The Holocaust
Recent papers in The Holocaust
Abstract version of an article with the same title published in my book: Holocaust Historiography: A Jewish Perspective
Primo Levi, «Così fu Auschwitz. Testimonianze 1945-1986», con Leonardo De Benedetti, a cura di Fabio Levi e Domenico Scarpa, Einaudi, Torino 2015, Super ET.
הצורך לתעד ולספר את קורות השואה מצא לו אפיקים שונים, המהווים בסיס לחקר התקופה ולשימור זיכרונה. שני המאמרים שלהלן עוסקים בסוג ייחודי של כתיבת זיכרונות מתקופת השואה, שטרם נחקר. מדובר ברבנים (או למדנים) ניצולי שואה, אשר העלו את זיכרונותיהם... more
A chronology of all measures introduced by the National Socialist municipal administration and other perpetrator agencies against the Berlin Jews. The day by day chronicle, based on many hitherto unknown sources, provides the reader with... more
סיפורה של חסידות קרלין, אחת החסידויות הראשונות, הוא מן המרתקים בתולדות החסידות. חסידות זו שמה דגש על עבודת ה' ברגש ובגוף, על האמת, על הענווה ועל התנגדות ליומרנות אינטלקטואלית. היא הייתה הראשונה שהעמידה בראשה 'ינוקא', בן של צדיק בעודנו... more
Researchers have long questioned how debunked myths such as the blood libel – the notion that Jews used Christian blood in their ceremonies – were able to persist for so long. This essay explains the social function of such myths in one... more
This study briefly presents the history of the radical form of Ukrainian nationalism, paying special attention to the geopolitical circumstances which formed this movement. Then, it analyzes some aspects of this phenomenon, such as its... more
"… we should remember that our definitions are abstractions from reality, and reality is much more complicated than our definitions can be, and rather than trying to fit reality into the abstraction, we should adapt definitions to... more
Hitler, bir süre sonra kendisini doğuran II Wilhelm'i zehirletip Führer oldu. Meclisi yaktı, başkan oldu. Orduyu korkuttu. Kontrol bitti ve yıkımı kimse engelleyemedi. Allah, Malikül Mülk'tür. Gasp ettiğiniz mülk sizin değil, Allah'ın... more
This chapter investigates whether the Holocaust was the catalyst for the adoption of a number of seminal texts in the postwar 'human rights revolution', including the United Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights... more
Lecture Series on the Holocaust for Docent Training, Invited Talks at the Kenneth Kupferberg Holocaust Resource Center and Archives, New York, June 26-28, 2017.
Since the second half of the 1970s, a corpus of studies focusing on the history of women during the Holocaust has been produced. These studies assert that even though Jewish women shared the annihilation threat with the men, Jewish women... more
Book by Jan T. Gross and Irene Grudzinska Gross
This book review appeared in the Yearbook of German-American Studies, volume 50, 2015, pages 254-258.
Multimodal communication can simply be defined as communication through modes such as pictures, gestures, sign languages, and such. Photographs are relevant to literary studies because they too can narrate. Photographs can perform as... more
Originally published in "I Ink, Therefore I Am," Wiley-Blackwell, ed. Robert Arp, 2012 ( In this paper, I’ll explore tattooing not merely as a form of expression—it is... more
Art Spiegelman's "Maus" is an emotional graphic novel about the life of Spiegelman himself and the atrocities that his parents faced during the Holocaust. This paper looks at Spiegelman's use of animals as characters and how that... more
This book was written by Leslie Blau (Blau László). It is a translation of the English "Bonyhad: A Destroyed Community" printed by Blau in 1994 (New York, New York). This translation into Hebrew was edited by Reuven Chaim Klein in 2010.... more
The German invasion of the Netherlands on the 10th of May 1940 was not only a tragedy for the Dutch people; it was also a tragedy for Dutch literature. In a few weeks time, the intellectual leaders of an entire generation would disappear.... more
What the excavations at Sobibor they challenge a prehistorian?
En quoi les fouilles à Sobibor interpellent-elles un préhistorien ?
En quoi les fouilles à Sobibor interpellent-elles un préhistorien ?
"If the international Finance-Jewry inside and outside of Europe should succeed in plunging the peoples of the earth once again into a world war, the result will be ...the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe." Hitler's speech to the... more
Stella's Secret is the inspirational memoir of how a young girl and her mother survive the Lodz ghetto and the death camps at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Bergen Belsen, and rebuild their lives in Israel and America. The reader listens to... more
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book summary in downloadable .pdf] According to the poet Elias Canetti, "All the things one has forgotten / scream for help in dreams." To the ancient Egyptians they were prophecies, and... more
This project germinated late in 2011 when my laptop was still resting on my belly swollen with new life. Yet, instead of thinking of the future, as I perhaps should have been, my thoughts were on the past and, even more surprisingly, on... more
מאמר מבוא למהדורה העברית של ספרו המונומנטאלי של ראול הילברג, ובו תיאור תולדות המחבר והספר, תוך שימת דגש על מסכת יחסיו עם יד ושם Hilberg, "The Destruction of the European Jews", and Yad Vashem: an introduction to the 2012 Hebrew... more
One of Art Spiegelman’s motivations for using animal forms for the characters in the two volumes of Maus was to depict the dehumanization of the Jews during the Holocaust and as well the inhuman behavior of the Nazis and people of other... more
This pioneering project gathers data from research studies, historical information, testimonies and documents dealing with more than 1,100 ghettos throughout mainly Eastern Europe. It reflects the differences between each ghetto and... more