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The Star of Bethlehem: slide presentation in German.
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      AnthroposophyPeter Paul RubensAnthroposophieStar of Bethlehem
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      Christian ApologeticsHistorical JesusStar of Bethlehem
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      GnosticismAncient Egyptian ReligionHistoryAncient History
When Dionysius Exiguus established December 25, 1 A.D., as the date for the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, he did not know the identity of the Star of Bethlehem that appeared when Jesus was born. Once the star is recognized as an angel, it... more
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      ChristianityGospel of MatthewQuiriniusStar of Bethlehem
There have been many attempts down through the ages to identify the star that led the magi to the Christ child. In this article, we examine Colin R. Nicholl's recent book "The Great Christ Comet: Identifying the True Star of Bethlehem."... more
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      Star of BethlehemNativity of Christ
A short analysis of Matthew's nativity, followed by a discussion of the birth horoscope hidden in Rubens' Madrid version of the Adoration of the Magi.
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      AnthroposophyHistory of AstrologyPeter Paul RubensGospel of Matthew
Une perspective juive et babylonienne concernant l’étoile de Bethléem Le récit biblique des Mages et de l’étoile qui a annoncé la venue du Messie d’Israël a inspiré et intrigué bien des personnes au cours de ces deux derniers... more
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      MagiHeliacal RisingStar of BethlehemHeliacal Setting
Interview with a famous American astronomer on the topic of his research on the phenomenon of the Bethlehem star as afterword beyond the academic colloquium in Groningen University about the book The Star of Bethlehem: The Legacy of the... more
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      History of AstrologyRenaissance magic and astrologyCoinsStar of Bethlehem
The book "The Lion Led the Way" has been republished with revisions and additional material. The new title is "MUL.BABBAR: The Messiah’s Star" This new book is available for download on the author's Academia page. Please take a... more
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      Roman HistoryHistorical JesusBook of DanielAncient Roman Numismatics
An Epiphany Sermon on Matthew 2:1-12-for St. Paul's Church Carroll Street
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      PreachingIncarnation of ChristHerod The GreatGospel of Matthew
Several attempts have been made to connect the nativity of Jesus, and more recently, the so-called “Rapture of the Church” to specific datable events in the heavens. In recent decades, several of these efforts have been centered on the... more
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      Book of RevelationMessianic JudaismMessianic JewsRevelation 12
All Biblical passages, which are the most difficult for the followers of a skeptic view on the historicity of the text, can obtain some historical interpretations to resolve a contradiction between the science and Scripture
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionSumerian ReligionEgyptologyNear Eastern Archaeology
The article presents the hypothesis regarding the date of the Nativity encrypted in the tractate of the 4th century astrologer Julius Firmicus Maternus.
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      History of ChristianitySymbolism (Religion)Historical JesusJewish Messianism
The biblical account of the wise men and the star that announced the coming of the Messiah of Israel has inspired and puzzled people for two millennia. Important aspects of Babylonian astronomy seem to be involved in understanding the... more
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      Messianic JudaismMessianic JewsHerod The GreatGospel of Matthew
The present paper is a follow-up to my article ‘The Maternus Code: The Gospel of the Stargazers’, published in International Society for Astrological Research Journal, Vol. 48, N3, December, 2019, pp. 22-36. The starting point of my... more
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      History of ChristianitySymbolism (Religion)Jewish MessianismCultural Astronomy
Pre-edited copy of chapter 3 from "The Star of Bethlehem and the Magi", 2015, edited by Peter Barthel and George van Kooten (published by Brill in Leiden). Based on conbritutions from the conference on the 'Star of Bethlehem', held in... more
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      Biblical StudiesHistory of AstronomyStar of Bethlehem
Star of bethehem, the wise men from the east, Jesus born, Christmas, King Phraates, King Herod, Augustus, Bibel, Luke, The wise men from the East and the Star of Bethlehem . --- Ecbatana versus Babylon -) Who were the wise men? -)... more
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      BabylonJewish genealogyJerusalemAstronomy
As we move forward into new discoveries in the heavens, it is also important for Christians involved in science to seek clarity about our ancient scripture texts. Matthew's account of the Magi and the star has been misinterpreted for... more
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      Messianic JudaismChristmasHerod The GreatMagi
Alors que les cieux font l' objet de nouvelles découvertes, il est important que les chrétiens impliqués dans la recherche scientifique s' appliquent à mieux décrypter les textes bibliques. La description que Matthieu fait des Mages et de... more
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      Biblical ChronologyBabylonian AstronomyStar of BethlehemBirth of Jesus
The so-called genealogy in Mt.1:1-17 functions as an esoteric literary device revealing the true nature of the 'Star' that is mentioned in Mt.2:2,9-10. From an astronomical viewpoint, this Star is Jupiter, as involved in the cycle of... more
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      ChristianityAnthroposophyJohannes KeplerMatthew's Gospel
This paper deals with the so-called "Varus coins" which supposedly date the Syrian governorship of Publius Quintilius Varus. It was proposed in the 1830s by an Oxford scholar that the so-called Varus coins may, in reality, be in... more
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      Historical JesusHerod The GreatStar of Bethlehem
Mercury-Venus conjunction on January 7, 4 BC
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      ChristianityNew TestamentHistory of ChristianityEarly Christianity
The general apologetic theme of this study was to highlight the actions that had been taken to assure, protect and guide the birth of Jesus Christ. Bible study practices of scrutinizing New Testament scriptures carrying the words... more
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      HeliophysicsAngelsChristian ApologeticsSolar Physics
The traditional understanding of Matthew 2:9 leads to a type of Christian mysticism concerning the Star of Bethlehem. There is another way of reading the text which avoids some of the problems associated with the main historical... more
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      Matthew's GospelMessianic JewsGospel of MatthewMagi
The birthdates of the solomonic Jesus (Tuesday, September 15th, 7 BC) and the solomonic Mary (Tuesday, September 9th, 19 BC) are encoded in the fourth gospel. Both birthdates were known to Pieter Pauwel Rubens.
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      AnthroposophyGospel of JohnPeter Paul RubensAnthroposophie
The pericope Mt.2:1-12 can be read as an encoded astrological description of the Magi's journey. According to Matthew, the Magi found the Child in Bethlehem on Friday, November 20, 7 BC, around 8:10-12 p;m. (local time).
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      AnthroposophyMatthew's GospelHistorical JesusEsoteric Christianity
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      Ancient ReligionAncient PersiaEmperor NeroRoman Cult of Mithras
We present an esoteric reading of the mosaics on the triumphal arch of the basilica Santa Maria Maggiore (Rome, Italy).
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      AnthroposophyEarly ChristianityEarly Christian ArtGospel of Matthew
This document is a summary of several symbolic royal celestial events in the years near the birth of Jesus. In the ancient world, Jupiter was thought of as the "king planet" and Regulus as the "king star." Regulus had been spoken of a... more
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      Messianic JudaismArcheoastronomyMagiBabylonian Astronomy
MUL.BABBAR The White Star Over Bethlehem is a historical novel about the wise men and the Star of Bethlehem. The book places Dwight Hutchison's theory of the star into a historical context. There are about 400 pages of the main text and... more
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      Messianic JudaismHerod The GreatArcheoastronomyMessiah Figures
Erstmals (?) zeigt er insbesondere die politische Situation. Erstmals (?) zeigt er das mutmaßliche Denken der Weisen. Erstmals (?) zeigt er mit einer neu gestalteten Karte den Weg von Ekbatana nach Jerusalem. Erstmals (?) zeigt er eine... more
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      Historical TheologyBiblical StudiesHistory of AstrologySymbolism (Religion)
The thirteenth-century Schoolman Albert the Great had much to say about the wise men who appear in the second chapter of the Gospel according to Saint Matthew. His commentary runs about thirty-five times the length of the evan-gelist's... more
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      Medieval StudiesMagicScience and ReligionHistory of Astronomy
In this short paper, the arrival of Christ, according to Matthew, is examined using the Babylonian Divination manual. What would the heavenly events have told the magi? The conclusion is that Matthew's text is fully understandable as a... more
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      Book of RevelationGospel of MatthewStar of Bethlehem
In this article, we address the question whether magi saw the star "in the east" according to traditional translations, or, according to modern, trendy translations, the magi saw the star "in its rising?" We will conclude that the... more
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      ChristmasGospel of MatthewNew Testament StudiesStar of Bethlehem
Many different ideas about who Jesus was have been argued by biblical scholars for centuries now, not to mention amateurs . And along the way there have been attempts to say there was no person at the historical core as well, but the... more
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      New TestamentNew Testament and Christian OriginsHistorical JesusNew Testament Studies
Le esegesi mediolatine della stella matteana
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      Biblical Medieval ExegesisBiblical ExegesisHistory of astrology and astronomyStar of Bethlehem
Every year at the spring equinox the nation of Iran celebrates Nowruz (Nōrūz, Nō Rūz, or Nō-Rūz). Nowruz is not only the first day of the new year on the Iranian calendar, but also marks the first day of spring-a time in both ancient and... more
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      Christian StudiesStar of Bethlehem
A series of chronological markers indicate the years of Herod the Great and his heirs. These two charts use the dating methods described in published articles written by Andrew Steinmann and Rodger Young. One can download several of their... more
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      Herod The GreatStar of BethlehemBirth of JesusHerod Antipas
Μια σύντομη ερμηνευτική προσέγγιση της ψηφιδωτής παράστασης η οποία φιλοτεχνήθηκε την περίοδο 432-440 στην Santa Maria Maggiore της Ρώμης.
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesTheologyPatristicsNew Testament
Western Europe since the Middle Ages, astrology has always fought for the right to be an academic science. There were periods of success when astrology was taught at universities (Cambridge, Bologna, etc.), but there were periods of... more
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      MagicHistory of AstrologyAncient astrologyHistory of astrology and astronomy
"A Sign over Bethlehem" is a greatly abridged version of the third edition of the author's book "The Lion Led the Way," a book of almost 400 pages. The biblical account of the wise men and the star that announced the coming of the... more
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      Historical JesusBook of DanielAncient Roman NumismaticsJosephus
A considerable amount of the research into the 'Star of Bethlehem' has assumed that it was a unique celestial event. Such an approach, however, has overlooked the possible celestial information contained in the other features of both... more
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    • Star of Bethlehem
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      Comparative ReligionComparative PoliticsDivinationConservatism
Il Natale è di tutti, di chi crede e di chi lo vive come momento speciale dell'anno senza particolari altre implicazioni. Ma il Natale è anche un evento, storico, esistenziale, carico di significati e di mistero. Un giorno solo che non... more
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      ChristmasErodeStar of BethlehemAnnunciazione
An Early Bronze IVB tomb was discovered by the MOTA-DACH on June 2009 in the city of Bethlehem, nearby the Milk Grotto. Its architectural features, burials and associated funerary equipment are here considered and compared with those of... more
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyGender Studies
Nel capitolo VII ("De stella et magis") della sezione "In evangelia" dell'Historia scholastica, Pietro Comestore riporta una curiosa notizia che non trova altro riscontro letterario: Beda avrebbe creduto che la stella dei Magi caduta nel... more
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      Itineraries (Medieval History)Christian HeresiesSt JeromeHeresiology
Interview von Werner Schandor mit Sepp Rothwangl über das Datum von Christi Geburt und den Ursprung der Jahreszählung. Nicht der Stern von Betlehem, sondern die Planetenreihe vom 5. Mai 2000 war der Zeitpunkt, von dem aus im Mittelalter... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMedieval HistoryHistory of Science
Understanding the astronomical terms about the Star of Bethlehem improves the translation.
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      Ancient Astronomy and CalendarsStar of Bethlehem
Der Himmel im Dezember 2020 zeigt die große Konjunktion (Jupiter und Saturn), anlich wie zur Geburt Jesu. Relativ unscheinbar. Überraschend. Ernüchterung zu Weihnachten. Der Stern von Bethlehem. Heilige Drei Könige. Wie war das Damlas?... more
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      Historical TheologyBiblical StudiesBiblical TheologyJerusalem