Roman aqueducts and water supply
Recent papers in Roman aqueducts and water supply
1 Ringrazio gli organizzatori del convegno all'Accademia Belgica, in particolare Thomas Morard, per avermi invitato a tenere una conferenza e per aver incluso il mio contributo nel presente volume. Vorrei ringraziare anche la... more
The study of ancient hydraulic infrastructures (e.g., aqueducts) is usually tackled in terms of their technical features and of classical texts and archaeological evidences while insufficient attention is devoted to the framing of the... more
L'acquedotto Claudio è un monumento che reca i segni delle diverse fasi storiche attraversate dalla città di Roma: nel I secolo d.C. venne costruito per rifornire una popolazione in crescita, fu protagonista durante l'assedio dei Goti del... more
This article provides an initial archaeological and historical overview of the Lower Pool at the Pools of Solomon south of Bethlehem, Palestine.
Archaeological remains around the world are testament that large-scale construction projects have been successfully carried out for millennia. This success is particularly evident through the great infrastructural works of the Roman... more
Técnica y construcción de un tramo subterráneos del acueducto de los Milagros.
- by Santiago Feijoo Martínez
- Acquedotti Romani, vias romanas; calzadas; caminos; via; Hispania; ingenieria romana; puente romano; presas romanas; acueductos romanos; acueducto romano; roman roads; roman bridges; roman engineering; roman dams; viae; pontes; aque; saeptum; portus; urbes; traianus, Vías Romanas. Ingeniería y técnica constructiva, Roman aqueducts and water supply
Talk at the International Konferenz 'Wasser im Altertum' held at Berlin, July 14-18, 2014. Abstract: At Pompeii the waters of the Avella aqueduct arriving at the main castellum at the Porta Vesuvio were distributed in the city by a... more
L'aqua Alsietina è uno degli acquedotti antichi di Roma meno conosciuti. La costruzione di tale infrastruttura venne promossa da Augusto nel 2 a.C. -dal quale prende anche il nome di aqua Augusta (, IV) -al fine di alimentare la... more
Water played an important part of ancient Roman life, from providing necessary drinking water, supplying bath complexes, to flowing in large-scale public fountains. The Roman culture of water was seen throughout the Roman Empire, although... more
A significant number of water pools existed in Jerusalem in the Late Hellenistic and Early Roman periods. The pools constitute an archaeological phenomenon that should be analysed in its own right. No other city in the region had so many... more
RESUMEN: En este trabajo se dan a conocer los interesantes hallazgos de época romana en el yacimiento de El Lavadero (Marchena), entre los cuales destaca un gran estanque circular de más de 44 metros de diámetro por su carácter... more
This paper explores the numerous roles the army played during both the Republic and the Empire in serving as a bastion of Roman culture, both through the establishment of Coloniae Veteranorum and through through the intricate pattern of... more
La presente nota è la sintesi delle indagini condotte nelle Terme di Diocleziano tra il 2012 e il 2013, al fine di comprendere il funzionamento degli impianti tecnici del complesso termale.
Aqueduc, siphon, tuyaux de pierre, station de décantation, grandes citernes, thermes, châteaux d'eau
This large volume reports on the `Archaeology anad Topography of the Southern Esquiline from the Late Republican Period to the Present'. The study includes introductory sections on the historical and topographical background, as well as... more
La realizzazione dell'acquedotto di Grumentum simboleggia una delle maggiori manifestazioni del processo di romanizzazione dell'area, portato a compimento nella metà del I sec. a.C., con la deduzione coloniale e la realizzazione delle... more
In the series "The treaties of the arts", directed by the Author, the volume reproduces the illustrations from the drawings by Andrea Palladio, originally published by O. Bertotti Scamozzi (Vicenza 1797). For many buildings, like the... more
La fouille fait suite à un diagnostic archéologique mené en juin 2011. Elle a permis de dégager une portion de l'aqueduc gallo-romain dit « de Landelles » sur une trentaine de mètres de long. Cet aqueduc mesure 1,60 m de large hors-oeuvre... more
A neglected inscribed lead water pipe from Rome of the imperial age very likely preserved the names of Severus and Celer, the emperor Nero's famous architects. The discovery has ramifications for how to think about residence patterns in... more
Questa edizione digitale pubblicata come numero monografico dei "Quaderni di TestoeSenso" è l'unica edizione del testo licenziata dall'autrice. Il contributo a mia firma stampato in volume monografico nell'edizione cartacea degli Atti... more
A look at the Roman Aqueducts located in Tarragona, Spain from and civil engineering perspective. Focused on the construction and history of aqueducts, this paper looks at how ancient Tarraco solved its water resource issues and how the... more
Toplumsal Tarih; Ağustos 2019'da "Günümüz İstanbul’unda Bizans" başlıklı özel bir dosyayla Türkiye’de Bizans tarihçiliğinin bugünkü durumunu gösteren araştırmalara odaklanıyor. Dosyada bir araya getirilen makaleler, İstanbul ve çevresinde... more
Mots clés : Nîmes, Uzès, Remoulins, Rome, aqueduc romain, Pont-du-Gard, tour Magne, castellum. Le Pont-du-Gard et l’aqueduc romain de Nîmes ont-ils été construit sous le règne des empereurs Claude ou Néron, comme il est écrit dans tous... more
-Urban Water Distribution Structures in Patara- Freshwater springs are very limited in the immediate vicinity of Patara. Underground sources and rainwater collected in cisterns must have played important role in catering to... more (Consorcio de la Ciudad Monumental de Mérida) TRAIANVS © 2005 En este trabajo se va a intentar demostrar una idea central que, a pesar de ser muy simple, no es evidente a causa de los avances científicos de la... more
A reasoned inventory of Roman aqueducts built in Italy from August to the Antonines shows how prominent was the role played by the water supply management in the emperors’ policy.
The most unusual aspect of Byzantine Constantinople's water system was the large number of cisterns throughout the city. This research integrates the two most recent in-depth studies of the cisterns to determine that there have been at... more
Aqua L'approvvigionamento idrico e l'impatto nelle città romane del Lazio meridionale a cura di Massimiliano Valenti Atti del Convegno di Studi Gallicano nel Lazio (Rm) -Castello di Passerano 22 Novembre 2013 Atti a cura di: Massimiliano... more