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Text of the public presentation of the papal Bull "Misericordiae Vultus". Pope Francis wrote this text as an indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. The presentation was held in Alicante (Spain), June the 13th 2015
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      EcclesiologyDivine LoveWorks of MercyPope Francis
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      TheologyBiblical StudiesSynoptic GospelsLove
The paper deals with Can. 1401 of CCEO and its implicit meaning of mercy.
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      Canon LawTheologyPastoral TheologyForgiveness and Reconciliation
En esta ponencia se expone el concepto de misericordia según santo Tomás de Aquino, entendida como pasión y como virtud, para ver de qué modo es posible predicarla de Dios. Se afirma que en Dios la misericordia se da sólo como virtud, por... more
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      EmotionTheologyThomas AquinasMoral Philosophy
Resumo: Este artigo tem como propósito apresentar uma análise dos milagres de Cristo no Quarto Evangelho a partir do ponto de vista da misericórdia divina. O objetivo é mostrar que tanto as ações quanto a atitude de Cristo no desempenho... more
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      Miracles of JesusDivine MercyThe Mercy of God
Abstract: In a world which urgently needs orientation, christian theology has no more time to pursue dogmatically unreflected conceptions which are not transparent for the Light of the Embodied Truth. This paper approaches central aspects... more
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      The Mercy of GodOrthodox Dogmatics
"We send down the Quran as a healing and mercy for the believers, but it only increases the wrongdoers in loss."

Quran 17:82
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      Quranic StudiesIslamic ArtIslamQuran
RESUMEN: Teniendo en cuenta la acción misericordiosa de Dios en los hombres y la respuesta de éstos a Dios, se pasa revista tanto al don de la conversión (fruto de la misericordia divina) como a las obras de misericordia impulsadas por... more
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      Japanese StudiesHagiographyContemporary SpiritualitySpirituality
“Mercy in Aquinas: Help from the Commentatorial Tradition,” THE THOMIST 80 (2016): 329–39.
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      Thomas AquinasThomismMercyThe Mercy of God
Le piste di lettura del film drammatico Philomena (2013), diretto dal regista inglese Stephen Frears (1941-), possono essere molteplici. Lo stesso giornalista Martin Sixsmith, nelle scene iniziali del film, dichiara al suo editore che la... more
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      Film and TheologyCinemaMatthew's GospelEschatology
Resumen: En este trabajo abordamos uno de los temas centrales en el diálogo entre la ética y la religión, a saber, la relación entre la misericordia de Dios y la justicia humana. En primer lugar, aludimos a algunos de los pasajes de la... more
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      ReligionCriminal JusticeEthicsDangerouse Goods
“And of His signs is that He created for you mates from yourselves so that you may find tranquility in them; AND HE PLACED BETWEEN YOU LOVE AND MERCY. Indeed in that are signs for a people who reflect.”

Quran (30:21)
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      LovePhilosophy of LoveQuranCalligraphy
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      MercyWorks of MercyEthics of Forgiveness, Mercy and Responding to EvilDivine Mercy
Choć niektórzy uważają, że miłosierdzie Boże zostało objawione dopiero w Nowym Testamencie, już w Księdze Wyjścia Bóg mówi o sobie, że jest "Bogiem miłosiernym i łaskawym, nieskorym do gniewu, pełnym miłości i wierności" (Wj 34,6).... more
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      Divine MercyThe Mercy of GodBoże Miłosierdziełaska
Ludmiła Roszko (1913-2000) była przez niemal 40 lat pracownikiem naukowym Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Była też uczennicą ks. Michała Sopoćki (wileńskiego spowiednika s. Faustyny Kowalskiej), należącą do „wileńskiej... more
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      HistoriaHistoria PRLDivine MercyThe Mercy of God
The Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy is an opportunity for in-depth theological reflection. More frequently nowadays this kind of reflection has its foundations in the exegesis of the texts of the Old Testament (see e.g. Pope Francis, Bull... more
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      Book of GenesisThe Mercy of God
The article focuses on the theme of return/conversion in the book of Hosea. The issue is presented from the perspective of two covenant partners: God and Israel. The starting point is the refusal of Israel to return to God and the... more
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      Hebrew BibleReligious ConversionCatholic TheologyProphets
Friedrich Nietzsche famously thought that mercy (Barmherzigkeit) is the prerogative of power. "What do I care about my parasites," he could argue, "I am strong enough for all that!" This paper argues for the opposite - that mercy is the... more
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      ChristianityNietzscheMercyWorks of Mercy
Redazione: Chiamiamo «parabolica» quella pedagogia che si rivolge non solo al trattamento delle domande esplicite e spesso contingenti al qui e ora che la persona pone, ma che vuole cogliere in esse e lavorando induttivamente su di esse... more
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      Synoptic GospelsBiblical ExegesisGospel of JohnGospel of Mark