Social Mapping
Recent papers in Social Mapping
This paper examines how space is defined and when a disconnection exists between real space (legally defined and understood) and how human services view space. Whilst there are hierarchies of space exist in most classification systems... more
Hoy en día las ciencias sociales se enfrentan a una disputa de saberes y conocimientos que poco a poco son menos visibles dentro de los estándares curriculares colombianos, haciendo una necesidad que las “ramas” se construyan en cada... more
The objective of this thesis is to further comprehend the social world of people working with psychedelic substances today, whether for traditional, scientific, or experimental reasons. Moreover, it seeks to understand how identity and... more
Vol 1/3 of a 2001 feasibility study of the Hidden Valley gold mine, Papua New Guinea
Vol 3/3 of a 2001 feasibility study of the Hidden Valley gold mine, Papua New Guinea
Mapear es la oportunidad que nos damos de reconocer y compartir los elementos clave de un lugar. Nadie pensó que un mapa pudiera sustituir al territorio, pero lo cierto es que con frecuencia nos compartamos como si fuera posible. Siglos... more
Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena berkat limpahan rahmat dan ridho-Nya lah. Tugas Penelitian kecil matab kuliah pengembangan masyarakat yang mengambil judul "RCA (Root Cause Analysis) Studi Kasus : Analisa Skenario Masyarakat Adat Oleh Aliansi... more
Vol 2/3 of a 2001 feasibility study of the Hidden Valley gold mine, Papua New Guinea
El fin de este trabajo fue el de examinar los elementos conceptuales y metodológicos para la identificación de requerimientos necesarios en la conceptualización de un SIG Participativo (SIGP) como apoyo a la gestión territorial que... more
The Romanian version of the Atlas is available at : . The mapped data sets at the village level are not yet available on internet. Hope to having them published in the near future. The data set on local human... more
In English and/ve Türkçe One of the most crucial pillars of the political agenda shaped around the pandemic is the reliability and accessibility of data. This paper discusses the (lack of) data and policies regarding labour during the... more
ÖZET Büyükşehir Belediyeleri 5216 sayılı yasanın 7/v-18/m-24/j maddeleri ile sosyal hizmetlerden sorumludur. 5216 sayılı yasanın 7/h maddesi ise Büyükşehir Belediyelerine Kent Bilgi Sistemi ve Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi kurmakla mükellef... more
Laporan tentang kegiatan pemetaan sosial di wilayah Timika, tepatnya di Desa Manasari dan Omawita. Laporan berisi profil sosio kultural dua wilayah tersebut
From the research experience of the authors, this paper shows some constitutive elements of social-pedagogical, cartography, as a research strategy allows reconfigure the level of performance of various educational actors. The first part... more
Los preadolescentes y adolescentes hacen parte de la sociedad de forma activa, están inmersos dentro del territorio y es por esto que los procesos pedagógicos de formación por medio de la cartografía social generan balances y acciones que... more
This article revolves around a map titled Resistenze locali al Decreto Salvini [Local resistance to the Sal-vini decree], which was created with OpenStreetMap by geographer Cristina Del Biaggio on the 5th of January 2019. The map aimed to... more
the e-waste problem described in a paper for the Environment and Society course of the bachelor GPM/GPE at Radboud University. the e-waste problem seen through risk-society theory and framing, analysed time and again by going back to the... more
El paradigma postcolonial emanado de las corrientes de estudios subalternos asiática y latinoamericana plantea la necesidad de nuevas miradas para el análisis de fenómenos y problemáticas contemporáneas. Este paradigma de interpretación,... more
This article revolves around a map titled Resistenze locali al Decreto Salvini [Local resistance to the Sal-vini decree], which was created with OpenStreetMap by geographer Cristina Del Biaggio on the 5th of January 2019. The map aimed to... more
Netnography is a subset of ethnography that seeks to analyze community and culture through the comprehension of the uninhibited behavior of social interaction. It is often understood to be an interchangeable concept with “online social... more
During the Community Residency in Chiaromonte, organized among others by the Regional Scientific Observatory Edward C. Banfield, made explicit reference to the latter’s infamous publication, The Moral Bases of a Backward Society,... more
Summary of socioeconomic issues in the 2001 feasibility study of the Hidden Valley gold mine, Papua New Guinea (with Peter Bennett)
The aim of the present paper is to present and critically discuss the potentialities and limits of using official data (collected and reported by state-institutions) in order to shed light on consequences of uneven development and measure... more
The relationship between social anthropology and geography has been mediated by anthropology's specialised subfield of kinship analysis since the discipline's foundation in the 1870s. As this specialisation evolved with the incorporation... more
Internet as a whole is a way of capturing stories, emotions and memories: we have now a full capability to record, craft, edit, publish, share and mashup personal stories, but we have still limited ways to find the ones interesting for us... more