Slovak Literature
Recent papers in Slovak Literature
This Slovak lecture from 2016 was published in the attached file. It also appeared in English in 2018, in my co-edited issue of "World Literature Studies" on "Frontier Orientalism in Central and East European Literatures":... more
The aim of this paper is to present the preliminary empirical results of qualitative research that examines the junior-age-children´s understanding of a prosocial behavior present in fairy tale characters. The reasons for this research... more
The article focuses on marginal work of one of the most important representatives of the Slovak National Revival. Ľudovít Štúr during his studies in Halle visited Lusatia and issued a travel book Journey to Lusatia (Taken in the Spring... more
Literary critical monograph Year after year (step by step) in Slovak literature for children and youth (Value aspects of original poetry and prose for children and youth in the years 1990 - 2020) was created on the basis of an analysis of... more
34 / Toto je Ondrušov básnický triumf, to, že je schopný povedať niečo, čo jazyk sám nie je schopný vysloviť. Stig Saeterbakken Lineárne zjednodušené uchopenie poetiky Jána Ondruša nás vedie od počiatoč ných "seba-referenčných nábehov... more
Nový Sad, Srbsko INTERTEXTUALITA V POÉZII VÍŤAZOSLAVA HRONCA 1 V štúdii sa zameriavame na podoby intertextuality a jej funkciu v poézii Víťazoslava Hronca. Vychádzame z metodologických základov Teórie citovania (1990) Dubravky Oraićovej... more
Interliterariness and the History of Literary Translation in Rudo Brtáň ́s Monograph on Bohuslav Tablic. The paper reflects on the history of literary translation and the interliterary relations presented in the monograph by Rudo Brtáň... more
The Slovak Translations of Cyrillo-Methodian Sources. With a Special Focus on the Work of Ján Stanislav
The goal of the paper is to stimulate discussion about literary antisemitism in modern Slovak literature exemplified by one of its most notable writers, František Švantner (1912-1950). In line with the research trends in the Czech and... more
Jak se slovenská literatura vyrovnávala s kritickou první polovinou 50. let 20. století silně poznačenou schematizmem? Bylo možné nějakým způsobem vzdorovat politickému tlaku na literaturu či kulturu celkově a byl vůbec zájem tomuto tlaku... more
The present paper focuses on book translations of Slovak literature, both fiction and (political) non-fiction, into European Portuguese in 20th-century Portugal, especially under the far rightwing dictatorship, the New State .
The role of school as an educational-upbringing institution has to change in the 21st century. One response to the current problems of education is a broader definition of literacy. The author of the article focuses on moral literacy as... more
Jozef Ignác Bajza za hranicou jozefínskej "slobody tlače" Cenzori a posudzovatelia ... musia byť dokonale pripravení na takúto úlohu, ... musia dobre ovládať jazyky, ktorými sú napísané knihy pridelené im na posudok, podobne musia mať... more
Death and Dying: Lifting of Taboos Illustrated through Contemporary Slovak Prose Paradoxically, eros and thanatos – historically the most universal subjects of literature – conceal a considerable taboo: the death of a loved one. What... more
The article is a contribution to the research of Slovak-Croatian literary and cultural relations. It focuses at the reception of Andrej Sládkovič (1820-1872) in the Croatian context. The second half of the 19th-century is investigated... more
Legenda o Konštantínovi a Doruntine, populárna v Albánsku najmä románovým spracovaním Ismaila Kadareho, predstavuje významný prvok balkánskeho folkóru. Pôvod albánskeho mýtu však siaha k ranobyzantskému obdobiu k dielu "Pieseň mŕtveho... more
In Slovak poetry written in the early 20th century genres of occasional poetry were an integral part of the contemporary poetic register. Dedicated poetry – motivated by birth or death anniversaries of important people, establishments or... more
I Id de ea a s sł ło ow wi ia ań ńs sk ka a j ja ak ko o n na ar rz zę ęd dz zi ie e d dz zi ia ał ła al ln no oś śc ci i p pa at tr ri io ot ty yc cz zn ne ej j ((e ex xe em mp pl lu um m s sł ło ow wa ac ck ki ie eg go o p po oe et ty y... more
201 slovenská literárna scéna 2015 v odbornej reflexii f . a • C . e 2019 í. Michal Habaj (1974) CAPUTMORTUUM Básnická zbierka, 2015. Bratislava: Občianske združenie Vlna / Drewo a srd, 172 s. "Nemuze-li logika falešného vedomí pravdivé... more
In the paper, the author evaluates the Slovak poetry for children published in 2019.
Elektroniccke skripta k predmetom Sucasna slovenska literatura a Literarnokriticky seminar
The aim of the paper is to approach the literary genre of the novel for women and its necessary modification in its application on Slovak socio-historical conditions of the 19th century. We attempt to legitimize the novel Sirota... more
Písať recenziu na knihu je niekedy skutočne ťažké, obzvlášť ak ide o knihu, ktorej jadrom je filozofovanie o samých knihách a obzvlášť ak ide o autora, ktorého osobne poznáte a vážite si ho. V takom prípade je písanie recenzie pre... more
Publikácia Metodika na podporu čitateľstva žiakov v mladšom školskom veku je výstupom výskumného projektu VEGA 1/0455/18 Výskum a rozvoj čitateľstva žiakov mladšieho školského veku. Zámerom projektu bolo objaviť príčiny znižovania... more
Skripta k predmetom sucasna slovenska literatura a literarna kritika
Dominik Tatarka formuloval v rámci svojej publicistickej činnosti koncepcie kultúry, ktoré sa stali integrálnou súčasťou duchovného a filozofického myslenia na Slovensku. Dnes už všeobecne známy osud Dominika Tatarku ako disidenta, však... more
Vysokoškolské učebné texty Ľudová slovesnosť v literatúre pre deti a mládež je publikácia, v ktorej si kladieme za cieľ sprostredkovať študentom učiteľstva v bakalárskom štúdiu Predškolskej a elementárnej pedagogiky základné informácie o... more
Príspevok sa zameriava na rodové aspekty v slovenskej poézii pre deti v období od roku 1956 do súčasnosti. Na vybranom korpuse textov overuje platnosť troch hypotéz, a to 1) predpokladaného ústupu rodových stereotypov v poézii pre deti v... more
The paper focuses on poetic texts which develop the subject of plurality of inhabited worlds. It continues on the research into the forms of this subject in the European literary tradition and in the new Latin-language tractate literature... more
The monograph Context of the Slovak Modern School is a contribution towards current research of Slovak literature at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. It focuses on Modernist tendencies in Slovak cultural and social milieu, as well... more
PETER DAROVEC PETER PIŠŤANEK je prelomový autor deväťdesiatych rokov 20. storočia. A iste nie len preto, že slovenskej literatúre otvoril celkom nový svet mafiánov a prostitútok, ich životný štýl a prejavy správania vrátane poklesnutého... more
K vybraným aspektom slovenskej literatúry po roku 1989 III. Semiopoetické a tematologické výzvy Filozofická fakulta Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove Ján Gavura (ed.) Ján Gavura (ed.). K vybraným aspektom slovenskej literatúry po roku 1989... more
The paper focuses on finding fixed collocations in Marína, the legendary love poem written by Slovak poet Andrej Sládkovič (1820 − 1872). these may uncover the semantic structure of the text and help solve several of its attractive... more
The monograph (in Slovak and with an extensive resumé in English) Haugová's Plath, Plath's Haugová. On Slovak Translations of Sylvia Plath's Poetry analyses the Slovak translation of Plath’s poetry undertaken by the Slovak poet and... more
The monograph Hľadanie moderny (K problematike prózy Slovenskej moderny) [Looking for the Modern School (On Problems of Fiction in the Slovak Modern School)] discusses problems of forming and establishing Modernist fiction in Slovak... more
The Slovak Modern School is an established term in literary history, used for Modernist literary works written at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Authors of the Slovak Modern School were influenced by Neo-Romanticism and... more
This article analyses the 2006 novel Wizard of the Crow by Kenyan author Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o in a post-Cold War context as a postcommunist picaresque novel. Using the instruments of postcommunist and world-systems theory and comparing the... more
The study maps and describes the production of electronic literature in the Slovak cultural environment. Even though it focuses on the era after communism, theoretical texts on the connections between cybernetics and arts, with... more
Many sociologists have attributed several negative characteristics to the contemporary period.The child of 21st century is lost in this postmodern society, so it needs, more than ever before, a beacon – a prosocial role model. Several... more