Settlement Patterns and Systems
Recent papers in Settlement Patterns and Systems
Archaeologists face a growing problem of how to integrate disjointed and often divergent fragments of data to produce meaningful regional models. A case study reviews and articulates a body of otherwise incomplete and potentially... more
A regional historical context and research design was prepared to guide the California Department of Transportation’s (Caltrans) investigations of Native American archaeological resources in the Antelope Valley region of southeastern... more
Enlace a la página de publicaciones on line del MARQ, con pdf y ficha
Primera publicación sobre el Ribat Califal de Guardamar, coordinada por Rafael Azuar Ruiz, con diversos estudios monográficos
Primera publicación sobre el Ribat Califal de Guardamar, coordinada por Rafael Azuar Ruiz, con diversos estudios monográficos
At first glance the typical medieval Islamic map of ‘the West’—Surat al-Maghrib— strikes us as nothing more than a quaint abstraction of circles, triangles, and oblong shapes ornately adorned with vivid pigments. Closer study presents a... more
East of the Jordan Rift Valley, sites in the Mediterranean zone flourished from the MPPNB onwards. Sites are abundant, especially in the major wadis, and are usually small to medium in size, with the larger settlements, such as 'Ain... more
Townscape studies and landscape archaeology can supply significant information about broad cultural development in towns, states, and regions. The macroscopic view offered by examining communities provides a lens through which cultural,... more
Fortified settlements represent one of the most important sources of knowledge about the economic and social relations in the Early Bronze Age. Archaeological site in Vráble has a prominent position within them. Thanks to the combination... more
The purpose of this paper is to discuss recent archaeological evidence about settlement and village-life throughout the Greek Middle Ages, during the Early and Middle Byzantine (late 7th – early 13th), Late Byzantine or Frankish (early... more
We analized in this work a group of Islamic ceramics, the matted painted scratched ware, which have their origin in the Almohad period and reach great development under Merinid. Our study will focus on Ceuta but it will be referred to the... more
Initial cosmology may have been designed and measured. I suggest the principal reference points of its measure were the motions of the stars, the sun and the moon and the cardinal directions. A cosmology was a projection on the terrain of... more
Archaeological excavation of fortified settlements from the Early Bronze Age is after hundred years of research still very current topic. From such a long time was collected a huge amount of data which is being evaluated in the light of... more
The concept of the foraging radius is essential to understanding hunter-gatherer settlement, subsistence, and sociocultural complexity yet is notoriously difficult to reconstruct archaeologically. Late prehistoric Western Mono foraging... more
1994 Doctoral Dissertation: Since the advent of environmental land use planning laws in the 1970's, local, state, and federal agencies have been requiring the identification and protection of archaeological resources. This cultural... more
Location is one of the key drivers of the consumption and mobility behaviour of people. Agglomeration results in concentrated activity nodes, better provision of public transportation and superior environmental infrastructure, and smaller... more
In der Vorgeschichte und im Mittelalter setzten Kommunikationssysteme das Bestehen von Siedlungsstrukturen voraus. Demzufolge sind jene als ein Element der Besiedlung zu definieren.Fur die Untersuchung von Kommunikationssystemen kommt der... more
The development and analysis of distribution maps is one of the most frequent applications in archaeological research. For instance, sets of archaeological sites can be used to calculate larger areas, which represent, for example, the... more
Aproximación al marco histórico Apartado IV Observaciones críticas sobre las tipologías de cerámica andalusí Las tipologías cerradas Las tipologías abiertas
We report on the results of two years of continuos fieldwork between 1977 and July 1979, carrying out the archaeological survey of a large section of Easter Island, including quadrants 3, 7, 8,9 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, from Akahanga to... more
The present volume brings together papers presented at three different meetings of the Commission for “The Final Palaeolithic of Northern Eurasia” (formerly Commission XXXII “The Final Palaeolithic of the Great European Plain”) of the... more
This study addresses the question of how residential location influences the ecological footprint (EF) of households. The type and location of settlements are considered one of the key determinants of the patterns of mobility and... more
TV report about the geophyisical prospections carried out by the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute - Vienna during the Campaign Bisenzio 2017 supervised and coordinated by Dr. Andrea Babbi.
During the past summer, salvage operations were carried out at the Donaldson site which had been previously investigated by J.V. Wright in 1960 (Wright and Anderson 1963). The excavations were designed to gather additional data on... more
autoreferat wygłoszony a trakcie obrony pracy doktorskiej w dniu 24 czerwca 2011 r.)
while the study of central settlements has lost none of its importance, interest has grown in micro-regional research and the investigation of settlements with differing function and layout. Only complex research projects can address... more
Ancient states and early complex societies emerged in areas where urban settlements had the resources to house large populations and where economic and political centers and institutions could be established to run the society. By... more
while the study of central settlements has lost none of its importance, interest has grown in micro-regional research and the investigation of settlements with differing function and layout. Only complex research projects can address... more
These metallic (bronze) payment seals of the Caliphate of al-Andalus stand in clear contrast with the early lead seals of the conquest and governors period. With the evidence we have up to now, it seems that the lead seal method was not... more