State of Emergency
Recent papers in State of Emergency
The author focuses on certain aspects of the role of the President of the Republic in relation to the State of Emergency. After presenting the regulation of the State of Emergency and the President's powers in that area, he concludes that... more
Après une multiplication des écarts à la procédure constitutionnelle durant les deux conflits mondiaux, la Suisse a vu sa population se mobiliser et recourir à un instrument de dé-mocratie directe pour réclamer la sortie de cet état... more
Monografia dotyczy problemu legitymizacji działań władzy publicznej podejmowanych w obliczu zagrożenia, którego skala oraz szybkość eskalacji pozwala na stwierdzenie wystąpienia sytuacji nadzwyczajnej (public emergency). Praca ma... more
Die aktuelle globale Ausnahmesituation unterscheidet sich vom klassischen Verständnis eines politischen oder juridischen »Ausnahmezustands« und entlarvt nicht nur das Konzept der souveränen Entscheidung über den Ausnahmezustand als... more
*Winner of the 2017 IALT Kevin Boyle Book Prize for Outstanding Legal Scholarship* What does it mean to say we live in a permanent state of emergency? What are the juridical, political and social underpinnings of that framing? Has... more
. By "impasse," I point to the ideological loop that paternalistic authority resorts to in the name of governance, where a repressive, corrupt, and/or un-democratic governmental apparatus is blamed for the underdeveloped political... more
RESUMEN: Desde las tradiciones de la criminología crítica y los planteamientos de Agamben y Mbembe se intenta hacer unas reflexiones iniciales sobre los operativos policiales, la militarización de la seguridad ciudadana, el uso de la... more
In 2016, Donald Trump was elected US President. Many across the globe are concerned he plans to institute a dictatorship, which is supposedly contrary to liberal–democratic values. Yet, despite current public opinion, republics like the... more
This article examines the relation between emergency legal doctrine and racial sovereignty in the context of Palestine. It theorises Israel's multifarious emergency modalities in a colonial present paradigm where traditional territorial... more
*NOTE: final, published version is "'Master Metaphor': Environmental Apocalypse and the Settler States of Emergency" (in _Resilience_ 8, 1, 2021, 60-81). which can be found here:... more
The subject of the article is the problem of public burdens in the form of personal and in-kind contributions in the event of a state of natural disaster. The state of natural disaster justifies the need for the legislator to refer to the... more
El artículo es un estudio de caso que evalúa el estado de emergencia recientemente instaurado y prorrogado de manera sucesiva en la Provincia Constitucional de El Callao (Perú), para enfrentar un problema de inseguridad ciudadana... more
In this essay, we explore what is at stake for Kurdish theatre artists who develop their theatre praxis in a permanent state of emergency imposed by the Turkish government, and why it matters to act, both in the general sense and in the... more
Military and humanitarian interventions have become common- place in recent years, provoking some to suggest that the right to intervene in the face of an emergency has become a new global norm. Emergencies and interventions pose unique... more
Abstract and table of contents for Permanent States of Emergency and the Rule of Law: Constitutions in an Age of Crisis (Hart Publishing, 2018).
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The paper looks at the decision adopted by the Turkish authorities to suspend the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) in the wake of the attempted military putsch of July 2016. Derogations from some - but not all - human rights are... more
The article discusses an issue of the church autocephaly in the perspective of inter-Orthodox relations through the glasses of the Carl Schmitt’s theory of sovereignty. The author starts from the premise that the concept of autocephaly is... more
Türkiye, 21 Temmuz 2016 tarihinde Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Sekreterine yaptığı bildirimle, 1966 tarihli Birleşmiş Milletler Kişisel ve Siyasal Haklar Sözleşmesi (KHSHUS) m. 4/3’e dayanarak birçok madde açısından “derogation” hakkını... more
On 15th June of 2016, a coup attempt produced violent clashes between a faction of the army and citizens in Turkey. The Turkish parliament was bombed, thereupon 248 citizens were killed and 2196 citizens were injured. The reaction of the... more
Over the last twenty years, the political situation and the overall framework for democracy and human rights in Algeria has experienced contrasting trends. Following a short period of political liberalization induced by the popular... more
Kuramsal tartışmalar, neyin şiddet olduğuna ve şiddetin etik veya siyasi meşruluk ekseninde nasıl kavranması gerektiğine ilişkin net bir yaklaşım ortaya koyamamışlarsa da devlet ve şiddet arasında karşılıklı bir zorunluluk ilişkisi... more
Konflikty zbrojne stanowi¹ce widmo dla bezpieczeñstwa pañstwa, dzisiaj nie s¹ postrzegane jako g³ówne zagro¿enie dla ³adu w pañstwie. Coraz wiêkszego znaczenia na-bieraj¹ zagro¿enia o charakterze niemilitarnym, które stanowi¹ nowe... more
Je ne savais pas alors qu'il n'y avait au fond de républicains en France que moi, et ceux qui craignaient que la royauté ne les fît pendre.
El artículo muestra que el empleo del estado de emergencia se halla "normalizado" en Perú. Analiza las deficiencias de la legislación sobre la materia, en particular su carácter fragmentario, incompleto y carente de sistematicidad, como... more
During the past years it has become fashionable to declare state of humanitarian emergency in case of migratory movements, perceived by the country of destination as an extraordinary event, in order to justify the introduction of heavy... more
This paper uses Giorgio Agamben’s “State of Exception” as a theoretical approach that allows us to see how Emergency laws and legislations operate in the region as mechanisms of control, relying on Egypt as a case study. In 2011 the... more
This submission challenges the UK government's proposals of a presumption to derogate from the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) for the actions of its armed forces overseas. A fundamental difficulty with this proposal is the... more
Abstract As an ideology of modern age, militarism is the dominance of values, norms and mentalities pertaining to the army and military to all areas of social life by being canonized. Manifesting itself by the fact that violent-based... more
[Life or Survival, What Comes First? An Analysis of the Slovak Parliamentary Discourse on the Surveillance of Cell Phone Locations during the COVID-19 Pandemic] Táto kapitola reaguje na výzvu (nielen) pre štúdiá sledovania, aby sa... more
On March 30, the Hungarian parliament adopted legislation providing for "emergency powers" to better respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The international reaction has been quite predictable, with critics of Prime Minister Orbán calling it... more
Recent political and legal developments within the Arab region have resurrected previously dormant historical debates and endowed them with a new life and vitality. The theory of exceptionality has been prominent within these debates,... more
One of the crucial challenges the European community faces today is the abusive practices of introducing and constitutionalising state emergency powers. In the last few years two European Union Members States, France and Hungary, have... more
This paper engages the instabilities of the category of 'asylum' looking at Arab Uprisings' mobility to Italy and highlighting the contested encounter between governmental practices to manage asylum seekers and the embodied experiences of... more
Although the post-War movement for the protection of universal human rights heralded progress in transcending international law’s traditional power structures, colonial interests and legal philosophies nonetheless retained an influence on... more