South Dakota
Recent papers in South Dakota
The Scottish Rite Masonic Temple in Yankton, South Dakota was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on January 23, 2013 for Social History and Architecture. The St. John’s Lodge was organized in Yankton in 1862, just after... more
The purpose of this study was to determine whether water quality parameters commonly associated with primary productivity may be used to predict the susceptibility of a specific water body to exceed proposed fish consumption advisory... more
Resource managers confronted with preserving ecosystems for prairie wetland birds in fragmented landscapes require landscape studies that direct conservation efforts over broad geographic regions. We investigated the role of local and... more
Agricultural land values in South Dakota are booming! Values increased 16.5% this past year, which is the third highest rate of increase since 1991. As of February 2011, the average value of all-agricultural land in South Dakota was... more
Effective conservation planning for endangered species depends on an understanding of space use patterns. Blackfooted ferrets Mustela nigripes depend on prairie dogs Cynomys sp. as prey and use their burrow systems for shelter. The... more
A laboratory tornado simulator that can generate a translating vortex has been built for the purpose of studying the interaction of a tornado-like vortex with the built environment such as individual buildings or suburban and urban... more
To decrease the 30-day readmission rate following hospital stay for congestive heart failure, which in the United States approaches 30 percent nationally. In addition to indicating possible suboptimal care of patients with this condition,... more
Categorization of locations with similar environments helps breeders to efficiently utilize resources and effectively target germplasm. This study was conducted to determine the relationship among winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield... more
The one-part commercial building at 330 S. 1st Avenue that houses Sid’s Crown Liquor, and the neighboring Texaco Super Service Station (now owned by the same business) were listed in the National Register of Historic Places on January 23,... more
Published in 1985 and written to be accessible for general audiences, this complete version of Peoples of Prehistoric South Dakota goes back roughly fourteen thousand years to introduce the first people to live in present-day South... more
The Marty Mission School was a Catholic mission school opened on the St. Paul's Mission on the Yankton Sioux Reservation in 1921 by Father Sylvester Eisenmann, O.S.B. Mission schools were a significant part of the system of Catholic... more
This article describes how the juvenile transfer mechanism developed—both generally and in South Dakota—as well as how it operates today. The article also explores the research findings about the efficacy and fairness of... more
Identifying maternal effects on offspring is critical to interpreting population dynamics, but the duration of maternal effects and which life-history traits they influence is not well understood. We quantified growth and development of... more
The House of Gurney Historic District has statewide significance and is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion A for the history of Commerce and Entertainment/Recreation and under Criterion B for the... more
We compared patch structure, fire-scar formation, and seedling regeneration in patches of low, moderate, and high burn severity following the large (~34 000 ha) Jasper fire of 2000 that occurred in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl.... more
Plains Indians deserves a more honored and more fully understood place among the world's great religious traditions; second, Black Elk's account of his early life, his Great Vision, and the principal rituals of the Lakota comprise an... more
Selenium was identified in the 1930s as the cause of embryo mortality and severe embryo deformities when chickens were fed grains grown on seleniferous soils in South Dakota. There had been no documented occurrences of such effects in... more
Field archaeology is normally associated with outdoor excavation and exposure to the natural environment. Archaeological excavations have adapted to a wide spectrum of these conditions, but the recent prominence of archaeological sites... more
A microthermometric study of inclusions in granites and pegmatites in the Proterozoic Harney Peak Granite system identified four types of inclusions. Type 1 inclusions are mixtures of CO 2 and H 2 O and have low salinities, on average 3.5... more
Estimating survival and documenting causes and timing of mortality events in neonate bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) improves understanding of population ecology and factors influencing recruitment. During 2010-2012, we captured and... more
Français : Depuis La Ballade Sauvage (Badlands, 1973), Terrence Malick se plaî à prendre le temps de détourner sa caméra de l’action dramatique pour examiner en gros plans des détails de la nature environnante. Par contraste avec les... more
Texte pour le livret DVD de Poussières d’Amérique et Diane Wellington Potemkine Editions/2014/France "Ce film est une improvisation. Un journal de travail. Ça parle d'Amérique, donc de nous. Des morceaux de la vie de chacun. Un enfant,... more
Appropriate use of satellite data in predicting >1 year post-fire effects requires remote measurement of surface properties that can be mechanistically related to ground measures of post-fire condition. The present study of burned... more
Selected Bacillus and Paenibacillus strains isolated from South Dakota wheat foliage and residue have been shown to antagonize isolates of Fusarium graminearum causing FHB, as well as antagonizing Pyrenophora tritici-repentis which causes... more
The use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for understanding the geographic context of bioenergy supplies is discussed and a regional-scale, GIS-based modeling system for estimating potential biomass supplies from energy crops is... more
Sediment samples were analyzed as part of ongoing environmental investigations of historical U mining impacts within Custer National Forest in Harding County, South Dakota. Correlations between As and U content, grain size and soil... more
Tervo RC, Azuma S, Palmer G, Redinius P. Medical students' attitudes toward persons with disability: a comparative study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2002;83:1537-42. Objectives: To investigate first-year medical students' attitudes toward... more
Molecular characterization of 53 U.S. and Canadian Corynebacterium diphtheriae isolates by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis, ribotyping, and random amplified polymorphic DNA showed that strains with distinct molecular subtypes have... more