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Este artigo pretende chamar a atención sobre a existencia dalgúns fenómenos dialectais que mostran a existencia dunha área xeolingüística galego-asturiana (que inclúe o Baixo-Minho portugués) que xa ten a súa orixe no mesmo momento da... more
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      Historical LinguisticsPortugueseDialectologyGalician Studies
La letteratura descrive unanimemente il gallo-“italico” come caratterizzato da tutti i tratti linguistici/strutturali che distinguono il gallo-romanzo dalle altre varietà. Tuttavia, mentre alcuni studiosi lo affiliano al ‘gallo-romanzo’... more
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      Romance LinguisticsRomance LanguagesRomance dialectologyGenealogic Classification of Languages
Forse più che per altre aree del dominio romanzo è necessario, trattando di proverbi ladini, spendere qualche parola sulla delimitazione dell'area di nostro interesse: come è noto, infatti, non c'è accordo fra gli studiosi (e meno ancora... more
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      Linguistic AnthropologyProverbsRomance dialectologyDolomitic Ladin Language
Greek-speaking people have been sailing the Mediterranean for millennia. At various stages of their development from Latin, the Romance languages have been influenced by their idiom. In Italy and in its islands, this role has been... more
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      LexicologyLexicographyRomance LinguisticsHistory of French language
L a ricerca oggetto di questo contributo trae spunto dallo spoglio sistematico del "Dizionario Toponomastico e Onomastico della Calabria" (DTOC) di Gerhard Rohlfs dal quale è emersa, nella resa dell'aspirata greca 1 [x] in nomi di persona... more
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      ToponomasticsLoanwords, Language contact & changeRomance LinguisticsItalian Dialectology
Este trabajo presenta los resultados de un estudio piloto previo al desarrollo de la aplicación Dialectos del español. En esta investigación se simuló el funcionamiento de la futura aplicación mediante un cuestionario Google Forms con... more
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      SpanishCultural HeritageDialectologySociolinguistics
This article provides both a diachronic and synchronic account of the generalization of perfective auxiliary BE in specific irrealis modal contexts across numerous Romance varieties spoken in Italy and more widely within the Romània which... more
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      Spanish LinguisticsComparative Romance linguisticsRomance LinguisticsItalian dialects
Il siciliano presenta alcuni tipi lessicali che si prestano a riflessioni sulle complesse vicende linguistiche dell’isola, attraversata da correnti multiple di lingue e culture. In questo lavoro si discutono le forme, i valori semantici e... more
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      Italian DialectologyRomance dialectologyRomance EtymologySicilian Dialects
Chapter on deixis in dialects of Italy
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      DeixisItalian dialectsItalian DialectologySpatial deixis
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      Comparative Romance linguisticsRomance LinguisticsItalian dialectsItalian Dialectology
Università di Vasa / Vaasa 0. Si è affermata ormai da qualche tempo la convinzione che lo studio dell'opinione del parlante può rivelarsi uno strumento importante per la comprensione di fenomeni linguistici e dialettologici, in... more
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      DialectologySociolinguisticsWriting systemsLombard language
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      DialectologyLinguistic GeographyLinguistic AtlasGeolinguistics
Como resultado de los cambios sociales y de la reciente participación femenina en muchos ámbitos profesionales, el español europeo ha experimentado en los últimos cincuenta años una evolución grande en la formación de femeninos para... more
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      DialectologySociolinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeLinguistic Geography
1 7 en Obrador de Lingüistica Occitana, Munich 6-8 juillet 2015 (Version corrigée 18 août 2015) « [hɪ lu hʲˈaw tˈumbɞ tu luɦ owɦˈew hum pʁˈi] » (Se lo cial tomba tot los ausèls son pris) Les réalisations du phonème /S/ dans le parler... more
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      Occitan LanguageOccitanRomance dialectologyLimousin
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      DialectologyGalician StudiesGalician languageGalician dialectology
Analízase brevemente a evolución do verbo galego á luz da situación de contacto entre galego, castelán, asturiano occidental e portugués.
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      Contact LinguisticsPortugueseGalician StudiesGalician
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      DialectologyRomance philologyRomance LinguisticsAsturias Cette étude se penche pour la première fois sur l'histoire linguistique des Israélites dits portugais du Sud-Ouest de... more
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      SociolinguisticsLexicographyJewish Languages and LinguisticsLanguage and Religion
Le congiunzioni subordinanti ben che, fin che, per che A feature of the Piedmontese regional variety of Italian, the subordinating conjunctions ben che, fin che, per che, is here analyzed in the framework of the contact between the... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsContact LinguisticsDialectologySociolinguistics
On désigne communément sous le nom de marchois l’ensemble des parlers romans occitans du Nord-Limousin. Ces parlers des confins du Pays d’Oc, de par leur position géographique périphérique et du fait qu’ils présentent de nombreuses... more
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This article sheds new light on the linguistic identity of the so-called 'Portuguese Jews' of Gascony. According to the currently accepted historical reconstruction, after being Spanish-speaking during the first centuries of their... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsDialectology
Presentation of the interrogative 1st person clitic -te in Trentino dialects
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    • Romance dialectology
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      Linguistic AtlasLanguage VariationRomance dialectologyPortuguese dialect syntax
"Au Nord de la Haute-Vienne et de la Creuse et dans quelques villages du Sud de l'Indre, les parlers locaux présentent simultanément des traits occitans et français qui rendent leur classification malaisée. Cette frange septentrionale du... more
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Este texto discute o estatuto sintáctico do expletivo "ele" em português europeu (PE). Tradicionalmente, as ocorrências de "ele" expletivo, notadas em variedades não-padrão de PE, têm sido analisadas como manifestações do sujeito em... more
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      Romance LinguisticsLanguage VariationLeft PeripheryRomance dialectology
Dall'architettura della lingua italiana all'architettura linguistica dell'Italia Saggi in omaggio a Heidi Siller-Runggaldier A cura di Paul Danler e Christine Konecny Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die... more
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    • Romance dialectology
Prepublication ms. To appear in Armonía y contrastes. Estudios de variación dialectal, histórica y sociolingüística del español, Colección Lingüística Hispánica 2, 249-263.
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)SpanishDialectologyRomance philology
In questa nota raccogliamo una serie di osservazioni sulla morfologia verbale di alcune varietà piemontesi appartenenti all'area sud-occidentale (per lo più della provincia di Cuneo). La scelta degli argomenti trattati è stata dettata dai... more
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      MorphologyRomance LinguisticsItalian dialectsPiemonte
"Cette méthode d’occitan donne à voir toutes les variétés (ou dialectes) d’occitan. La première partie de l’ouvrage présente le languedocien standard – une variété qui permet de comprendre assez aisément la plupart des autres dialectes... more
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      Jewish StudiesDialectologyLanguage Variation and ChangeRomance philology
Mon exposé, fondé sur deux études de terrain récentes (1993 et 1994) faites dans des villages (Albon et Seyne) de la zone vivaro-alpine, a pour but de fournir des exemples précis sur la situation socio-linguistique des parlers occitans... more
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An important and costly step in the process of language documentation is the transcription (total or partial transcripts) of speech data collected in the field. Several projects adopt a methodology involving the use of speech... more
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      DialectologyLanguage DocumentationSpeech ProcessingRomance Languages
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      SyntaxSyntax-Semantics InterfaceEuropean PortugueseDialect syntax
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      Romance LinguisticsOccitan LanguageRomance dialectology
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      Celtic StudiesBasque StudiesDialectologyLanguage Variation and Change
In this chapter the editors introduce the book and its aim of showing how the study of comparative and historical data from the Romance languages can illuminate general linguistics. After a brief presentation of the volume and its... more
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      Romance philologyRomance historical syntaxComparative Romance linguisticsLinguistic Theory
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The scholarly literature unanimously describes Gallo-“Italic” as showing all the structural traits that distinguish Gallo-Romance from the other Romance varieties. Nonetheless, while some scholars classify Gallo-“Italic” as Gallo-Romance,... more
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      Language and IdeologyRomance LinguisticsRomance LanguagesSociolinguistics, Sociology of Languages, Language Policy and Planning
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      Spanish LinguisticsSyntax-Semantics InterfaceSpeech actsGenerative linguistics
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      SyntaxSyntax-Semantics InterfaceRomance dialectologyIbero-Romance Linguistics