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(Book introduction) Figures of Touch: Sense, Technics, Body Eds. Mika Elo & Miika Luoto As a sense modality, touch has been both over- and undervalued in Western culture. On the one hand, touch has been regarded as the basis of sense... more
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      New MediaArt TheoryTouchTechnics
Gli articoli pubblicati sono sottoposti a double-blind peer review. Syzetesis è rivista scientifica secondo la classificazione dei periodici stabilita dall'ANVUR. INDICE Anno V -2018 (Nuova Serie) Fascicolo 1 Avvertenza 5 ARTICOLI Carlo... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyCyberneticsGilbert SimondonCosmology
Présentation de ma thèse par le jeu des questions/réponses sur le blog spécialisé dans les affaires militaires Mars attaque
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceWar StudiesGreat War
Si intende insomma offrire al lettore italiano un viaggio all’interno del “prisma Simondon”, in grado di ripartirsi su una grande varietà di ambiti disciplinari senza al contempo allontanarsi dalla sua ispirazione più profondamente... more
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Without a doubt, the question of rave culture’s politics – or lack thereof – has polarized debate concerning the cultural, social and political value of rave culture not only within electronic dance music culture (EDMC) studies, but in... more
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      Popular MusicSubculturesProcess PhilosophyPrecarity
This dissertation investigates human-robot encounters and how robot existence here is calibrated to the social lives of humans. Based on a year of fieldwork in two laboratories dedicated to the development of human-robot interaction in... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRoboticsArtificial IntelligenceAnthropology
Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably. -CIM definition build sales and generate profits which can then be reinvested as part of a cycle of prosperity.... more
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      Creative WritingTeaching and LearningEducationIntellectual Property
Zahra’s Paradise is a webcomic-turned-graphic novel depicting the aftermath of Iran’s Green Movement, where untold numbers of protesters were arrested, tortured and killed. The comic occupies matrices of liminality, both in its creation... more
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      Social MovementsDigital MediaProtestAffect (Cultural Theory)
This dissertation studies selected works by artists Jane Jin Kaisen (DK/KR, 1980), Mark Leckey (GB, 1964), Henrik Olesen (DK, 1967) and Tabita Rezaire (FR/DK/GF, 1989) with a focus on how these practices - each in their way - interrogate,... more
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      AestheticsPhilosophy of TechnologyArt TheoryContemporary Art
Booklet of the exhibition "La souris et le perroquet", Nice, Centre national d'art contemporain de la Villa Arson, 20 février - 31 août 2015. With an essay by Thomas Golsenne, "Les Noces d'Art et Technique" and many texts by artists.... more
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      Contemporary ArtModern and contemporary crafts (Art)Anthropology of TechnologyExhibitions
Analyse und Entwicklung von einer Oberflächenreinigungsanlage, Jahrgang 13, Technikgymnasium
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      TechnicsHydraulics & PneumaticsEngenieeringTechnik
This article reconsiders Stiegler’s account of the emergence of the human species in light of research in the field of transgenerational epigenetics. Stiegler traces this emergence to the appearance of technical artefacts allowing for the... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyPosthumanismDeconstructionBernard Stiegler
Technology 1 UNREVISED DRAFT May 2021 PLEASE DO NOT CIRCULATE Technology itself has no agency: it is the choices people make about it that shape the world (The Economist, "Pessimism v progress". 21.12.19 edition). Whether your greatest... more
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A beautifully illustrated argument that reveals how notebooks were extraordinary paper machines that transformed knowledge on the page and in the mind. Information is often characterized as facts that float effortlessly across time and... more
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      Information SystemsHistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyIntellectual History
The paper aims to connect the work of Gilles Deleuze and Bernard Stiegler in order to formulate a framework through which analyse contemporary digital phenomena. It draws a parallel between Deleuze's notion of virtual and Stiegler's... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceRevolutionsContinental PhilosophyGilles Deleuze
Berisi pengetahuan dasar seputar pengukuran dan rumus dalam bidang sepeda motor.Sumber PT.Astra Honda Motor
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      TechnicsMekanikSepeda MotorTeknik dasar Otomotif
This paper investigates the reciprocal implications between aesthetics and technics, to show how technicity, as a cultural and symbolic attitude, is constitutively rooted in the aesthetic dimension of human experience. The analysis... more
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      AestheticsPhilosophy of TechnologyGilbert SimondonMaurice Merleau-Ponty
This thesis conceptually investigates the relationship between human existence and the technical object, and thereby relates questions faced within the philosophy of technology to the field of philosophical anthropology. This conceptual... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of TechnologyTechnologyPhilosophical Anthropology
Restarting from technics to think aesthetics, this paper - text of a UQAM seminar in 2010 - try to show how Simondon helps to override the fear of technics in traditional aesthetics (Kant, Hegel, Heidegger).
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      AestheticsArt TheoryGilbert SimondonTechnics
Recently, geographers and social scientists have done much to develop the conceptual relationship between technology and affect. Notably, nonrepresentational geographies, as well as social scientists contributing to the so called ‘turn to... more
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      Human GeographyTechnologyProcess PhilosophyAffect (Cultural Theory)
Human nature is something of a taboo on the left wing of contemporary political theory and scarcely more than a commonsense assumption on its right wing. This article aims to expose the taboo and to challenge the assumption. There is no... more
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      AnthropologyPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyTechnology
Virtuality as the Totalitarization of Metaphysics The article attempts to define the phenomenon of virtuality as a process, a procession and a procedure. The question of the processor of virtuality intensifies the aspect of subjectivity... more
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This paper examines the relationship between Derrida’s work and that of Bernard Stiegler. Stiegler’s thinking can be seen as radicalisation of the idea of the supplement in Derrida. Stiegler differentiates his thinking of technics from... more
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      PhenomenologyBernard StieglerJacques DerridaTechnics
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      Critical TheoryTheodor AdornoPhenomenologyMax Horkheimer
…the greatest point of art consists in the introduction of suitable abstractions. By this I mean such a transformation of our diagrams that characters of one diagram may appear in another as things. A familiar example is where in analysis... more
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      Artificial IntelligencePhilosophy of MindPhilosophy of ScienceArt Theory
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyMartin HeideggerHeidegger and Technology
En lo que sigue, pretendemos desplegar una tensión ya instalada en la actualidad que atañe al lugar que los conceptos de "técnica", de "naturaleza" y de "lo humano" vienen a ocupar. En la búsqueda por calibrar esta triple relación... more
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At first glance, the tool belongs to the sphere of that which Martin Heidegger has characterized as the "subservience" (Dienlichkeit) of the thing. 1 An object with decidedly utilitarian functions, it does not achieve the status of a work... more
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Nous proposons dans cet article une relecture de la théorie de l’énonciation afin de rendre compte des composantes techniques, des supports et des médias des discours. A partir de Sémiotique figurative et sémiotique plastique (1984) de... more
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      SemioticsVisual StudiesEnonciationTechnics
On appelle jeux de ficelle, les jeux où l'on utilise une corde, cordelette d'environ 1m ou 2m et avec laquelle on élabore des figures. Comme le souligne José Braunstein 1 c'est un art qui « relève probablement du patrimoine culturel... more
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Tekst był publikowany w: Janusz Musiał: Error. Błąd w sztuce/Fotografia/2002-2020. Wydawnictwo Naukowe „Śląsk”. Katowice 2021.
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      TechnologyPhotographyPhotography TheoryNew Media Art
Published 2017 by Computing Literature, Morgantown, WV 26506 / Rochester, NY 14623 Cover design by María Mencía Licensed as Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-NC 4.0). ISBN-13:... more
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      Women's writingDigital LiteraturePractice-Based ResearchFeminist Literary Theory and Gender Studies
Un enfoque diferente en torno a la génesis de diversos componentes de la sociedad actual
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Este artigo é uma introdução geral ao pensamento de Bernard Stiegler em torno da relação entre técnica e humano. Stiegler desconstroi a tradição filosófica que costumava separar technê e episteme com um enfoque histórico e materialista, a... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyBernard StieglerAntropología filosóficaTechnics
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      English LiteratureMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesShakespeare
This paper represents a critical engagement with Bernard Stiegler’s philosophical and prescriptive exposition of the condition of existence within current Western ‘hyper-industrial’ societies. I contend that Stiegler’s oeuvre is permeated... more
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      PharmacologyInformation TechnologyPhilosophy of TechnologyTechnology
La mercantilización de todos los aspectos y ámbitos de nuestras vidas, junto con la hipertecnificación de nuestras existencias y un tecno-optimismo que lo apuesta todo en la vía tecnológica como camino para garantizar el crecimiento... more
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      Martin HeideggerEnvironmental SustainabilityEmanuele SeverinoTechnics
"We have modified our environment so radically that we must now modify ourselves in order to exist in this new environment. We can no longer live in the old one." —Norbert Wiener (1950) [46] Wiener's prophetic vision of things... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyTechnologyClimate ChangePosthumanism
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      Critical Theory of TechnologyCritical Social TheoryWalter BenjaminAesthetics and Politics
El presente trabajo se plantea como un esfuerzo para concebir, pensar y analizar una crítica de los elementos propios que el neoliberalismo impuesto durante el Régimen Militar en Chile ha dispuesto sobre la población de la nación, en... more
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      PhilosophyGeorges Didi-HubermanGuy DebordGilles Deleuze
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      AestheticsPhilosophy of TechnologyPhenomenologyGilbert Simondon
Este texto fue publicado en: Lenguaje Creativo de las Etnias Indígenas en Colombia. Cecilia Duque Duque, Editora. Medellin: Suramericana Editores, pgs. 454-458. 2012. ) Una buena parte de los turistas que llegan al Parque Arqueológico... more
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      Kogi/Kagaba (Anthropology)ToolsTechnicsWorkshops
This essay offers a groundwork for thinking space through the relation of nature and technics after Heidegger, Derrida and Stiegler. It departs from historical theoretical constructions of space to explore trace-topologies and the effects... more
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      TechnologyBernard StieglerMartin HeideggerJacques Derrida
Without a doubt, the question of rave culture's politics -or lack thereof -has polarized debate concerning the cultural, social and political value of rave culture not only within electronic dance music culture (EDMC) studies, but in... more
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      Popular MusicSubculturesProcess PhilosophyPrecarity
Our use of artefacts has at different moments been characterised as either replacing or impoverishing our natural human capacities, or a key part of our humanity. This article critically evaluates the conception of the natural invoked by... more
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      New MediaAnimal BehaviorEmbodimentPhenomenology
Lo studio si occupa di ricostruire l'interpretazione che il sociologo Lewis Mumford ha dato, nel corso principalmente degli anni '30, dell'opera di Oswald Spengler. Lo studio si avvale di risorse bibliografiche di Mumford mai tradotte in... more
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      UrbanismCapitalismLewis MumfordOswald Spengler
This paper identifies the relation between aesthetics and politics in the age of digital technoculture, especially as it is manifest in the 'terrorism genre' in film and television of the last 25 years. From Homeland and 24 to the Bourne... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyMedia ArchaeologyTechnocultureHistory of Technology
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      PharmacologySocial TheoryInformation TechnologyEthics