Sound and Image
Recent papers in Sound and Image
Overview of the history of soundtracks in cinema.
I have been working in the field of radio art, and through creative practice have been considering how the convergence of new media technologies has redefined radio art, addressing the ways in which this has extended the boundaries of the... more
El tratamiento y la exploración de los aspectos espaciales y dimensionales del sonido y su cuestionamiento, es un objetivo para la experimentación e investigación creativa con los elementos sonoros, convirtiéndose así en procedimientos ya... more
In this article I consider musical and other sonic constructions of queer identity in the television film, Angels in America (HBO, 2003). I outline various queer strategies in the music and sound of the film, demonstrating how music and... more
Perception et média, cinéma et théorie, sémiotique et poétiques... Le point, à partir de M. Chion.
Мета статті – визначити типові та своєрідні риси звукового образу програм регіональних радіостанцій у світлі останніх тенденцій розвитку галузі. У науковій розвідці використано метод аналізу актуальної наукової інформації з теми... more
City of Noise tours the sonic space that orchestrated the different, often conflicting, sound cultures that defined Paris's street ambiance. Mining accounts from guidebooks to verse, the book braids literary, cultural, and social history... more
La siguiente investigación busca ser un entrelazamiento de los conceptos Sonido ,Memoria y Territorio, teniendo por objetivo ser un aporte a la identidad del Maule a través de la representación de su sonoridad. Por tanto, la investigación... more
Generally speaking, technology may be considered a cornerstone of twentieth century life, especially in the Western World. However, because there seems to be a need for a healthy and wide appreciation of industrial and socio-cultural... more
'Loud' is the word that most easily springs to mind when one describes the soundtrack of the archetypal Hindi film. The main purpose of sound is to heighten the melodrama, to imbue the hero with a mythic aura through blood-and-thunder... more
Obiettivo di questa breve analisi è anzitutto dimostrare che anche in un film prettamente musicale -come Whiplash- l’utilizzo del sonoro non è secondo all’utilizzo del montaggio video, ma al contrario svolge un ruolo di fondamentale... more
Terrence Malick's Days of Heaven (1978) has been hailed as 'one of the most beautiful films ever made', but the film's immense cinematic beauty has detracted from the impact of its experimental soundtrack. Drawing on interview material... more
Minerva Campos Rabadán (2020), "Educación audiovisual y Cultura audiovisual en la ESO y el Bachillerato". Dossier "Cultura audiovisual, cine y educación en el Bachillerato, la Formación Profesional y los estudios universitarios", Minerva... more
Contemporary Indian films, in their essentially digitalised realms, incorporate techniques such as the location-based multitrack “sync” recording, and surround sound design that reorder the organization of cinematic sound. These practices... more
The Auditory Setting introduces and investigates how narrative and a sense of place are constructed in film and media arts through the reproduction and mediation of site-specific environmental sounds, or ‘ambience’. Although this sonic... more
We see the reflected, opaque image of the female protagonist on the right, or so we are led to believe, the features of the image are not perfectly clear and defined, on the background something intelligible passes rapidly from the right... more
Meggendorfers have been regularly acclaimed by collectors as invaluable items due to their brilliance and rarity and have been routinely cited by scholars as examples of early movable illustrations in children's literature. vii While... more
Recent years have witnessed an increasing scholarly interest in the phenomenon of the music video, even to such an extent that some of the recent works point to a paradigmatic ‘music video turn’ that could be tentatively defined as... more
"Методичка основана на курсе лекций, который читает О. В. Казанцев в рамках курса лекций «Методы и средства Мультимедиа». Эта вторая версия лекций, в ней исправлен ряд опечаток, немного изменена верстка."
Once regarded as what Michele Hilmes has described as the "bad object" of academia, television now enjoys a prominent place in higher-education curricula and is the subject of numerous scholarly books, anthologies, and journals. 1 As the... more
My thesis project explores how cinematic space can be articulated within an acoustemological framework. Re-situating cinema within a sonic – rather than a visual – ontology affords a capacity for privileging sensory and sensual forms of... more
There is a hierarchy of sound and image in films but that is not a natural one. There are moments in the history of cinema when a rupture occurs in the process and sound affects us more than visual. The lack of discussion on film sound is... more
A chapter that I published in 2014, “Who’s Calling? Lady Gaga’s ‘Telephone’, Female Vocal Empowerment and Signification”, examined the ways in which women’s historical relationship with telephone technology was highly inflected by... more
The relationship between the visual and the acoustic worlds has been a historical exploration in the arts, physics, as well as psychology and neuroscience. In multimedia, the analysis of their cross-modal relationships and the formal... more
The Conversation, directed by Francis Ford Coppola is about the power of sound and how mishearing events can lead to dire consequences, and, to a further extent, about detective Harry Caul's (Gene Hackman) inability to connect with other... more
Sensory studies are important to develop an understanding of the relationship between people and the environment and to see the need to relate buildings and the spaces between them. Stimuli from the sense organs are transformed into... more
Comic books are known to be ,silent media’, featuring no acoustic modes of representation. Yet, many techniques have been developed to express audible qualities by ,graphic’ means. Five domains of sound representation can be heuristically... more
Sanayi devrimi ile birlikte insanların içinde yaşadıkları çevre dönüşüme uğramıştır. Ekonomik büyüme ve üretim ekseninde insanların yaşamlarını sürdürdükleri kentlerin peyzajları hem görsel hem de işitsel olarak bir önceki yüzyıldan... more
The study of music from the earliest past draws upon iconography and archaeology, and any attempt to understand the earliest acoustic ecologies requires some level of approximation based on material artefacts. Participants are invited to... more
This article examines the aesthetic use of sound in Satyajit Ray’s films to retrace his position in Indian cinema as a reference point in the practices of synchronised monaural sound. Ray is traditionally considered to be an auteur and a... more
Jean Ma’s book is more than a scholarly exploration of sound and music in Chinese cinema. Referring to existing studies on sound, music, and voice in cinematic traditions, while paying special attention to the configuration of the role of... more
Investigación de carácter exploratorio, que propone una aproximación a la problemática del sonido cinematográfico desde una vertiente a la vez teórica y práctica. El ensayo toma como punto de partida el concepto del sonido como fenómeno... more
Recent years have seen not just a revival, but a rebirth of the analogue record. More than merely a nostalgic craze, vinyl has become a cultural icon. As music consumption migrated to digital and online, this seemingly obsolete medium... more
This article analyzes audio-visual works by Im Heungsoon, the first Korean winner of the Silver Lion award at the 56th Venice Biennale in 2015, in terms of an aesthetic figure, the 'per/sona.' Originally indicating a mask, 'persona' not... more
Within the context of contemporary Hollywood film music production; this thesis explores the use and application of technology for orchestral composition, orchestral music recording, through to the final delivery and integration of music... more
RESUMO Este trabalho pretende discutir os procedimentos utilizados pelo técnico de som direto na captação para filmes de ficção. É dividido em dois capítulos. O primeiro traz uma breve contextualização do ofício. O segundo descreve os... more
The basic hypothesis of the study was that space is associated with particular sonic characteristics, which can be identified and grouped according to different emergences and designations of the architectural space. The study objective... more
Infographic modified on 29 June 2022 after spontaneous creation on 28 June 2022 and posted at; this is the author’s own perspective, without... more