Recent papers in Metalwork
This engaging book offers an introduction to and overview of armor in Europe from the Middle Ages through the 17th century, focusing in particular on the 16th century when plate armor reached its peak of stylistic beauty and functional... more
Content: Godefroid of Huy, The Dictionary of Art, 12, p. 836. Gothic, V, 3: Metalwork. Low Countries, The Dictionary of Art, 13, p. 159-160. Hugo d'Oignies, The Dictionary of Art, 14, p. 854. Maastricht, 2 (iii) St. Servatius: Treasury,... more
The metalwork holdings in the Khalili Collection are wide ranging and diverse, dating from the 7th century to the 20th century, and covering most of the Islamic world, from the Mediterranean to Brunei, and from Egypt to Central Asia. The... more
La crosse de Saint-Germain, par Nathalie Ginoux, Christophe Moulherat et Nathalie Fleury, in Les temps mérovingiens, Dossier d'Archéologie Hors-série n° 31, octobre 2015-p. 50-57. L’imagerie numérique 3D au service de l’orfèvrerie... more
The article acquaints the readers with the manufacture of jewellery artefacts, old technologies and with the names of some processes. Technologies used in Lithuania in 2nd- 14th centuries are compared with some old metal processing... more
This article undertakes an object-focused study of a single work of art of great material and visual complexity: the Wallace Collection pax. This object stimulates an important discussion on how the making, materials and form of a work of... more
A brief exploration of Kentucky rifle patch boxes, their development, forms, and styles, and their position as a unique art form in the late Colonial era and the early years of the American Republic.
A broad and extremely well illustrated survey of Ottoman silver stamps, especially useful for the eighteenth and nineteenth century to identify individual Armenian and Greek jewelers and silver smiths. The stamps themselves are in... more
In the third decade of the sixteenth century, engravers began to frame booklets that offered examples of decorative images and objects with written explanations of their motivations for issuing the proposed designs. Prior to this use of... more
A bibliography of the early nineteenth-century art market in Britain and France and the dealers and makers who peopled it. Based on the bibliography in my thesis, 'British Dealers and the Making of the Anglo-Gallic Interior, 1785-1853',... more
First published in the Liber Amicorum for the arms historian Jan Piet Puype in 2004.
The exhibition includes some three hundred objects, most of them displayed to the public for the first time, opening up the world of Ibn Battuta, following the route of his travels (1325-1354) and presenting different aspects of life with... more
Internationale Tagung des Hornemann Instituts der HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen unter Schirmherrschaft der Deutschen UNESCO-Kommission im Rahmen des landeskirchlichen Festprogramms... more
Enlace a la página de publicaciones on line del MARQ, con pdf y ficha
Primera publicación sobre el Ribat Califal de Guardamar, coordinada por Rafael Azuar Ruiz, con diversos estudios monográficos
Primera publicación sobre el Ribat Califal de Guardamar, coordinada por Rafael Azuar Ruiz, con diversos estudios monográficos
At first glance the typical medieval Islamic map of ‘the West’—Surat al-Maghrib— strikes us as nothing more than a quaint abstraction of circles, triangles, and oblong shapes ornately adorned with vivid pigments. Closer study presents a... more
The Early Bronze Age cemetery in the Mound of the Hostages is exceptional in the context of Early Bronze Age burial in Ireland. The cemetery was placed in an already ancient passage tomb monument, at a time when most Early Bronze Age... more
The ship is the dominant element in the visual culture of the South Scandinavian Bronze Age, appearing in several different media, including rock carvings, decorated metalwork and above-ground monuments. Discussion has divided between... more
Josep Gudiol i Cunill fou un dels principals impulsors de la revalorització del patrimoni metàl·lic català. Igual que la resta d'intel·lectuals de la seva època, estava convençut que el patrimoni ferri era un dels pilars que fonamenten el... more
Resum L'altar major de l'església de Santa Maria la Real de Nájera va ser decorat a mitjan segle xi amb un luxós frontal d'orfebreria, de trets molt similars a un altre frontal elaborat pocs anys abans per a la catedral de Girona. Aquest... more
The only signed work by Nicolas of Verdun, the metalwork which adorned the former ambo in the Stift of Klosterneuburg, was integrated into a foldable altarpiece around 1330. Besides being reframed and fitted to a new wooden support it... more
This paper describes the a new methodology for the identification of puzzle pictures, demonstrated with a newly discovered Viking baroque shaped brooch from Vestervang, Denmark. The discussion begins with the mechanisms of image... more
Through its remarkable finds the necropolis at Dendra, covering the periods LH IIB–IIIB, offers an eloquent picture of the luxury possessed by the aristocracy up to the final phase of the early Mycenaean period. It is a time when art and... more
We analized in this work a group of Islamic ceramics, the matted painted scratched ware, which have their origin in the Almohad period and reach great development under Merinid. Our study will focus on Ceuta but it will be referred to the... more
The presence or absence of use-wear marks on copper (Cu)-alloy weaponry has been used since the late 1990s to investigate the balance between functional (combat) and symbolic (value, status, religious) use of these objects, and thus... more
Наличие художественных связей русского ювелирного искусства XVI в. с западноевропейским прикладным искусством, отражение ренессансного декора в произведениях русских ювелиров -факт давно установленный. одним из первых исследователей,... more
Bronze Age through to the early Iron Age. Data arising from a combination of chemical, metallographic and lead isotope analyses are considered in terms of artefact typology, manufacturing techniques and archaeological context, and their... more
A discussion of the aesthetics, context, and cultural and artist significance of mask visors, which were skillfully embossed in steel and form and important but largely unrecognized subgenre of the armorer's art in 16th century Europe.
A summary of jewellers using precious metals from electronic waste and an account of the authors own experience in metal recovery using a hydrometallurgy process. Working with metals in solution enables us to create new surface finishes.