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      Nepalese Legal System a Unique SystemAncient Nepalese PhilosophyArchaeology of NepalNepalese politics
Cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths for women worldwide. Cervical screening and early treatment can help to prevent cervical cancers. Cervical screening programs in Nepal are often associated with a number of... more
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      Women's StudiesNepalCervical cancer, its prediction and correlation with socio-economic factorsWomen and Culture
Hormonal changes during pregnancy accelerate estrogen and progesterone which is the main reason for periodontal diseases among pregnant women. Lack of oral hygiene maintenance and decreased awareness of routine professional dental checkup... more
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      Oral healthRural Nepal
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      Socio-culturalRural Nepal
Foreign Aid and the making of Democracy in Nepal brings fresh insight and analytic rigor on the ambivalent contribution that international cooperation and the Nepalese polity has made to democracy and economic growth in Nepal. At a time... more
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      Constitutional LawDevelopment StudiesSustainable DevelopmentLocal Government and Local Development
Springs are the major source of freshwater in many small mountainous watersheds within the Himalayan region. In recent years, their flow rates have diminished, but the reasons for this are not self-evident. This paper reviews the methods... more
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      Stable Isotope AnalysisGroundwater modelingGroundwater HydrologyHimalayas
Other isolated languages of Asia

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      LanguagesHistoryCultural HistoryJapanese Studies
The paper presents a general discussion on the various natural and human induced environmental insecurities that often challenges human security in Nepal in general an Eastern Nepal in particular. Though small in size, Nepal is a country... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental StudiesHimalayan Civilization-NepalNepal
Since the 1970s, the implementation of community forestry (CF) programs in Nepal has recognized that local involvement is a prerequisite for sustainably managing forests and fulfilling local resource needs. Although this devolution policy... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementCommunity ForestryRural NepalCommunity forest
Nettle fiber and cloth is heading towards recognition as a strong and useful sustainable plant fiber. Excavation of graves in Denmark has revealed the usage of nettle fiber in the Bronze Age, and during World War II nettle (Urtica dioica... more
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      Material Culture StudiesTextiles/Fiber MarketsEnvironmental SustainabilityCultural History of Denmark
is a doctoral researcher in Himalayan anthropology, vice president of the Association pour le Rayonnement des Cultures Himalayennes (ARCH; Association for the Promotion and Preservation of Himalayan Cultures), and recipient of a grant... more
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      Himalayan Civilization-NepalAncient Nepalese PhilosophyRural NepalNepali Language and Culture
This report presents the results of sociolinguistic inquiry into the Kham language spoken in the territory surrounding Maikot village in East Rukum district of Nepal. Research shows that indigenous people in the area identify as... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsIdentity (Culture)Applied Linguistics
The first road to be built into Humla, Nepal has connected this once-remote Himalayan region to a market in China. This dissertation research assesses the impacts of this road on villagers’ food security, diet and nutrition, and... more
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      Subjective Well-BeingFood and NutritionAnthropology of Tibet and the HimalayasFood Security
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      EthnomusicologyRural NepalEthnicity and DevelopmnetTharu
Review of: With each political and social transformation of the Nepali state and nation, social scientists have attempted to explain the relationship between nationality and ethnicity in Nepal. If the scholarship of the Panchayat era... more
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      HinduismCritical Race StudiesCritical Race TheoryRace and Ethnicity
BÖN IN NEPAL Traces of the Great Zhang Zhung Ancestors in the Himalayas The Light of the History of Existence by Nagru Geshe Gelek Jinpa Edited by Carol Ermakova and Dmitry Ermakov For many millennia, Yungdrung Bön has been practised in... more
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      Tibetan StudiesHimalayan Civilization-NepalAnthropology of Tibet and the HimalayasNepal
यो लेख नेपालको अति विकट जिल्ला भनेर चिनिने डोल्पामा सञ्चालित एक मात्र स्टेसन रेडियो डोल्पालाई केस स्टडीका रुपमा प्रस्तुत गर्दै दुर्गममा रेडियो सञ्चालनका चुनौतीबारे केन्द्रित छ । दुर्गम त्यसमाथि पनि कर्णाली भन्ने वित्तिकै सबैको दिमागमा... more
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      Media StudiesSocial SciencesGovernanceNepal
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      Food AidFood SecurityRural Nepal
Even though Nepal’s government health services have improved since the end of the Maoist insurgency in 2006, a number of pressing challenges remain. These include physical access to healthcare, limited health post opening times and poor... more
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      Public Health PolicyPublic HealthHealth Impact of War on Women During Conflict and Post ConflictRural Nepal
Tourism has a wide range of impacts on the economy, the natural environment and the people living in a destination. In the context of poor, rural societies, many scholars have emphasized the positive impacts of tourism on local economic... more
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      Tourism StudiesSocial CapitalTourism GeographyRisk and Vulnerability
Veicolo di comunicazione con l'Aldilà, fedele compagna nella meditazione, l'uso cerimoniale della canapa è attestato fin dall'Egitto faraonico come risulta da una tavoletta di Assurbanipal dell'VIII secolo, dove la pianta è denominata... more
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      ReligionHinduismPhilosophy Of ReligionHistory of Religion
Mountain agriculture in Lamjung has changed over the last six decades from a subsistence agro-pastoralism to a mixed-farming system. This transition is significant from the perspective of land-use and land-cover dynamics, as it has... more
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      Cultural LandscapesNepalRemote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape ResearchLanduse Change
Very little is known concerning the local people understanding of climate change and the consequences it places on their health and well-being. This paper analyzes how the people of the remote areas of Nepal perceive climate change as a... more
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      Climate ChangePublic HealthNepalClimate change and human health
This study attempts to understand the role of ICTs on adoption of climate change adaption options among the Nepalese rice farmers, using data from 773 households from seven districts—3 from Terai region and 4 from hilly region. Individual... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationRural NepalRice Farmers
This chapter looks relationship between social protection and human security in Nepal
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      HumanitiesSocial ProtectionWell-BeingSustainable Livelihoods
Cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths for women worldwide. Cervical screening and early treatment can help to prevent cervical cancers. Cervical screening programs in Nepal are often associated with a number of... more
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      EthicsNepalWomen and CultureCervical Cancer
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      Identity politicsMinority StudiesNepalRural Nepal
This is the first in a multi-part series discussing sacred landscapes and religion in the Himalaya I recently returned from a month of fieldwork and research in Humla, the northwestern district of Nepal bordering Tibet and India. I was... more
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      Climate ChangeReligion and EcologyNepalRural Nepal
"J’espère qu’aucun être humain, aucune religion, aucune culture, si petite soit-elle, ne disparaîtra sans avoir laissé une trace claire." Jean Paul Barbier-Mueller. La Fondation Culturelle Musée Barbier-Mueller soutient des missions... more
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      Himalayan Civilization-NepalNepalRural NepalNepali Language and Culture
article about Everest tourism and various factor related with ascent of Everest
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      Tourism StudiesHimalayan Civilization-NepalDalit studiesMountaineering
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      NepalRural Nepal
Migration from Nepal to India, a major issue in contemporary Nepal, has a wide range of consequences, including significant implications for the performance of masculinity. Remittances, and the associated pressures to send or bring money... more
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      Masculinity StudiesMigrationMasculinityMasculinities
In 1986, according to ancient tradition, Nepalese farmers of Dolpo, Tarap valley, and Lo Mantang area, in Mustang district, in the northern par of Nepal, were bartering barley against the salt of the Tibetan highlands, as part of their... more
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      Himalayan Civilization-NepalGoatsRural NepalHimalayan Studies: Mustang
Syllabus for a four-week interdisciplinary course designed by Timothy Lubin and Shikha Silwal taught in Kathmandu/Lalitpur in 2017 and again in 2019. (It was first offered on campus at Washington and Lee University after the 2015... more
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      Development EconomicsPolitical EconomyIndian studiesSouth Asian Studies
In order to reveal how Kulung (an Himalayan population living in Nepal) think their geographical environment, this article focuses on the study of ritual practices named natabom. These immobile travels, these verbal routes are mainly... more
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      Cultural GeographyAnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyAnthropology of Pilgrimage
Nepal may need to wait for several weeks to calculate physical and infrastructure damage of the April 25 earthquake. It may take even longer to estimate social, economic and psychological damages. The devastation, however, provides some... more
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      GovernanceForeign AidHimalayan Civilization-NepalPost Disaster Recovery
Foreign Aid and the making of Democracy in Nepal brings fresh insight and analytic rigor on the ambivalent contribution that international cooperation and the Nepalese polity has made to democracy and economic growth in Nepal. At a time... more
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      Constitutional LawPublic AdministrationDevelopment StudiesPolitical Science
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      PakistanNepalIndiaPakistan Studies

I am attempting to write a paper on my experiences of working in Nepal. Presently its in a very preliminary stage as it involves a lot of approvals but would really appreciate any feedback on this.
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      SociologyAnthropologyRural NepalGorkha Earthquake
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      Gender StudiesTibetan StudiesNepaliNepalese Legal System a Unique System
The ethnologist Philippe Sagant, a specialist of the Himalayas, passed away on January 10, 2015, following a long illness which brought his career to an early end in 1996. A researcher at CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche... more
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      HinduismAnthropologyTibetan StudiesPolitical Anthropology
This paper examines the role of social capital in the sustainability of induced community-based organizations (CBOs). Quantitative and qualitative data were collected from 14 villages and 129 CBOs in Southern Nepal. This paper argues that... more
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      International DevelopmentCommunity DevelopmentSocial CapitalSustainability (Organisational Strategy)
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      Anthropology of MobilityNepalGeography of Mobility and MigrationsTamang
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      MigrationGenderNepalRural Nepal
Tourism has a wide range of impacts on the economy, the natural environment and the people living in a destination. In the context of poor, rural societies, many scholars have emphasized the positive impacts of tourism on local economic... more
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      Tourism StudiesSocial CapitalRisk and VulnerabilityRural Development
Women continue to dominate the agriculture sector in most non-industrial, low income societies around the world. Despite their significant contributions in agriculture, their work is undervalued and they are marginalised due to social... more
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      JamaicaWomen's EmpowermentSocio economic developmentRural Nepal
Background: Cow urine has been widely used as therapeutic or additive agents in different parts of Nepal, mainly to treat infections, cuts, burns, etc. Cow urine has been considered as sacred and holy water and used in many rituals and... more
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      Drug DiscoveryNepalAntioxidantsBacteria
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      NepalCinemaMaoist Movement in NepalPost-Conflict Reconciliation
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      MarxismPolitical EcologySouth Asian StudiesIrrigation