Text Generation
Recent papers in Text Generation
Investors, before making an investment decision, rely on many sources of information, including the Web, which in current times has become an important mean of mass production and dissemination of information for the financial/stock... more
Data imbalance is a frequently occurring problem in classification tasks where the number of samples in one category exceeds the amount in others. Quite often, the minority class data is of great importance representing concepts of... more
Introduction: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a silent epidemic that affects at least 1.4 million people in the U.S. each year. An estimated 5.3 million Americans are living with disabilities resulting from TBI, and another 80,000 to... more
This paper reports a study on how ESL/EFL writers use their L1 (®rst language) when composing in their L2 (second language) and how such L1 use is affected by L2 pro®ciency and writing tasks. Sixteen Chinese EFL learners were asked to... more
Taking the role of, in the words of Koneski, "our only complete homeland", the Macedonian language in the 21st century faces numerous existential challenges which, thanks to modern technologies or more precisely, artificial intelligence... more
The Voynich manuscript is a medieval book written in an unknown script. This paper studies the relation between similarly spelled words in the Voynich manuscript. By means of a detailed analysis of similar spelled words it was possible to... more
K funkcii subjektu v slovenskej poézii ženských autoriek 8 zuje, že aj metatext, akým je literárnokritická štúdia, môže mať svoj osobitý prejav a individuálny štýl. Koľko je v nej hlasov, toľko zaznieva i jazykov.
Ghosts, Robots, Automatic Writing: An AI Study Level Guide by Anne Alexander, Caroline Bassett, Alan Blackwell, and Jo Lindsay Walton "As far as academic ‘research outputs’ go, this is a strange one, really. The result of a two-year long... more
The Expressive Intelligence Studio is developing a new approach to freeform conversational interaction in playable media that combines dialogue management, natural language generation (NLG), and natural language understanding. In this... more
In this project, we have developed a sign language tutor that lets users learn isolated signs by watching recorded videos and by trying the same signs. The system records the user's video and analyses it. If the sign is recognized, both... more
Interactive fiction and adventure video games are narrative genres which provide the player with the option of acting as the main character of the story. However these genres do not fully match the expectations of their authors and... more
We extend the Expressionist project, and thereby the re-emerging area of grammar-based text generation, by applying a technique from software verification to a critical search problem related to content generation from grammars. In... more
This is an important book. On the surface, it is a survey and summary of work related to a major computational linguistics effort--the Penman project at the University of Southern California. Beneath the specific title and the apparently... more
This paper reports a study on how ESL/EFL writers use their L1 (®rst language) when composing in their L2 (second language) and how such L1 use is affected by L2 pro®ciency and writing tasks. Sixteen Chinese EFL learners were asked to... more
This white paper is part of a series that promotes knowledge about language technology and its potential. The availability and use of language technology in Europe varies between languages. Consequently, the actions that are required to... more
This paper reports a study on how ESL/EFL writers use their L1 (®rst language) when composing in their L2 (second language) and how such L1 use is affected by L2 pro®ciency and writing tasks. Sixteen Chinese EFL learners were asked to... more
Qualitative simulation models can play a useful role in computer-based learning environments, since they explicitly represent the domain knowledge required for causal reasoning about system structure and behaviour. However, the amount of... more
In this paper, we describe issues in the translation of proper names from English to Chinese which we have faced in constructing a system for multilingual text generation supporting both languages. We introduce an algorithm for mapping... more
In our current research into the design of cognitively well-motivated interfaces relying primarily on the display of graphical information, we have observed that graphical information alone does not provide sufficient support to users... more
The objective of this study is to automatically extract annotated sign data from the broadcast news recordings for the hearing impaired. These recordings present an excellent source for automatically generating annotated data: In news for... more
Metamodeling is raising more and more interest in the field of language engineering. While this approach is now well understood for defining abstract syntaxes, formally defining concrete syntaxes with metamodels is still a challenge.... more
Ordering information is a difficult but important task for applications generating naturallanguage texts such as multi-document summarization, question answering, and conceptto-text generation. In multi-document summarization, information... more
Resumen: Uno de los desafíos de la Generación de Lenguaje Natural es la adaptación de la estructura y las palabras de la salida lingüística a la habilidad del usuario, el contenido, el género apropiado, el estilo, etc. Nos centramos en la... more
In our current research into the design of cognitively well-motivated interfaces relying primarily on the display of graphical information, we have observed that graphical information alone does not provide sufficient support to users... more
A novel random text generation model is introduced. Unlike in previous random text models, that mainly aim at producing a Zipfian distribution of word frequencies, our model also takes the properties of neighboring co-occurrence into... more
Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST), a framework for analysing discourse structure above the clausal level, has been used extensively by both text analysts and researchers in text generation for the past decade. The proliferation of... more
In this article, some first elements of a computational modelling of the grammar of the Martiniquese French Creole dialect are presented. The sources of inspiration for the modelling is the functional description given by Damoiseau... more
In this article, we investigate the structural composition of the Voynich manuscript text, using statistical (network) analysis of word/token similarity. Our results support the so-called “hoax hypothesis,” i.e., interpretation of the... more
The paper discuses some problems of presentation and processing of linguistic knowledge, needed for the development of real-size Bulgarian linguistic resource to be used in a multilingual text generation system, covering software manuals... more
This diploma thesis explores subjectivity in the domain of so-called digital writing, that is, in texts of largely experimental nature generated by computer algorithms (or with their assistance). In order to do so, the thesis briefly... more
A general, reusable computational resource has been developed within the Penman text generation project for organizing domain knowledge appropriately for linguistic realization. This resource, called the upper model, provides a domain-and... more
In advanced XML transformer tools, XSLT rules are generated automatically after relating simple source and target XML documents. In this paper, we generalize this approach for the design of model transformations: transformation rules are... more
Experiment 1 assessed the time and effort allocated to writing subprocesses while generating written and verbal protocols over 10 weekly writing sessions. Within a 40-min session, planning time consumed about 45% in the first 5 min, but... more
In this project, we have developed a sign language tutor that lets users learn isolated signs by watching recorded videos and by trying the same signs. The system records the user's video and analyses it. If the sign is recognized, both... more
this paper on the development and evolution of such a component, the surge system. surge has been widely distributed in the generation community and has been embedded into several complete systems. The goals of reusability and wide... more
Data imbalance is a frequently occurring problem in classification tasks where the number of samples in one category exceeds the amount in others. Quite often, the minority class data is of great importance representing concepts of... more
We present a new approach to extracting information from unstructured documents based on an application ontology that describes a domain of interest. Starting with such an ontology, we formulate rules to extract constants and context... more
In this paper, we present the first sizable grammar built for Vietnamese using LTAG, developed over the past two years, named vnLTAG. This grammar aims at modelling written language and is general enough to be both application- and... more