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The prescnt srudy ainrcd ar developing astudy Habit Scale for secondary school cfuilclrcn. In order to attain this purpose 104 statsments were initially written covcring five featurcs or dimensions of study habits such as 'schedule for... more
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      Study HabitsPsychometrics and Test Development
INTRODUCTION The present day educational sector is becoming increasingly dynamic. The determination of every individual is to attain success and this success affects the personal and social dimensions of life. In this regard, academic... more
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      Academic WritingNigeriaSecondary EducationStudy Habits
Habits aren’t destiny. As Charles Duhigg shows, by harnessing this new science, we can transform our businesses, our communities, and our lives.
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      PsychologyStudy Habits
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      SociologyAlcohol StudiesLife StyleNarrative Methods
The main purpose of this study is to investigate and to determine the linkages of the students ’ attitudes, teachers ’ roles in mathematics teaching and students ’ study habits that may contribute to students ’ achievement in mathematics.... more
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      MathematicsSecondary MathematicsBrunei DarussalamStudy Habits
The objective of this study is to identify the relationship between study habits and academic achievements of Health Science Student's in Masterskill University College of Health Sciences. This study also identifies the different study... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationEducational PsychologyStudy Habits
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      Higher EducationSuccessful High School To College Transition For Students At Risk Of Dropping OutFirst Year ExperienceStudy Habits
This study was performed to investigate the learning styles, study habits and academic achievement of Chemistry
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      PsychologyScienceGenderLearning Styles
Guidance and counseling is aimed at helping individuals understand themselves and their environment so that they can function effectively in the society. It is aimed at helping individuals overcome their problems. The primary school child... more
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      AgingStudy HabitsHealth and Social Care
This essay  discusses issues associated with learning through PTSD and highlights the authors personal experience with online open courses.
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      E-learningMental HealthPosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Online Learning
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      Study HabitsAcademic Performance
Se eligieron dos ejes de investigación, los cuales fueron hábitos de estudio y proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje.
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      EducationE-learningStudy Habits
Good study habits are the gateway to a successful achievement in studies. A good study habit towards any subject is a combination of discipline, passion and strong will to achieve a better academic performance. This study aimed to... more
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    • Study Habits
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      Study HabitsAcademic PerformanceIntelligence quotient
Relationship of Music Preference & Study Habit in Academic Performance of 3rd Year Students.
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      Study HabitsEffects of Study Habits on Academic Performance of the Pupils
Study habits are at the core of a learner's academic success. It is an action like reading, taking notes, conducting study groups that students perform frequently, and regularly accomplishing the learning goals. It can be defined as... more
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      PsychologyEducationStudy HabitsAcademic Performance
The present study was probed to find the significant relationship between study habits and academic achievement of higher secondary school students with reference to the background variables. Survey method was employed. Data for the study... more
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      School PsychologyStudentsStudy HabitsAcademic achievement
Good study habits are the gateway to a successful achievement in studies. A good study habit towards any subject is a combination of discipline, passion and strong will to achieve a better academic performance. This study aimed to... more
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    • Study Habits
We present some preliminary results and the main conclusions of a study that we conducted at the University of Algarve, for one of the programming courses in the first year of the Computer Science degree at the University of Algarve. We... more
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      Computer ScienceHigher EducationBlended LearningProgramming
Students' academic performance embodies an essential part of the constellation of factors determinant of student success. Also, it plays a very significant role in education, primarily as a concrete tool to assess the student's learning... more
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      PsychologyEducational PsychologyStudy HabitsAcademic Performance
The study employed correlation design in investigating the Study Habits and Mathematics Performance among Senior Secondary School Students in Katsina metropolis. The population of the study stands at 6651 SS II students. Simple random... more
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      Mathematics EducationStudy HabitsEffects of Study Habits on Academic Performance of the Pupils
Defined learning style and established study period are two things that help direct learners to improve their capabilities in learning Mathematics. This study focused on the description and evaluation of the perceptional learning style,... more
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      EducationPhilippinesLearning StyleStudy Habits
Introduction: Students' study methods affect their learning and academic achievement, and the resultant process plays a role in the development cognitive and practical skills, and ultimately their future career. Determining the students'... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationEducational PsychologySchool Psychology
Instructions: Please answer each question using the 5-point scale to answer each question so that it accurately reflects what you do or have done as a student. Be as honest as possible because the information can be utilized to discover... more
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      Study HabitsAcademic PerformanceEffects of Facebook on the Academic Performance of Freshmen StudentsStudent Performance
The present study is a humble attemptto identify the relationship between Study Habits and Academic achievement of Senior Secondary School Students. Descriptive in nature, the studywas carried out on 196 senior secondary school students... more
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      PsychologyEducationCapacity BuildingStudy Habits
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      Student EngagementStudy HabitsODL
Study habits are at the core of a learner's academic success. It is an action like reading, taking notes, conducting study groups that students perform frequently, and regularly accomplishing the learning goals. It can be defined as... more
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      PsychologyEducationStudy HabitsAcademic Performance
This study aimed to identify the study habits used by English as Second Language Level three students in the Community College of Qatar (CCQ). It also aimed to find out if there is any difference between the subjects' achievement in... more
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      PsychologyLearningStudy HabitsStudy skills
The significant part of this research has figured out if parenting style could potentially affect the study habits of the learner positively. This study have used the correlational research design which correlated the two variables which... more
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      Distance EducationStudy HabitsParenting Styles
Students' academic performance embodies an essential part of the constellation of factors determinant of student success. Also, it plays a very significant role in education, primarily as a concrete tool to assess the student's... more
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      PsychologyEducationEducational PsychologyStudy Habits
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    • Study Habits
Study habits are at the core of a learner's academic success. It is an action like reading, taking notes, conducting study groups that students perform frequently, and regularly accomplishing the learning goals. It can be defined as... more
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      Study HabitsAcademic Performance
The academic environment is full of challenges and obstacles. With this idea, students promote some unconventional practices in studying. One of which is academic procrastination. This study analyzed the relationship between academic... more
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      Higher EducationAcademic ProcrastinationStudy HabitsAcademic Performance
Abstrak. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh minat dan kebiasaan belajar siswa terhadap prestasi belajar matematika. Metode yang digunakan adalah Metode Survei dengan analisis korelasional di SMK PGRI 16 Cipayung,... more
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      Study HabitsAcademic achievement
The present study aims to probe the relationship between study habits and test anxiety of higher secondary students. In this normative study survey method was employed. The population for the present study consisted of higher secondary... more
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      EducationEducational PsychologyStudy HabitsTest anxiety
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      Learning EnvironmentStudy HabitsGuidanceNote Taking
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      PhenomenologyMaurice Merleau-PontyEdmund HusserlSocial Ontology
This study focuses on the level of study habits of engineering students in school and at home, the level of the factors that affects the study habits and practices of engineering students at home and in school and the primary output of... more
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    • Study Habits
The researchers pursued this study on characteristics of a successful engineering student: an assessment because this study could contribute to the continuous enhancement of engineering students in their study habits. The researchers... more
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      Engineering EducationStudy HabitsStudent Success
The study's main objective is to identify how the study process influences academic stress on high school learners. Furthermore, the study also aimed to determine the academic stress level of the learners in correlation to their study... more
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      PsychologyEducationStudy HabitsAcademic Stress
Abstract: The study was undertaken to find out the influence of heavy and low TV watching on study habits of secondary school students. A sample of 500 students was drawn randomly from various Government secondary and higher secondary... more
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      PsychologyStudy HabitsKey wordsSecondary School Students
This article investigates of the relationship between study habits and students' academic achievement in core subjects at the junior secondary school level. The aim was to determine the relationship between various aspects of study habits... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationEducational PsychologyStudy Habits
Education is a process which determines the standard of life and civilization of human society. It helps to apply knowledge for bringing desirable changes in human life and society as well. It helps to acquire knowledge and to realize... more
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      Study HabitsAchievementRelationship
The present study is a humble attemptto identify the relationship between Study Habits and Academic achievement of Senior Secondary School Students. Descriptive in nature, the studywas carried out on 196 senior secondary school students... more
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      Capacity BuildingStudy HabitsAcademic achievementEducational Achievement
Resumo: O hábito para os estoicos deve ser entendido de modo diferente da maneira descrita por Platão ou Aristóteles. Dado que, para estes, a formação do caráter é considerada a partir de uma psicologia que aborda a alma por meio de... more
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      StoicismHabitusRoman StoicismEpictetus
Seems like an odd thing to consider; that someone could be addicted to suffering. We all have to endure suffering of one sort or another, but there are some people who are literally addicted to distress. Now wait a minute, who... more
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      Theravada BuddhismStudy HabitsSufferingBuddhist Meditation
This study focuses on the level of study habits of engineering students in school and at home, the level of the factors that affects the study habits and practices of engineering students at home and in school and the primary output of... more
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      EngineeringStudy Habits
Despite Hegel himself drawing our attention to the habitual neglect of habit in the formation of the spirit, the concept of habit has remained generally unstudied in the Hegel scholarship. In this paper, I will present how the concept of... more
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      German IdealismHegelHabitusG.W.F. Hegel
Focusing on three dance works and an autoethnographic account of a site-specific performance in Manchester, UK, this paper explores how contemporary site-specific dance can alter the meaning, practice, and feeling of urban spaces.... more
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      RhythmAnthropology Of DanceUrban StudiesPerformance