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Umhlatuzana rockshelter has an occupation sequence spanning the last 70,000 years. It is one of the few sites with deposits covering the Middle to Later Stone Age transition (~40,000-30,000 years BP) in southern Africa. Comprehending the... more
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      ArchaeologyStable Isotope AnalysisGeoarchaeologyArchaeological Stratigraphy
Sediment geochemistry is a powerful tool to investigate earth surface processes because sediments record geochemical signatures of their provenance, generation, transport, deposition, and environmental conditions. A significant... more
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      ProvenancePalaeoclimateSedimentary GeochemistryWeathering
Dedicated to Professor Dr Jochen Hoefs on the occasion of his 75th birthday Oxygen isotope fractionations in double carbonates of different crystal structures were calculated by the increment method. Synthesis experiments were performed... more
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      Stable Isotope GeochemistrySedimentary GeochemistryCarbonates
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      BiogeochemistrySedimentary Geochemistry
Aluminum (Al) treatment is one of the most commonly used approaches to reduce internal phosphorus (P) loading in lakes. However, the adequate amount of Al that should be added to permanently inactivate mobile (releasable) sediment P can... more
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      ChemistryEnvironmental ManagementSedimentary GeochemistryMedicine
The sources of the stone used to construct Stonehenge around 2500 BCE have been debated for over four centuries. The smaller “bluestones” near the center of the monument have been traced to Wales, but the origins of the sarsen (silcrete)... more
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryPrincipal Component AnalysisNeolithic Archaeology
Climate change, a timely topic, cannot be understood solely by analyzing modern-day ecosystems. Sediment stratigraphy from tidal marshes is an important source of paleoecological data, as these ecosystems experience high rates of... more
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      PaleoenvironmentPaleoecologyInvasive species ecologyWetland Ecology
The petrographic and geochemical composition of the Dharla River sediments has been examined to infer their sediment type, degree of weathering, provenance, and tectonic settings. Petrographically the sediments are characterized by the... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryMineralogyTrace element Geochemistry
Detrital sand grains from three beaches (Tecolutla, Nautla, and Veracruz) along the western Gulf of Mexico were studied by a scanning electron microscope, to investigate the depositional environment and paleoclimate. Totally, 24... more
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      GeochemistryProvenanceSedimentary provenanceSedimentary Geochemistry
The weathering conditions, provenance, and tectonic setting of sands from the San Nicolas (SN) and San Carlos (SC) beaches along the Gulf of California, Mexico, have been studied using mineralogy, major element, and trace element data.... more
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      Tectonics & SedimentationSedimentary GeochemistryGeochemistry of clastic sediments in relation to provenanceClastic Sedimentology and Petroleum Geology
This article deals with some geochemical parameters of some selected chemical data of the younger granite of Egypt. The younger granites have a composition ranging from Alkali feldspar granite to syenogranites. the major oxides (FeO, CaO,... more
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      GeochemistryEnvironmental Geochemistry (Environmental Studies)Trace element GeochemistryExploration Geochemistry
The geochemistry of stream sediments deals with the study or the comparison of major and trace element concentrations of an area using the stream sediments of the studied area. Stream sediments contain fragments that are derived from the... more
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      GeologyGeochemistrySedimentary GeochemistryStream Sediments
This article talks about fluorite and barite mineralization in a sector of western Sicily near the Tyrrhenian Sea. These mineralization in a small area, the Poggio Balate hill, north-west of Monte San Calogero Termini Imerese (Sicily)... more
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      GeophysicsSedimentary GeochemistryActive TectonicsTectonic Geomorphology
Los sedimentos de la cuenca del Usumacinta son compuestos de arcilla, limo, barro y grava, esenciales por albergar una vida secreta y participar en la dinámica de este ecosistema fluvial. Los lugareños los llaman “arena”, “guijarros” o... more
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      SedimentologySedimentary GeochemistryCoastal and Estuarine Sediment TransportFluvial Sedimentology
The deposits of large Asian rivers with unique drainage geometries have attracted considerable attention due to their explanatory power concerning tectonism, surface uplift and upstream drainage evolution. This study presents the first... more
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      Sedimentary provenanceSedimentary GeochemistryGeology of AsiaIrrawaddy
Compositional and geochemical analyses of sands collected from the Chachalacas (CHA) and Veracruz (VER) beach areas along the western Gulf of Mexico were studied to determine the provenance and tectonic setting of the source region. The... more
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      GeochemistrySedimentologyTectonicsSedimentary provenance
Sulas, F., Bagge, M.S., Enevold, R., Harrault, L., Kristiansen, S.M., Ljungberg, T., Milek, K., Mikkelsen, P.H., Jensen, P.M., Orfanou, V., Out, W.A., Portillo, M. Sindbæk, S.M. 2022. Revealing the invisible dead: integrated... more
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      ArchaeologyBiomarkersArchaeological Soil MicromorphologyPalynology
Middle Proterozoic Gulcheru Quartzite marks the onset of sedimentation, after the Eparchaean unconformity, in the Cuddapah Basin. In the southwestern margin of the basin it is made up dominantly of orthoquartzites. On the basis of... more
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      SedimentologySedimentary Geochemistry
Southeastern part of Vindhyan–Mahakoshal basin developed along Son–Narmada mega rift zone exposes Palaeoproterozoic Mahakoshal and Meso- to Neo-proterozoic Vindhyan Supergroup of rocks over Chhotanagpur Granite Gneissic Complex (CGGC).... more
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      SedimentologyTectonics & SedimentationSedimentary PetrographySedimentary Geochemistry
The geochemistry of sandstones of Awi Formation have been examined in order to infer paleo weathering, provenance and tectonics settings. 10 samples were collected and subjected to whole rock geochemistry (major oxides, trace and rare... more
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      Sedimentary GeochemistryGeochemistry of Sedimentary Rocks
Sedimentary rocks occurred throughout much of the Late Jurassic Cordil-leran margin of Laurasia. Their tectonic setting and provenance are critical to understanding the evolution of the Cordilleran margin during this time. We review... more
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      Sedimentary GeochemistryJurassic
The Paleoproterozoic (∼2.15 Ga) Franceville Basin, South Eastern Gabon, is a continental sedimentarybasin that host unmetamorphosed sediments. This study involve detailed mineralogy, sedimentology,and petrography of the basal sedimentary... more
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      SedimentologyStable Isotope GeochemistrySedimentary PetrographyDiagenesis
The late Miocene is a time of strong environmental change in SW Asia. Himalayan foreland stable isotope data show a shift in the dominant vegetation of the flood plains away from trees and shrubs towards more C4 grasslands at a time when... more
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      Marine GeologySedimentary GeochemistryMonsoonGeology of Indian Ocean
Приводятся результаты детального геологического и минералого-геохимческого исследования ме- таморфических пород, получивших развитие в подошве офиолитового комплекса п-ова Камчат- ский Мыс, Восточная Камчатка. Выявлены несколько... more
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      TectonicsSedimentary provenanceSedimentary GeochemistryPlate Tectonics
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      Sedimentary GeochemistrySedimentary geology and stratigraphy
Atmospheric CO 2 and global climate are closely coupled. Since 800 ka CO 2 concentrations have been up to 50% higher during interglacial compared to glacial periods. Because of its dependence on temperature, humidity, and erosion rates,... more
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      GeochemistryClimate ChangeMarine GeologyGlaciations
Geochemical and palynological records are presented for an expanded Turonian–Coniacian hemipelagic succession in the central Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. A high-resolution stratigraphic framework is provided by biostratigraphy and organic... more
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      GeochemistrySedimentologyStable Isotope AnalysisPalynology
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      GeochemistryOceanographyClimate ChangeStable Isotope Analysis
La información geológica y geoquímica de la Cordillera Oriental Colombiana en este artículo de revisión inédita, corresponde a una síntesis de los importantes componentes geológicos tales como: las diversas facies sedimentarias... more
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      ColombiaTrace element GeochemistryTrace MetalsSedimentary Geochemistry
The Mekong River is one of the major suppliers of sediments to the ocean, resulting in the formation of one of the largest river deltas. A major portion of the supplied sediments is accumulated in the subaqueous delta front, which... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologySedimentologyGeochronology
The Moss Ni-Mo-Zn-Pt-Pd-Re-Au hyper-enriched black shale (HEBS) showing is located in the western Richardson Mountains and is one of several in northern Yukon. The mineralization consists of a thin, stratiform semi-massive Fe-Ni-Mo-Zn... more
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      Sedimentary GeochemistryRare Earth ElementsBlack shalesSulfur isotopes analysis and applications
We used petrofacies analysis and stable isotope data to interpret the isotopic variations in the marine carbonate succession of the Early Cretaceous Mural Formation of northeastern Sonora (Pitaycachi section), Mexico. The petrographic... more
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    • Sedimentary Geochemistry
Banganapalle Formation (Kurnool Group) comprises intercalated arenaceous and argillaceous lithofacies with a basal conglomerate unit. Geochemically, basal conglomerate unit shows wide variation in major oxide contents due to the presence... more
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      GeochemistrySedimentologySedimentary provenanceSedimentary Geochemistry
-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own... more
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      Sedimentary GeochemistryGeochemistry of Sedimentary Rocks
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues.
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      SedimentologySedimentary GeochemistryPaleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Karstification in Al-Kura District, northwestern of Jordan, is distribution in the Tertiary rocks at chalky and marley-limestone unit and it forms a local shallow unconfined aquifer. This research is constructed to describe and study the... more
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      GeochemistryGeomorphologyEnvironmental Geochemistry (Environmental Studies)Hydrochemistry
Geochemical data of sedimentary basins have been used to determine their plate tectonic setting. Here we test geochemical data for paired psammite–pelite samples from two greywacke packages that underlie 60% of the Paleozoic Acatlán... more
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      GeochemistrySedimentary provenanceSedimentary Geochemistry
The ephemeral nature of most sedimentation processes and the fragmentary character of the sedimentary record are of first-order importance. Despite a basic uniformity of external controls on sedimentation resulting in markedly similar... more
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      SedimentologyStratigraphySequence StratigraphySedimentary Geochemistry
Kurdistan Region is characterized among the rest of Iraqi territory, by the presence of metallic mineral deposits such as Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr-Ni and Mn, together with some unique non-metallic minerals and industrial rocks such as barite,... more
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      GeologyMineralogySedimentary GeochemistryMineral Deposits geology
This paper discusses the advance of the speleothem luminescence research. Potential, resolution and limitations of high resolution luminescence speleothem proxy records of Paleotemperature, Solar Insolation, Solar... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental GeographyPhysical GeographyPalaeogeography
A lack of understanding exists of the origin and textural characteristics of Saudi Arabian Red Sea coastal sediments. This paper concerns the southern coastline of Jizan on the Saudi Red Sea. It is some 160 km long characterised by either... more
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      SedimentologyCoastal ProcessesCoastal GeographyCoastal Geomorphology
Geochemical characteristics have been intensively used to assign sediment properties to paleoclimate and provenance. Nonetheless, in particular concerning the arid context, bulk geochemistry of different sediment archives and... more
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      Sedimentary GeochemistrySedimentary geology and stratigraphy
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
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      GeologyStable Isotope GeochemistrySedimentary Geochemistry
The Himalayan and Tibetan highlands (mountains), with high rates of physical erosion, are extreme settings for earth surface processes, generating one of the largest recent terrigenous detritus and organic carbon discharges to the ocean.... more
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      Climate ChangeChemical WeatheringSedimentary GeochemistryMarine geology and geophysics
Sedimentary records in the southwestern South China Sea reflect the evolving erosion and drainage systems that have operated in Southeast Asia during the Neogene. Analyses of the chemistry and clay mineral composition of sediments from... more
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      Marine GeologyRadiogenic Isotope GeochemistrySedimentary provenanceSedimentary Geochemistry
Basin yet none has been demonstrated. Here bulk and grain-size differentiated Nd and Sr isotopic and bulk and clay mineralogical compositions, together with detrital zircon ages and morphologies from loess along the Danube in the... more
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      GeologyGeochemistrySedimentologyStable Isotope Geochemistry
The production of biogenic silica has dominated the marine silica cycle since early Paleozoic time, drawing down the concentration of dissolved silica in modern seawater to a few parts per million (ppm). Prior to the biological... more
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      SedimentologySedimentary GeochemistryPrecambrian GeologySilica
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      PhilippinesGeochronologySedimentary PetrographySedimentary Geochemistry
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      Sedimentary GeochemistryBeach Placer DepositsTectónica Y Análisis De Cuencas
Reconstruction of paleo-redox conditions in a radiocarbon (14C) dated sediment core (SK-218/1), covering the past 45 ka (thousand calendar years), collected from the western Bay of Bengal (Lat: 14° 02′N; Long: 82° 00′E) at a water depth... more
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    • Sedimentary Geochemistry