Sociology of Work & Labour
Recent papers in Sociology of Work & Labour
Diese explorative Kurzstudie, finanziert von der Fraktion der GRÜNEN/EFA im Europäischen Parlament, widmet sich der Informalisierung migrantischer Arbeit in der Schlachtung und Zerlegung am regionalen Beispiel des Oldenburger Münsterlandes.
Il continuo aumento della produttività e la strategia di molte industrie di spostare gli stabilimenti di produzione in paesi dove la manodopera è a basso costo, sta portando nei paesi dell'OCSE ad un lento quanto inesorabile declino del... more
Traducción al español del texto de Saskia Sassen. Este texto examina el tema del futuro del trabajo y la tecnología a través de dos cuestiones. Una es cómo la digitalización puede mejorar la vida laboral de los trabajadores de bajos... more
2019 saw the most important and far-reaching changes to Japanese labor law in 70 years. What is being reformed and why? Will the reforms improve worker protections? This conference presentation points out contradictions in the reforms and... more
The concept of the "end of work" as a result of automation has been around since at least the 1930s, when J. M. Keynes (1930) announced his prediction that the grandchildren of current workers would have a completely new perspective on... more
מחקר זה מתמקד בעבודה של בני נוער ישראלים באולמות אירועים בישראל, ובוחן אילו גורמים חברתיים מבנים את הקשר הרגשי שלהם אל מקום העבודה ובאילו אופנים, וכיצד אלה נבדלים בין קבוצות מגדר ומעמד סוציו אקונומי
Contenido: El trabajo como contenido y como relación social. Incertidumbre del trabajo humano y culturas organizativas. Paradigmas organizativos y modelos productivos. Tecnología, trabajo y relaciones laborales. Crisis del trabajo,... more
Construction is the second major economic activity in India and the construction workers constitute a major section of the workforce. They suffered from a lack of employment due to COVID-19 lockdown enforced by the government. The study... more
PhD Thesis "Work intensification and health: a multi-tool empirical survey of 400 workers" The following research is aimed at investigating health conditions in relation to labor intensification processes based on a survey... more
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference,
MSD and Work: A Critical Mapping (Disturbi muscolo-scheletrici e lavoro: una mappatura critica). Trends in Italian and European health statistics show an exponential increase in work-related illnesses. Within the range of work-related... more
English: This book is the result of my master's dissertation in Sociology (2012), and brings a theoretical study about immaterial labour from Marxian categories present in the three volumes of O Capital and in the "Unpublished Sixth... more
The paper discusses the issues attitudes towards work of the young generation-students from Visegrad (V4) countries. The young generation of V4 countries is the first generation whose reality is based on the laws of capitalism, with all... more
The changes in technology in the public transport sector have seen the introduction of new forms of transport service using app technology and platforms. This is bringing to the fore new services and ways of generating value. It is... more
SOCIOLOGY OF WORK is a growing sub discipline within Sociology. The International Sociological Association has a Research Committee (RC 30) dedicated to Sociology of Work. Sociology of Work is taught in many universities throughout the... more
Title: The condition of Proletariety: Precariousness of Work in Global Capitalism SUMMARY Chapter 1 Work and Global Capitalism: A critical-historical analysis Chapter 2 The Condition of Proletariat in New Modernity Chapter 3 Social... more
Global Value Chain (GVC) analysis is part and parcel of mainstream development discourse and policy. Supplier firms are encouraged, with state support, to ‘link-up’ with trans-national lead firms. Such arrangements, it is argued, will... more
This article reviews conventional theories about various aspects of labor migration: Its origins, stability over time, and patterns of migrant settlement. For each of these aspects, we provide alternative explanatory hypotheses derived... more
Il presente lavoro, incentrato sulla storia del lavoro e dei lavoratori nel mondo romano, si propone di ricostruire, attraverso l'epigrafia monumentale, l'identità e il profilo socio-economico di alcuni individui vissuti a Mutina o nel... more
El riesgo conforma un elemento tácito en la biografía de los agentes en sociedades contemporáneas, pero en el campo del trabajo esta situación es significativamente más perceptible. Para el caso mexicano esta situación es imperantes... more
Internet technological discoveries have shaped many aspects of human life, including economic transaction for goods and services. Online-based transportation service is one form of digital economies, which was born out of the current... more
En el marco de los debates sobre “el futuro del trabajo” y/o “el trabajo del futuro”, nos proponemos abordar la cultura del trabajo en el marco de la sociedad informacional, entendida como el orden social emergente que deriva de las... more
For decades, we have related to climate change mainly as consumers and voters. We have been responsibilised as meat eaters and airplane travellers, we have been urged to vote for the party with the most green agenda, but we have never... more
SUMARIO Clásicos contemporáneos Juan José Castillo, Richard K. Brown (1933-2007) ......................................... 3 Richard K. Brown, ¿Sucesión o acumulación? Sobre los cambios en los enfoques teóricos y en las preocupaciones... more
This paper explores the potential that visual methods, approaches, and resources offer to the sociologist of work. It looks at the way work is represented in a range of publications and asks questions about what the visual can add to our... more
¿Qué dicen los cuerpos de su entorno social? Esta es la pregunta que guía la integración de este libro. La exploración gira entorno a la salud de las y los profesoras/es de universidades estatales quienes forman parte del Sistema Nacional... more
There are many assumptions regarding the effects of tourism on the gendered lives of people. Oftentimes it is assumed that women are particularly affected by tourism without the necessary research to back such assertions, such as... more
Much current work on labour conditions is founded on the notion of precarity. This article contends that there is a lack of historical depth in the use of this concept. By looking at the case of British steamship workers, it argues that... more
Online platforms have disrupted parts of the capitalist economy, with allegedly severe consequences in the world of work. It is difficult to assess the potential magnitude of this effect, however, because little is known about the... more
Les discours politiques européens ont conclu dans les années 2000 à l’avènement d’un nouveau paradigme de la gestion sociale : l’État social actif. Le législateur leur a emboîté le pas. Dans cette foulée est né le métier de... more
This article reimagines poverty governance as a labor process. Extending theories of bureaucratic fields and street-level bureaucracies, the proposed model suggests that the state manages the poor through fragmented activities embedded in... more
A. Klimczuk, Book review: M. Warner (Ed.), The Sociology of the Workplace (RLE: Organizations). Abingdon: Routledge, 2013, "Review of Economic and Business Studies" Vol. 8, Iss. 1 2015, pp. 185-187.
L'epigramma III, 59 di Marziale offre lo spunto per riflettere sul ruolo delle categorie sociali subalterne nelle città romane, con particolare riferimento a Bononia e a Mutina, dove un ciabattino e un lavandaio, dice il poeta, offrirono... more
This study is an attempt to analyze the logic of technological progress critically within the context of the concept Industry 4.0 (thereafter I4.0). In this study, I4.0 and its subcomponents are considered as new discursive tools of... more
Le papier donne une liste indicative de mes publications sur un certain nombre d'objets de recherche traités.