August Strindberg
Recent papers in August Strindberg
This Introduction presents the European literary and historical context of Swedish author and artist August Strindberg's novel _Le Plaidoyer d'un fou_, first published in 1893. Known in Swedish as _En dåres försvarstal_, the Introduction... more
El presente artículo estudia las relaciones entre los géneros literarios (drama y novela) en la obra de August Strindberg. Se analiza cómo los componentes fundamentales de la novela (el narrador, el enfrentamiento del sujeto con el mundo... more
Stenport, Anna Westerstahl, Eszter Szalczer, and Jonathan Schroder. (2018). “Introduction: Visual Culture, August Strindberg, and The Double Image of Modernity.” In August Strindberg and Visual Culture: The Emergence of Optical Modernity... more
di Giuliano D'Amico Volda «Perché occuparsi seriamente di uno strambo personaggio come Aleister Crowley?» si chiedeva nel 1999 lo storico delle religioni Marco Pasi, nell'introduzione a uno dei primi testi accademici dedicati allo... more
Il presente lavoro è incentrato sulla figura del dio nordico Loki e il suo scopo è quello di fornire una panoramica generale sulle sue alterne vicissitudini letterarie. [...] Diverse considerazioni hanno portato alla decisione di limitare... more
Nell’ottica della catalogazione dei fondi Egidio Pani e Pasquale Bellini è stato inquadrato il percorso di studio sviluppatosi presso la Biblioteca Multimediale e Centro di Documentazione del Consiglio Regionale della Puglia Teca del... more
The images of women in August Strindberg's play and how themes like domination and role reversal play to convey the late 19th century ideas of hysteria and sexuality in Sweden in an era of transformation from feudalism to industrialization.
O presente trabalho é uma análise da obra autobiográfica Inferno escrita por August Strindberg, orientada pelo referencial teórico da Psicologia Analítica desenvolvida por Carl Jung, naquilo que se relaciona com o simbolismo da alquimia e... more
in: Ortrud Westheider und Michael Philipp (Hg.): Gerhard Richter. Abstraktion, Ausstellungskatalog (Potsdam, Museum Barberini), München u.a. 2018, S. 59-70.
From Diagnosis to Intersectionality: Strindberg Research from 1963–2011 This article was written as a sequel to Göran Lindström’s article in Svensk litteraturtidskrift (Swedish Literature Magazine) in 1962, and consists of a qualitative,... more
adlı tiyatro eserinde bir şatonun mutfağında kont kızı ile uşağın ilişkisini, uşağın sınıf atlama arzusu ile Kont kızının sınıf düşme isteğini, Matmazelin intiharına kadar geçen süreçte konu alır. Eserde kadın karakterler bir
By the beginning of modernity, a new horizon was composed by the middle class who abrogated hierarchy and monarchy by viewing social identity through the lens of the economy, hence capitalism emerged and social identity became vitally... more
1. Although the study of Strindberg's reading of esoteric texts and their influence of these on his work has a long and flourishing tradition (see Lamm; Brandell, Strindbergs Infernokris; Stockenström; Gavel-Adams, The Generic Ambiguity;... more
To have a power [potenza], to have a faculty means to have a privation. That is why the sensation does not sense itself, as the combustible does not burn itself" 1 . With this sentence taken from a conference by Agamben, the Italian... more
The objective of this work is to discuss a thematic and critical issue that runs through Pasolini's dramaturgy: the representation of the pathetic body within the semantic field of sexuality. The approach is a blend of two methodological... more
lingua del cinema come 'specchio antropologico' del reale e dell'italianità: ricchezza culturale, folclore e dialetti nel cinema di poesia»
Literary transformations from human to animal have occurred in myths, folklore, fairy tales and narratives from all over the world since ancient times, and have always provided a narrative space for depictions of power, agency, and the... more
in Arabic…………………………………………………….………vi Introduction……………………………………….……………….……...…1-8
"Avere una potenza, avere una facoltà significa: avere una privazione. Per questo la sensazione non sente se stessa, come il combustibile non brucia se stesso" 1 . Con questa frase tratta da una conferenza inedita di Agamben, il filosofo... more
Part of a longer project focusing on the metaphors of text as child and child as text in late nineteenth century writing. This study examines the anxiety of influence experienced by August Strindberg in relation to his dramatic ‘father’,... more
Here is a review of drama in which a father is in some way responsible for his daughter's death, whether for a noble or ignoble reason.
La manera en que se construye el espacio escénico es un aspecto fundamental en la producción de sentido de un determinado espectáculo: no solo es un elemento que enmarca la acción del drama, sino que también permite el desarrollo de una... more
Αλεξία Αλτουβά (επιμ.), "Πηγές της έρευνας στη σύγχρονη ελληνική θεατρολογία", Πρακτικά Επετειακού Συνεδρίου για τα 20 χρόνια του Προγράμματος Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών του Τμήματος Θεατρικών Σπουδών Αθηνών (Αθήνα, 27-29 Απριλίου 2017), Αθήνα... more
Γωγώ Βαρζελιώτη - Πλάτων Μαυρομούστακος (επιμ.), "Σκηνή και Αμφιθέατρο. Αφιέρωμα στον Σπύρο Α. Ευαγγελάτο". Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου (Αθήνα, 7-9 Μαρτίου 2016), Αθήνα 2018, σσ. 289-302.
August STRİNDBERG'in BABA adlı oyunun dramaturji raporu. Oyuna bakıldığında; Konu: Albay Adolf eşi Laura ile sürekli bir çatışma içerisindedir. Bu çatışma kızları Bertha'nın hayatına dair kimin kara vereceği boyutuna evrilir. Adolf’un... more
Composta nel 1887,nella pazzia del protagonista la tragedia "Il Padre" riflette le ossessioni di un Amleto avvelenato da un retro pensiero: la libertà della madre coinciderà con l'asservimento del padre? Con Strindberg l'inferno si... more
I en performativitetsanalys av August Strindbergs drama Brott och brott (1892) identifieras heteronormativa föreställningar om kön och sexualitet som ett av dramats bärande teman. Denna artikel omarbetades senare för publicering som ett... more
This paper discusses Roger Callois' The Necessity of the Mind, a book written while Callois was a member of the surrealist group in Paris but never published during the author's lifetime. It was the original destination for Callois'... more
En este trabajo nos centraremos en su obra La danza macabra para analizar qué particularidades presentan dos procedimientos del drama moderno como son el realismo referencial y el semántico y en qué medida la articulación de elementos de... more