Recent papers in Benjamin
A few years before the beginning of the Second World War, the rapprochement between socialism and western esotericism would be outlined in France. This effort, produced around the Collège de Sociologie as a reaction to Fascism,... more
Quentin Skinner compares Hobbes’s Leviathan to a parliamentary speech; to interpret the text is to uncover its contributions to ongoing debates. I extend this idea to demonstrate how the Chinese translation history of ‘rights’ during the... more
I vivaci studi italiani degli scritti di Benjamin sulla poesia di Baudelaire (editi da Solmi nel 1962) hanno spesso trascurato l’importanza di allargare la propria prospettiva all’edizione francese del 1974 (Payot), contenente tre... more
Frankfurt Okulu temsilcisi Walter Benjamin'in Hayatı ve Kavramları üzerine Doktora Dersi Sunumu
This paper first outlines the key traits of some critiques of Agamben’s theory of the subject. What they have in common is an emphasis on the limitations of his conception of political agency, which is based on the one hand on an... more
Walter Benjamin y la manipulación con los medios de comunicación social. WALTER BENJAMIN Y EL PODER POLÍTICO EXPRESADO CON Y POR LA TECNOLOGÍA: MEDIOS DE COMUNICACIÓN COMO PRIMERA HERRAMIENTA DE DOMINIO. Mi artículo en el portal madrileño... more
Giorgio Agamben Olağanüstü Hal ile ilgili yazdığı metninde, olağanüstü hal oluşturma yönündeki en büyük çabayı Carl Schmitt 'de gördüğünü belirtmektedir. Agamben'e göre Schmitt 'in amacı olağanüstü hali yasal bir bağlam içerisine... more
Uno de los aspectos menos estudiados de la obra de Walter Benjamin es el papel que desempeña el mito en sus escritos de juventud. Entre 1915 y 1916, años tan cruciales como oscuros en la biografía de Benjamin, este interés por la... more
Dantes Hölle und Tassos Studierstube
This essay discusses Walter Benjamin's development of 'dream' as a model for understanding 19th-and 20th-century urban culture. Following Bergson and surrealist poetics, Benjamin used 'dream' in the 1920s as an heuristic analogy for... more
This paper explores Walter Benjamin’s relationship with French Surrealism from sources rarely studied or practically unknown until now. First, I will set out the direct link between the theses on “profane illumination” and the... more
For a copy of this article, please contact me only VIA EMAIL. Full citation: 16. Sergi, O. 2020. Saul, David and the Formation of the Israelite Monarchy: Revisiting the Historical and Literary Context of 1 Samuel 9–2 Samuel 5. In:... more
*Abstract: Around the year 1900, the reproduction of works of art and the art of the film have had on art in its traditional form. In this piece, Benjamin discusses the profound impact of photography and film on our cultural conceptions... more
Summary: In the present note, I seek to trace the story of Benjamin as it unfolds on the pages of Scripture—a story of grace, preservation, and redemption.
Keywords: Benjamin, Saul, Gibeah, Judges, Samuel, narrative. Date: Dec. 2019.
Keywords: Benjamin, Saul, Gibeah, Judges, Samuel, narrative. Date: Dec. 2019.
In his novels, Kazuo Ishiguro uses the narrators as storytellers, both in a Benjaminian and in an Arendtian sense. He uses this literary strategy in order to connect his characters’ construction of identity to their fragmented memory, a... more
List of my Books, Essays & Articles on Walter Benjamin from 1978 to 2019
"ABSTRACT: This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of... more
In his novels, Kazuo Ishiguro uses the narrators as storytellers, both in a Benjaminian and in an Arendtian sense. He uses this literary strategy in order to connect his characters’ construction of identity to their fragmented memory, a... more
The story of Absalom and Sheba’s revolts (2 Samuel 15–20) recounts how David’s throne was threatened twice when Israel rebelled against him, first under the leadership of his son Absalom, and later under the Benjaminite Sheba. This study... more
I’m going to hurt your feelings and it’s going to upset you, but Walter Benjamin did not say what you think he said, nor what they said about him, nor what we learned in school. It is hard to believe we held such illusions as articles of... more
Distilling from Marx’s mature writings on the critique of political economy, this article plays out a confrontation between his implicit theory of the “time of capital” and Walter Benjamin’s late writings on messianic time outlined in his... more
La traducción del presente libro forma parte de un proyecto de edición más global y ambicioso: la traducción al español, por vez primera, de la edición más completa de las obras de Walter Benjamin. A pesar de la enorme calidad e... more
This article proposes that the Joseph narrative in Genesis was given its final form sometime after the split of the monarchy, in order to explain the continued inclusion of the formerly northern tribe of Benjamin within the kingdom of... more
This paper critically reviews the current status of the concept of distance in human geography in order to argue that recent experimentally-driven work in construal-level theory offers ample opportunities for recasting distance as a key... more
A partir de la producción teórica de W. Benjamin, Th. W. Adorno y F. Jameson, esta obra explicita un modo de interpretación del mundo cultural circundante que supera el deficiente carácter crítico del modelo hermenéutico de Heidegger y... more
“Before the Law” (“Vor dem Gesetz”) is one of the most if not the single most commented upon of Kafka’s texts : “Helplessness seizes one face to face with this page and a half,” notes George Steiner. Has everything not already been said,... more
S'il est pertinent d'opposer ou du moins de distinguer, ainsi que Pierre Macherey l'a proposé 1 , le fait d'être moderne, c'est-à-dire le fait d'appartenir à une époque historique déterminée sur le mode d'une condition temporelle... more
En la primera mitad del siglo XX, los filósofos de la Escuela de Frankfurt desarrollaron una teoría estética para comprender el cine y su relación con el contexto social del capitalismo tardío. De manera fragmentaria, Walter Benjamin,... more
UFMG Pois o Belo é o começo do terrível, que a todo custo suportamos, e se assim o admiramos, é porque ele, impassível, desdenha destruir-nos. Rilke Mas, criatura, criatura (na realidade sou eu a criatura, que fala assim à Medusa). Kafka... more
Il dibattito filosofico-giuridico sullo stato di eccezione, che vede protagonisti Carl Schmitt e Walter Benjamin, verte su un’anomia che è stata più volte (dallo stesso Benjamin, ma poi anche da Jacques Derrida e da Giorgio Agamben) messa... more
If literary avant-garde journals and their communities have been, in the twentieth century, a space for creating, if not sustaining, major political utopias, it should help explain why this “literary communism,” as Jean-Luc Nancy called... more
La crítica cultural ocupa un lugar central en la producción teórica de W. Benjamin y está vinculada íntimamente con sus intereses filosóficos y políticos más profundos. Son estos intereses los que confieren una orientación materialista a... more
Music and Letters, 93/2 (May 2012), 276-280
Este trabalho realiza análise do documentário Maranhão 66 (1966), de Glauber Rocha, à luz da teoria social crítica e propõe uma analogia entre o conceito de história em Walter Benjamin e a “vontade de história” do cineasta do Cinema Novo.... more
The artist] says to himself, thinking of life around him: this world at one time looked different and, in the future, will look different again.
Die Kritische Gesamtausgabe der Werke und des Nachlasses von Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) 1 ist auf 21 Bände angelegt, und von denen bisher einschließlich des hier vorliegenden 14. Bandes zehn Bände erschienen
RESUMO O artigo busca entender o sentido do sintagma experimentum linguae presente em textos escritos pelo filósofo italiano Giorgio Agamben entre os anos 1989-1990. São escolhidos dois desses textos (uma introdução a uma edição italiana... more