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      Contemporary ArtExhibition ReviewRon Mueck
Η δημόσια μνήμη των γεγονότων της Κομμούνας του Παρισιού και η μνημόνευση των νεκρών μαχητών στον τόπο της εκτέλεσής τους στο Νεκροταφείο Père-Lachaise, ο Τοίχος των Ομόσπονδων ως μνημονικός τόπος των χαμένων αγωνιστών και το παράδοξο... more
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      HistoryPublic MemoryCemeteriesHistoric Cemetery
Through the many reinterpretations of Freud's essay Das Unheimliche (1919) within French Postmodernism, in recent decades, the uncanny has become a vague synonym for the methodology of deconstruction. The article aims to disambiguate the... more
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      AestheticsStanley Cavelldas UnheimlicheJuliane Rebentisch
, Charles Darwin recorded the Beagle's move into St. Stephen's harbor. Remarking on the abundance of reptilian and avian life on the island, he ends with the observation, "the birds are Strangers to Man & think him as innocent as their... more
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Patricia Piccinini’s work has been described as disquieting, compelling and grotesque. Other adjectives often used include disturbing, visceral, monstrous, chimerical but also cute and beautiful. The reason for the encounter of such... more
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      PosthumanPatricia Piccinini
The uncanny is an unstable concept, and since Freud’s seminal essay Das Unheimliche scholars have attempted to identify its specific qualities and distinguish it from the eerie and the frightening. The feeling arises when something... more
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      AestheticsJacques LacanThe uncannyJuliane Rebentisch
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    • Medical and Health Sciences
The expression “human enhancement” could be placed in the ontological, cognitive, and symbolic dimension in which we conceive and experience the faculty, that is constitutive of human beings, of giving name and thus consistence to things,... more
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    • Sociology
Anthropneuma, the thesis, is an exploration into intrinsic human spirituality as discussed through a contemporary, research-creation practice. Through this semi-creative document ideas surrounding spirituality from a Cultural... more
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Este artigo tenta compreender a obra do escultor Ron Mueck ( Melbourne, 1958 ) pela via do existencialismo de Jean-Paul Sartre (Paris, 1905 – Paris, 1980), abrindo espaco para questionar acerca de como a Arte pode lidar com os... more
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      ArtESCULTURAExistencialismoRon Mueck
Este escrito tenta subsidiar professores e estudantes a trabalharem com poesia brasileira em suas aulas e seus estudos. Tenta-se mostrar, aqui, as varias possibilidades sensoriais que um bom poema pode nos fornecer, estimulando-nos a... more
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    • Art
De acordo com a concepção estética sartriana, o objeto artístico constrói-se a partir de movimentos desestruturantes que se deslocam da ideia à matéria, da tipologia da linha formal à libertação da linha vivente, da reprodução da forma à... more
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      Jean Paul SartreEstéticaAlberto GiacomettiJacopo Tintoretto
D o you know why you're here?" Truth be told, I thought that was all I did know; that and the fact that in life I had been a physician. I certainly didn't know where "here" was, and wasn't too sure who "I" was … Can you remember who I... more
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    • Medical and Health Sciences
1958 yılında Avustralya'da doğmuştur. Oyuncak yapan anne babasının yanında yetişen Mueck kariyerinin ilk yirmi yılında profesyonel kukla yapımcılığı ve oynatıcılığı ile uğraşmıştır. Çocuklar için hazırlanan bir televizyon programı olan... more
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      Art TheorySculptureClaude Lévi-StraussGotthold Ephraim Lessing
Mark Fisher begins his exploration of The Weird and the Eerie (2016) with a short explanation: 'My delay in coming round to the weird and the eerie had to do with the spell cast by Freud's concept of the unheimlich.' 1 The uncanny is a... more
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      PsychoanalysisFreud and LacanConceptual HistoryThe uncanny
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    • Neapolitan crèche
This paper explores the multiple significances (semefulness) of touch, as experienced by us as embodied subjects. Prompted by the development of a range of touch-based technologies and by new writings on the senses, I explore meanings of... more
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      EmbodimentTechnology And CultureTouchScience and Technology Studies
This paper demonstrates one of the new directions in Cultural Studies, which is the study of the senses, sometimes called the 'sensorial turn'. As David Howes notes, sensory studies questions the verbal focus of older models of analysis... more
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      Sensory StudiesTouchRon Mueck
Sculptures have been used to document and express views on gender roles in society during the time of their creation. Ancient cultures created fertility sculptures which represented their views on the importance of reproduction (Zygmont.,... more
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      Art HistoryGenderRon MueckVenus of Willendorf
Este artigo analisa algumas questões levantadas pelas exposições de Ron Mueck e Patricia Piccinini realizadas na cidade de São Paulo entre 2014 e 2016, que apresentam características em comum. Foram recortados trabalhos que evidenciam a... more
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      AestheticsArt TheoryContemporary ArtAesthetics and Politics
Abstract From earth to heaven. The influence of the Aldeia da Terra project in the conception of a new artistic lan-guage. The barrística, also the art of the figured in clay, although with previous manifestations founded schools in... more
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      Caricature (Visual Studies)Contemporary ArtCeramics (Art History)Traditional Crafts
In this paper, I assess Žižek's article " No Sex, Please, We're Post-human! " as a provocative injunction to signal the posthuman ecstasy and deterrence. I seek to expose, rather than express, Žižek's posthumanist perspective as a... more
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    • Continental Philosophy
La imaginación escultórica de Xavier Mascaró abreva en los mitos de civilizaciones antiguas como la egipcia y las culturas del Egeo. No se trata únicamente de los referentes temáticos —la barca fúnebre, las máscaras micénicas—, sino que... more
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      Contemporary ArtPablo PicassoESCULTURAContemporary Sculpture
Ron Mueck, Jamie Salmon e Sam Jinks são alguns dos artistas contemporâneos que trabalham com a estética hiper-realista em esculturas. Notamos em suas obras a intenção de apresentar corpos humanos próximos a um estado " natural " que se... more
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      Contemporary ArtHistory of SculptureHapticsBody Image
Ron Mueck (Melbourn, 1958-) is a sculptor living and working in London, known to the wide public for his pieces Boy (1999), Big Man (2000), A Girl (2001) and In Bed (2005) amongst other. Birth, death, age, loneliness and companionship are... more
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      Contemporary ArtSculptureHyperrealityModern and Contemporary Art
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RESUMO Este artigo tenta compreender a obra do escultor Ron Mueck (Melbourne, 1958) pela via do existencialismo de Jean-Paul Sartre (Paris, 1905 – Paris, 1980), abrindo espaço para questionar acerca de como a Arte pode lidar com os... more
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      ESCULTURAExistencialismoRon Mueck
Between New Materialism and the Sandman
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      Social SciencesMaterial Culture StudiesActor Network TheoryArchaeological Method & Theory
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      Art in public spaceContemporary Art Art History Art Theory Writing in Visual Art Art writing Artistic Research Artists’ Books Curation Art ‘beyond the gallery’ Culture Gender Interdisciplinarity Visual StudiesRon MueckArt and Kitsch
About Australia sculptor Sam Jinks, appeared in Art Monthly Australia, #212, August, 2008, pp.34-35.
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    • Contemporary Australian Art
This essay argues that Freud’s theory pictures modern selves as coping with a new existential and social predicament: a sense of homelessness within their own home. More specifically, Freud suggests that individuals feel estranged from... more
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Agora há pouco, ela me mandou um SMS dizendo que ia tomar um suco num local público. Só isso.
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      SolitudeAlberto GiacomettiHiperrealityRon Mueck
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      Art HistoryArtArt TheoryContemporary Art
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While popular with the gallery‐going public, the hyperrealistic sculpture of contemporary Australian artist Ron Mueck rarely attracts the attention of prominent visual art theorists. This art theoretical neglect seems to hinge on the... more
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      Cyborg TheoryPosthumanismSigmund FreudThe uncanny
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      The uncannyTieckHoffmann
Using Freud's essay on "The Uncanny" as a point of departure, I examine a selection of interactive new media art objects and installations and discuss how the dimension of uncanniness is present and contributing to our aesthetic... more
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      New Media ArtThe uncanny
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      Ron MueckNational Gallery of AustraliaPregnant woman
This article analyses recent (2009) work of Australian-born, British-based hyperrealist sculptor, Ron Mueck, in order to show how it not only engages with a range of specific contemporary concerns and debates, but also operates as a... more
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      Aesthetics and PoliticsRon Mueck
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