lecteur initié est susceptible de repérer le sens caché sous le texte explicite, pourquoi le juge n’en serait-il pas capable ? Selon la... more
The revolution of 1848 was a crucial step for the apprenticeship in the democratic practices in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Historians have been dedicating scarce attention to this theme, since they consider political life in... more
Jeżeli przyjmiemy, że Nowa Era potrzebuje historii jako specyficznego podejścia do przeszłości, to opowiadanie o niej wydaje się o tyle płodne, o ile stanowi sposób poznania siebie, "innego" i świata oraz o ile odzwierciedla i przyczynia... more
This book investigates ways of thinking in eighteenth-century France. It attempts to show not merely what people thought but how they thought -how they construed the world, invested it with meaning, and infused it with emotion. Instead of... more
The uses and reception of Sándor Kisfaludy’s Patriotic Appeal of 1809 In the end of 1808, Sándor Kisfaludy was commissioned by Joseph Beckers, the adjutant of Archduke Joseph to write a short pamphlet on a future noble levy, to draw... more
Review: Robert Darnton "The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural History"
This interview was made in February 2004 and published in Estonian in the Estonian edition of Robert Darnton’s “George Washington’s False Teeths: An Unconventional Guide to the Eighteenth Century” (“George Washingtoni valehambad. Tavatu... more
"Ce texte retrace l'évolution d'un topos qui traverse différentes périodes historiques, et qui se caractérise par l'articulation entre 1° une alarme lancée à propos des dangers d'une diffusion excessive des titres scolaires, a fortiori... more
Recension de Robert Darnton, De la censure. Essai d’histoire comparée, trad. Jean-François Sené, Paris, Gallimard, coll. « NRF essais », 2014.
Acknowledgements Notes on Contributors Introduction Emperor Kennedy Legend: A New Anthropological Debate L. Kolakowski The Watercress Seller C. Steedman from Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison M. Foucault Workers Revolt: The... more
¿Qué decimos cuando decimos “ciudad”? ¿A qué nos referimos?, o será mas bien, ¿a quién? En La invención de lo cotidiano 1. Artes de hacer, el historiador francés Michel de Certeau abordó la pregunta sobre la ciudad: ¿qué es la ciudad? ¿el... more
Discutindo a importância da visada underground da vida literária, o artigo propõe, a partir do método utilizado por Robert Darnton, em “Boemia literária e revolução” (1989), uma metodologia de pesquisa que engloba ferramentas não... more
Travelogue from Harvard University focusing on book history, based on the authors' experiences as visiting scholar at the history department in 2014-2015. An interview with the former Harvard University librarian Robert Darnton on the... more
- - - with Eduard Burget. Darnton’s model of a communication network and samizdat research: On the Czech translation of the study "What is the history of samizdat?" by Gordon Johnston.
A very brief survey of the work of Robert Darnton, delivered as the introduction to the 5th Annual University of British Columbia Burge Lecture.
Ao discutir as relações entre espaço, gênero e prestígio na vida literária, o artigo examina a maneira como os locais públicos e privados incidiram na escolha discursiva dos escritores, promovendo audiência no universo simbólico das... more
Una prospettiva su digitalizzazione, tecnologie della lettura e patrimonio culturale.
72 544x376 El presente trabajo pretende analizar de que manera la “nueva historiografia francesa” sento los precedentes ideologicos y metodologicos necesarios para que un historiador medievalista como Jacques Le Goff considere la historia... more
From the current vantage point of the transformation of books and libraries, Mani presents a historical account of world literature. By locating translation, publication, and circulation along routes of "bibliomigrancy"--the physical and... more
The famous clash between Edmund Burke and Tom Paine over the Enlightenment’s “evil” or “liberating” potential in the French Revolution finds present-day parallels in the battle between those who see the Enlightenment at the origins of... more