Recent papers in Sigma
Conservators frequently report that the removal of surface dirt and grime from acrylic paintings can be problematic. While increasing amounts of research is being published on the analysis of acrylic paints and the historical use of... more
Mapping are discussed along with their benefits and application in real field. In Lean construction the above-mentioned concepts and ideas play major role in success of many projects.
Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan berbagai bentuk tugas baru guru di abad yang serba canggih dan bagaimana guru harus dapat bertransformasi mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Data diperoleh dari observasi dan dokumentasi dari... more
the main aim of this research project is to investigate the current lean modal exist in Electronic manufacturing small and medium firm. These projects mainly identify the success factor of the lean support to the cellular manufacturing in... more
Quantum gravity was born as that branch of modern theoretical physics that tries to unify its guiding principles, i.e., quantum mechanics and general relativity. Nowadays it is providing new insight into the unification of all fundamental... more
The inter-rater reliability of the Japanese version of MADRS (MADRSJ) was examined using the structured interview guide for MADRS (SIGMA) developed by our group. Two or more psychiatrists attended the systematic interview sessions with... more
Con el alma en carne viva, abajo, sueño y trabajo; ya estará el de abajo arriba, cuando el de arriba esté abajo. Con el alma en carne viva, abajo, sueño y trabajo.
We formulate an approach to the geometry of Riemann-Cartan spaces provided with nonholonomic distributions defined by generic off-diagonal and nonsymmetric metrics inducing effective nonlinear and affine connections. Such geometries can... more
Dolu kalıp ve Replicast CS döküm yöntemleri alüminyum, dökme demir, bronz ve çelik dökümlerin yapımında yayGIgın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Dolu kalıba döküm yönteminin en çok tercih edilen kullanımında refrakter kaplı köpük model bağlayıcı... more
The thermionic vacuum arc (TVA) is a new technique for the deposition of thin metallic and nonmetallic films. TVA discharge is established in vacuum between a heated cathode (a tungsten filament) and an anode (a tungsten crucible filled... more
Supply Chain Management (SCM) offers some business solutions to companies in various sectors by increasing customer service while minimizing costs. Supply chains for suppliers, manufacturers, distribution centers, resellers, customers or... more
This paper presents an experimental investigation of the machining characteristics of AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel in turning process. During experiments, parameters such as cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut were changed to... more
Pseudo dynamic testing methodology which aims to simulate earthquake behavior of structures or particular structural components subjected to dynamic loads consists of both the analytical and experimental analyses in a coupled interaction.... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh motivasi orang tua terhadap prestasi belajar siswa pada bidang studi matematika di MTs Nahdlatun Nasyiin IV Pasanggar Pegantenan dan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kesalahan siswa serta faktor yang menjadi penyebab siswa melakukan kesalahan dalam menyelesaikan soal matematika pada materi trigonometri kelas X. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI... more
The purpose of this paper is to compare and discuss the similar principles in various quality management tools like Six Sigma, Lean which already exist in International Organization for Standardization (ISO) certification. With increasing... more
Elliptic quantum groups can be associated to solutions of the star-triangle relation of statistical mechanics. In this paper, we consider the particular case of the E τ,η (so 3) elliptic quantum group. In the context of algebraic Bethe... more
Genetic Algorithms are research algorithms which are based on natural selection and natural genetic mechanism. In this paper, the definition and the principle as operators of the genetic algorithms have been introduced and (crossover and... more
Indirect Direct 60 65 70 75 80 85 FIG. 2. 68% CL constraint on H0 from different cosmological probes (based on Refs. [49, 50]). the local value of the H 0 from SNIa, where one does not enforce a universal color-luminosity relation to... more
We study non-Hermitian quantum mechanics in the presence of a minimal length. In particular we obtain exact solutions of a non-Hermitian displaced harmonic oscillator and the Swanson model with minimal length uncertainty. The spectrum in... more
We develop our method to prove quantum superintegrability of an integrable 2D system, based on recurrence relations obeyed by the eigenfunctions of the system with respect to separable coordinates. We show that the method provides... more
The essay rereads some stylistic and structural elements of Petrolio, the great posthumous novel by Pier Paolo Pasolini. Referring to the most successful hermeneutic efforts on the text, the work emphasizes the role of contamination... more
Accurate, rapid and economic qualitative and quantitative analysis of trace amount substances in biological, environmental and food products is an important issue. Mostly, such substances must be taken from the matrix (separation) and... more
Let R be an associative ring, I a nonzero ideal of R and σ, τ two epimorphisms of R. An additive mapping F : R → R is called a generalized (σ, τ)derivation of R if there exists a (σ, τ)-derivation d : R → R such that F (xy) = F (x)σ(y) +... more
Let h a positive integer, A a set of positive integers, with hA we denote the set of all integers representable as a sum of at most h elements of A (allowing repetitions). The Postage Stamp Problem, is to find the largest integer n =... more
The number of sleep spindles remains relatively stable within individuals from night to night. However, there is little explanation for the large interindividual differences in spindles. The authors investigated the relationship between... more
Lightening the Learning Climate, Komunikasi Matematis, Peserta Didik
El proyecto consiste en aplicar la metodología PMI (Project Management Institute), en la gestión y control del proyecto para implementar un Sistema Integrado Financiero SIGMA que tiene por objetivo automatizar de manera ágil e integrada... more
PENGGUNAAN LEMBAR AKTIVITAS SISWA PADA PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA SMP DALAM MENINGKATKAN KEMANDIRIAN BELAJAR MAHASISWA Rika Sukmawati1, Yenni2,1,2Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Muhammadiyah TangerangEmail :... more
En la parte inicial de este artículo se presenta una introducción al estudio de las curvas elípticas definidas sobre un campo K y algunas características de dichas curvas que dependen del campo sobre el cual se han definido;... more
We further develop our method to prove quantum superintegrability of an integrable 2D system, based on recurrence relations obeyed by the eigenfunctions of the system with respect to separable coordinates. We show that the method provides... more
The paper presents SIGMA (Semantic Government Mash-up Application), a platform able to create mash-ups by providing access to open governmental data. The proposed solution is based on the existing semantic Web technologies (especially RDF... more
Supercritical fluid extraction of grape seed oil was performed to study the effect of various parameters such as pressure (80–120 bar), temperature (40-50°C) and modifier concentration (10-30%) on the yield and composition of oil.... more
Resumen: Gracias a la vision socio-antropologica de la sordera desde la decada de los 70's, la educacion se viene preocupando por replantear sus concepciones sobre lo que es la educacion especial y quienes deben ser parte de ella. La... more
Present study deals with the various principles of Lean Construction where the concepts of POKA-YOKE, Visual Management, Just-In-Time, Total Quality Management, Employee Involvement, KAIZEN, KANBAN, 6S, Last Planner System (LPS), Value... more
Este caso se enfocó en una planta procesadora de queso fresco y se estableció como finalidad el mejoramiento de la calidad del producto, reducir los costos innecesarios provocados por fallas de proceso, incrementar los beneficios para la... more
In this study firstly, without ambient flow, jet flow measurements have been performed, then for different ambient flow and jet outflow velocity, jet flow measurements have been carried out. Jet flow and free air flow are parallel one... more
Low energy hadron phenomenology involving the (u,d,s) quarks is often approached through effective multi-quark Lagrangians with the symmetries of QCD. A very successful approach consists in taking the four-quark Nambu-Jona-Lasinio... more
In this study, chlorine from 2-chlorophenol was removed with crude laccase enzyme produced from Trametes versicolor ATCC (200801) grown in PDB culture including wheat straw. Effects of pH value, substrate concentration, enzyme amount,... more
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan teknik the one shot case study yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan aktivitas mahasiswa selama pembelajaran dan ketuntasan hasil belajar mahasiswa terhadap pembelajaran... more
The paper presents SIGMA (Semantic Government Mash-up Application), a platform able to create mash-ups by providing access to open governmental data. The proposed solution is based on the existing semantic Web technologies (especially RDF... more
Este caso se enfocó en una planta procesadora de queso fresco y se estableció como finalidad el mejoramiento de la calidad del producto, reducir los costos innecesarios provocados por fallas de proceso, incrementar los beneficios para la... more
Abstract. The algebraic structure and the spectral properties of a special class of multicomponent NLS equations, related to the symmetric spaces of BD. I-type are analyzed. The focus of the study is on the spectral theory of the relevant... more
Lightening the Learning Climate, Komunikasi Matematis, Peserta Didik