Most downloaded papers in Socio-cultural
My doctoral dissertation examines the experiences of the Italian volunteers in the Waffen-SS troops using in-depth interviews with former volunteers as the main primary source. This phenomenon, even if significant in size (depending on... more
For around fifteen years now, anthropology has been engaged in the study of neoliberalism. What contribution does the discipline have to make to a debate largely monopolized by economics and political science? To answer this question, the... more
Wayne Vucinic Book Prize 2007, "for the most important contribution to Russian, Eurasian, and East European studies in any discipline of the humanities or social sciences." Endorsement by Slavoj Zizek: "Alexei Yurchak's Everything... more
Jill Schostak and I wrote this book as part of our evolving interest in doing research radically. By radically we mean engaging with people's voices to learn how to create the conditions for social justice and for democratising all the... more
"Radical Research explores the view that research is not a neutral tool to be employed without bias in the search for truth. Rather the radical roots of research are to be seen in the focus on freedom and emancipation from blind... more
‘What I miss the most’, I hear my friend saying from across our table, ‘is the ability we once had to imagine. I feel this has been taken away from us, you know?’ It is an unusually cold Athenian morning in the early winter of 2011,... more
The aim of this qualitative case study is to investigate how learning in “democratic participation” is constituted by the social interaction and conversation pattern in school democratic meetings in a Swedish primary school. According to... more
The study aimed at establishing the factors that affect sustainability of fish farming projects in public secondary schools in Kiambu County. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to establish costs of inputs effect... more
Globally 214 million women of reproductive age who want to avoid pregnancy are not using modern contraceptive methods. The government of Tanzania in collaboration with other stakeholders put in places various strategies and policies to... more
Within collaborative learning environments, learners from different socio-cultural background may interact together. These learners evolve within various cultures and social contexts and acquire different socio-cultural values and... more
Nature-based learning is an increasingly popular type of early childhood education. Despite this, children’s experiences—in particular, their form and function within different settings and how they are viewed by practitioners—are... more
Advancement in the arts and sciences is a primary driver of economic production and social policy in post-industrial societies. Imagination steps back and asks what advances the arts and sciences? This book explores the collective, social... more
In this paper, we expand our prior work on mathematics education in contexts of language diversity by elaborating on the three perspectives on language described by Ruiz (NABE J 8(2):15–34, 1984): language-as-right, language-as-resource,... more
"The Collective Imagination" explores the social foundations of the human imagination. The book looks at the collective expression of the imagination in our economies, universities, cities, and political systems, providing an account of... more
Procurement reforms are seen as essential for achieving a long term improvement in financial management within Africa. To gain insight into this situation an analysis of success stories and cases where challenges and difficulties have... more
Originally published in Reartikulacija #9 (Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2009.)
The first Culture/Justice protocol was co-signed on the 25 th of July 1986 by Jack Lang and Robert Badinter. Following the first international symposium about culture in prison (May-June 1985), this text formalised the interdepartmental... more
This study explores the tourists' perception of risks attached to safety and security affecting their decision-making process. The study further discusses the risk perception of tourists in relation to social and cultural factors, media... more
Abstract. Fishermen are mostly classified into low income or low socioeconomic. The poverty of the fisherman community is sourced from the weakness of human potential and the lack of environmental support in empowering the natural and... more
Article for Joint Force Quarterly, examining efforts by various DoD and Intelligence Community agencies to integrate socio-cultural knowledge in the wake of the disbanding of the Human Terrain System in 2014. Examines the risks... more
'.i --, ,,il$'fr" ,r tl' frji; ii, *i''ii,i ."' Math ieu H ilgers Peut-il exister des espaces publics dans des contextes semi-autoritaires ? Dans l'affirmative, comment prennent-ils forme, que signifient-ils, quelles sont... more
The image current today of the troublesome is, perhaps more than generally realized, a legacy of the values, beliefs and structures established during the nineteenth century. Changes in the definition of the other have led to changes in... more
Working at a local level in a global context - what does this mean? What methods appear to be appropriate to ways of life where global communications mean that the most distant is as reachable and hence manipulable as the closest? In... more
In this report we explore language practices when learning and teaching mathematics in a classroom with bilingual learners and a bilingual teacher. We focus on data from the analysis of the whole class discussions in seven lessons. Up to... more
How smart grids are understood and defined will influence the kinds of smart grids users will encounter in the future and their potential impacts. Practitioners and policymakers largely perceive smart grids as technological interventions.... more
An analysis of internal perspective on women in Lamkaang Naga tribe in Manipur, India. Interviews of Church leaders, community elders, elderly widow and some spinsters, were conducted and their perspectives shared in this paper.... more
Drawing on the field of cultural historical psychology and the sociologies of skill and labour process, Contested Learning in Welfare Work offers a detailed account of the learning lives of state welfare workers in Canada as they cope,... more
"This paper investigates factors influencing the shaping of future learning environments. It focuses on the impact of social and cultural requirements on the sustainability of future learning environment. It argues that while today's... more
Discusses the use of local histories to order socio-cultural variables in the study of village clusters through two case studies from Eastern Afghanistan, 2011-12. Proposes similar approaches might be useful for special operations and... more
The article reports on an investigation into constraining and enabling conditions for professional academic development with regard to the teaching role at eight South African universities. The data comprised transcripts of interviews... more
The city of Aachen is a university city with 250,377 inhabitants, surrounded by some green areas, including a recreational area close to the center: the Westpark with 7,985 inhabitants within its surroundings. While the park is close to... more
Vernacular Architecture has been a source of inspiration and learning all over the world. India has a rich repository of vernacular evolved over centuries of living corresponding to its existing diverse vibrant and myriad environments... more
The following article examines the sociocultural needs of higher education students on an international degree programme delivered jointly by a post-1992 university in England and a polytechnic institution in the Netherlands. A brief... more
Satu visi, satu identitas, dan satu komunitas merupakan jargon terkenal dari Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). ASEAN merupakan kumpulan negaranegara Asia Tenggara yang terdiri dari Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam,... more