Recent papers in Teams
Understanding how to support teams has become a matter of urgency for many organizations. Globalization has created information, communication, and technological challenges and opportunities that require collaboration. Recognition of the... more
This comprehensive and enlightening book deepens organizations’ understanding of work in the 21st Century through the “lens” of psychological relationships in organizations. The volume outlines how the workplace has changed significantly... more
Organizations today are fast turning to teams as a means for getting work done. Theoretically, teams or teaming is expected to increase productivity, improve communication, efficiently utilize organizational resources, improve initiative... more
Case Studies in Patient Safety
Foundations for Core Competencies
ISBN: 978-1-4496-8154-8
Paperback • 342 pages • © 2016
Copies available at
Foundations for Core Competencies
ISBN: 978-1-4496-8154-8
Paperback • 342 pages • © 2016
Copies available at
Purpose – Teams and teamworking has now become a common form of work structure in most organisations, including facilities management. The human interactions which occur when people work together in groups is still problematic. In this... more
This study utilized a sequential mixed method approach in developing a model for team effectiveness in Philippine organizations. In the first phase, qualitative data were gathered to elicit the factors that were deemed important to... more
Applying exegetical analysis to ancient texts has become an accepted way of applying the experiences of historical figures to contemporary leadership challenges. This paper explores a brief experience in the life of the apostle Paul as a... more
Making sense of a situation or issue, particularly if it is confusing, ambiguous or paradoxical, also requires sense to be made of human nature, of the cognitive and comprehension processes of those people who are trying to make sense of... more
Talent Liberation is a value adding people management philosophy. It is a new form of experiential learning, based on the natural order of things and offering great potential for impact and added value for organisations - be they... more
In recent years there has been a global shift in organisational development strategy, resulting in companies moving away from hierarchical management structures to increasingly autonomous and self-directed teams. This is reflective of the... more
Purpose • This article explores how leaders might potentially be cultivated within an organization. Design/methodology/approach-This article is an amalgamation of numerous articles, books, and general leadership literature. The goal was... more
Synopsis of thinking about team roles, performance and personality
Two problems that groups/teams might face and their causes and consequences. Potential strategies to prevent these problems.
Interdisciplinary team collaboration has garnered increasing attention. When team processes are effective, they serve to reduce service fragmentation and duplication of services, particularly in urban school settings. Additionally,... more
Presentation on the development of the Great 8 and the associated Team Role report. Saville Consulting Wave ® Team Roles Report Modelling Performance at Work Performance is the results of Person * Environment Interaction The ‘Great 8’... more
Team Talk : Collaboration through Communication in Meetings of a Multiprofessional Pain Rehabiliation Care Team The thesis investigates team talk and team collaboration from a dialogical perspective, and is based on video recordings of... more
How do Specialist Teams Function, Communicate and Interact? Three Case Studies on Achieving a Top Performance How do specialist teams achieve top performances? How do such teams in the music world function, communicate and interact?... more
Serious games are used to engage healthcare providers and effectively teach quality improvement and patient safety competencies and skills. During this workshop, we will explore the use and development of games, principles for designing... more
This article is about the dynamics in team environment.
The way you lead matters. Leadership effects every aspect of a church. The successes and failures found in a church can be attributed to the proficiency of the leadership team. The methods and tools that you use as well as your leadership... more
The Director of Soccer Operations assists the Head Coach in the administration of all aspects of the sport program primarily gathered in five main areas, recruiting, scheduling, budgeting, media, and camps.The DSO position allows the... more
Missionary teams are popular, but not always effective. Five conditions contributing to healthy team functioning are examined in light of empirical evidence: trust, task conflict, commitment to decisions, accountability, and group goals.
''Ovo mesto zahteva snažnog timskog igrača...'', ''Spremnost za timski rad...'', ''Rad u timu...''. Samo letimičan pogled na današnje oglase u kojima se nude poslovi daje nam do znanja da je vreme ''slobodnih strelaca'', osobenjaka, ljudi... more
The Strong Interest Inventory® test includes a detailed section scored to assess how people learn, work, play, and live named The Personal Style Scales. Comparatively speaking, less than the other parts of the Strong Interest Inventory... more
This chapter clarifies the distinctions among different types of interdependence in teams, and summarizes the research evidence about the dynamics and consequences of interdependence.
Durch die immer schnelleren Veränderungen im Markt stehen Organisationen vor der Aufgabe ihre intra-organisationalen Kommunikationsnetzwerke effizient an die gegebenen Anforderungen anzupassen (Brass et al., 2004). Teams nehmen als... more
Background Teamwork in surgical teams is at the forefront of good practice guidelines and empirical research as an important aspect of safe surgery. We have developed a comprehensive assessment for teamwork in surgery-the Observational... more
Psychological empowerment is the perception that workers can help determine their own work roles, accomplish meaningful work, and influence important decisions. Empowerment has been studied from different perspectives, including... more
BACKGROUND: Failures in nontechnical and teamwork skills frequently lie at the heart of harm and near-misses in the operating room (OR). The purpose of this systematic review was to assess the impact of nontechnical skills on technical... more
The main objective of this work consisted of an analysis of the learnings and challenges of an actual process of change for a work team of a nonprofit organization (NPO), and of the proposal of a systematized work scheme to manage the... more
In today’s business environments, we frequently work in cross-cultural teams. However, we are often unconscious of the effects of cultural diversity on collaboration. This essay explored cultural differences and the impact on teams’... more
At last, a book about risk management that does not keep comparing surgeons with airplane pilots. Although there are things to learn from this comparison, it just seems absurd to suggest that a closed cockpit resembles, in any way, the... more
"When a gifted team dedicates itself to unselfish trust and combines instinct with boldness and effort, it is ready to climb"-Patanjali, The Mahabhasya, 2nd c. BCE Much of the organization's work is accomplished directly or indirectly... more
The importance of leading by personal example or role modeling for effective leadership has been recognized in many leadership theories. However, leaders' ability to influence group behavior through exemplary behavior has received little... more
3M was a company first established to mine corundum ("About 3M Mining & Metallurgy", 2019). History records the failure of 3M to successfully mine corundum: however, the products they discovered on their way to failure set the company up... more
Changing established behaviour of any kind is difficult. It is particularly challenging in complex critical healthcare settings because of the varied relationships between a wide range of organisations, professionals, patients, and... more
Structured Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to find out the role of conflicts and conflict management in Top Management Teams (TMTs). Design/Methodology/Approach: Based on the secondary research and literature review a... more
This report aims to analyze and review issues that arise in the management of culturally diverse and geographically dispersed virtual teams. Real world examples will be assessed based on theoretical frameworks surrounding cross cultural... more
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