Role Playing Game (RPG)
Recent papers in Role Playing Game (RPG)
This study aims at discussing how the discursive genre theory (BAKHTIN, 1992; DOLZ; SCHNEUWLY, 2004) contributes to the understanding of how video games can foster English language learning. Persona 4: Golden, the video game chosen for... more
A sociedade atual passa por grandes mudanças a partir do surgimento da cultura digital. Esta característica demanda um novo olhar e uma nova forma de gerir quaisquer processos nos quais ocorram interação humana. A educação é uma das áreas... more
El agua en la piedra es una aventura para juegos de rol que se puede acabar en una sola sesión (one-shot). Es ideal para personas que comienzan su camino en los juegos de rol. Los encuentros y desafíos tienen una dificultad media y están... more
Previous work presented solutions to Lueker's Dilemma [3] and to a variant where damage was determined by a roll of m n-side dice. [4] We build on that work to give a solution to the Dilemma when damage is determined by a roll of m n-side... more
This article build further upon the previous essay on the possibilities of using the recreational activity known as role-playing gaming for potential therapeutic interventions. Later articles continue to build upon this premise with... more
A working draft visualization on the W.A. Hawkes-Robinson RPG Model subsection "The Four RPG Formats". This diagram supplements the explanation of the section on The 4 Major RPG Formats as per the Hawkes-Robinson RPG Model.... more
The paper presents the results of “Live Action Role Plays in School Education,” a quasi-experimental project piloted in 2010 and 2012 and conducted in 2013 by Games Research Association of Poland and educational publisher Nowa Era. In... more
This book is about the three identities of the videogame, the gamer, and Game Studies. I write that there are no definitive truths but rather discourses and constructions; ideas, actions, beliefs, and practices related to videogames are... more
This document provides an overview of the origins, evolution, debate, and current applications relevant to the Transtheoretical Model (TTM), also known as Stages of Change (SoC) and relevance to role-playing games. It includes some of the... more
Variam de 1 a 5 (1 muito paia, 5 muito foda). Os testes são feitos com um Atributo (características básicas) + Habilidade (perícias do personagem), cada bolinha equivale a 1 dado de dez faces (D10). A isso se somam MODIFICADORES,... more
Revision F, As presented at National Annual ATRA Conference by RPG Research & RPG Therapeutics. Diagram Summary & Relationship to Role-playing Game Interaction Patterns and RPG Formats according to the Hawkes-Robinson RPG Model at... more
De "Donjons & Dragons" en passant par "Warhammer 40 000", rares sont les univers de fantasy qui échappent aux orques. Mais les représentations de ces monstres ont bien changé depuis le début du XXe siècle. Une évolution à laquelle les... more
En tant que mélange entre jeu de rôle et jeu de stratégie au tour par tour, le Tactical RPG ou "jeu de rôle tactique" apparaît comme un objet hybride devant concilier la tension narrative propre au jeu de rôle et le fonctionnement... more
For those discussion #InteractionPatterns, especially in the context of #RPG, here is a refresher on my adaptations of the Avedon 1974 Interaction patterns as applied to typical uses of all 4 formats of role-playing games: #TRPG, #LARP,... more
Many people have at least heard of role-playing gaming since its inception in 1974, though usually in the form of negative press or related word-of-mouth rumors about Dungeons & Dragons. With less than 3% of the mainstream media and press... more
The presentation from April 11th, 2015 "The Therapeutic and Educational Uses of Role-Playing Games (RPG) as Intervention Modalities for Individuals and Groups from the Therapeutic Recreation Perspective" at Seattle Children's Hospital for... more
The paper analyses the evolution of tabletop RPGs in Poland through the prism of Magia i Miecz (1993–2002) – the first, and for a long time the only commercial Polish RPG magazine. This evolution is discussed by means of the " classic "... more
La tesi indaga il potenziale utilizzo del gioco di ruolo Dungeons & Dragons come strumento pratico-progettuale nella formazione aziendale delle soft skill. Si analizza il valore pedagogico di gioco e narrazione, per poi definire la natura... more
Video with voice over to this presentation available here: This is a shorter summary of the 2 hour presentation. This was created for The 2016 Living Games Conference... more
This presentation covers the history of the anti-role-playing game movement from its inception in during the "Moral Panic" / "Satanic Panic" of the 1980s, onward through 2014 and continuing negative inculcated myths and cultural attitudes... more
OVERVIEW This document attempts to summarize with a brief list the pros and cons of each role-playing game (RPG) format. The hope is that this differentiation between formats will improve the quality of future research studies and program... more
Este livro reúne pesquisas diretamente ligadas ao Role-playing Game (RPG). Por vezes alvo de críticas negativas pela mídia geral desde seu surgimento e popularização, o RPG passou a ser visto como um jogo que ajudou a socializar pessoas e... more
Se cumplen veinte años de la salida al mercado de "Final Fantasy VI", laudado por la crítica especializada como el mejor RPG e incluso el mejor videojuego de la historia que coinciden con la aparición de la versión para smartphones del... more
Previous research finds roleplaying games, as well as the wider spectrum of geek culture that they exist within, to be defined by discourses favoring a white, heterosexual, cis-male viewpoint, drawing up and reproducing stereotypes and... more
Paper presented at Digra 2015, May14th - 17th 2015 in Lüneburg, Germany. This article presents the Wunderkammer-Gesamtkunstwerk (Wu-Ge) Model as a framework for the analysis and design of role-playing games. This framework is divided... more
Resumo: Este artigo apresenta como o RPG (Role Play Game) pode auxiliar o professor de Artes na construção do conhecimento dos conteúdos curriculares de sua disciplina, visto que o RPG é um jogo que mistura a interpretação de personagens,... more
Game Digital (komputer, konsol dan mobilephone) merupakan salah satu media yang dapat digunakan untuk menyampaikan materi pembelajaran kepada pemainnya dengan sangat efektif dan efisien. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, game edukasi semakin... more
ENGLISH: After discussing some classic formulations on the socioanthropological character of the game, the article investigates components of the interaction between players which might contribute to differentiate it as a specific form of... more
A brief background summary of research information about the effects of role-playing gaming upon participants, including their use as an intervention modality to achieve therapeutic and educational goals for various populations,... more
Shin Megami Tensei is a Japanese RPG series famous for its monsters, which are taken from many different mythologies and folkloric legends from around the world. The player can “capture” these monsters and use them in battle in a very... more
This article examines Carl Jung’s psychoanalytic processes of imagination and individuation, from interdisciplinary perspectives of role-playing, of Jung’s psychology and drama therapy. For Jung, active imagination is a process by which... more
A short analysis of current research into LARP and RPG in counselling and psychotherapy. This includes my own personal experiences of the hobbies.
This paper explores the relationship between narrative and design in the Dark Souls series, extending to the games in the series under the umbrella of “Souls-like” games from the same company. I take what I consider to be an interesting... more
En el presente trabajo se propone el diseño de un juego de rol en papel enfocado tanto en las mecánicas y la jugabilidad como en la narrativa que se presenta a los jugadores. Esto será posible gracias a la creación de un libro de reglas... more
Etude de la coordination sociale à l'oeuvre pendant les parties de jeux de rôle.
Diante dos desafios do ensino escolar em Geografia, que faça o aluno compreender as relações sociedade e natureza na sua realidade e o torne um sujeito crítico e atuante no seu espaço geográfico, os recursos didáticos se apresentam como... more
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This paper reveals an affective and nostalgic foundational component of the “Japanese Role-Playing-Game (JRPG)” video game genre through an investigation of its history and use as seen on gaming blogs, forums, and videos. As a result of... more