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This article is a very short guide to navigating institutional racism within universities. Focal points of this piece are how institutional racism works, how it can be diagnosed, and how one can invent ways to survive it. The first... more
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      Theatre EducationCanadaUniversityInstitutional racism
The article summarizes the material related to the process of formation of professional and qualities qualities of students of the Acting School of Moscow Chamber Theatre.
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      Theatre HistoryRussian TheatreRussian & Soviet TheatreTheatre Education
Στην παρούσα εργασία παρουσιάζεται μία απόπειρα εισαγωγής της μεθόδου του Θεόδωρου Τερζόπουλου ως θεατρικής τέχνης στην Α/-θμια εκπαίδευση, με σκοπό να διερευνηθεί αν αποτελεί χρήσιμη διδακτική πρακτική στο μάθημα της Θεατρικής Αγωγής.... more
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      Action ResearchDrama In EducationApplied Drama/TheatreTheatre Education
Como en otros campos del saber y del hacer, también en el teatro se han desarrollado procesos de formación, sea como parte de la educación integral de la persona, sea en la cualificación de los profesionales de su campo de expresión... more
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    • Theatre Education
Existen muy pocos trabajos que tratan de maneras efectivas de abordar la enseñanza de la dramaturgia, utilizando procesos lúdicos, afectivos, sensoriales, estéticos y poéticos con jóvenes con el Síndrome Down en el Brasil. El Proyecto... more
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      Theatre StudiesApplied TheatreDown SyndromeTheatre Education
В статье рассматривается проблема реконструкции исторического спектакля как художественного явления и как методики изучения истории и практики российского режиссёрского искусства. Представлен первичный опыт интеграции методики в систему... more
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      Theatre HistoryTheatre Education
Questo numero monograico nasce da un obiettivo di ricerca, condiviso dai curatori, intorno alle forme e ai risultati raggiunti da più di tre decenni di sperimentazioni di arti performative nei contesti scolastici e formativi. Il tema è... more
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      Performing ArtsTheatre StudiesPerformance StudiesTheatre Education
This thesis identifies the junior musical as an umbrella term for commercial American musical theatre adapted for youth performers and explores the value of these adaptations in schools. Interviews and survey responses comprise this... more
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      Musical TheatreTheatre and PedagogyTheatre EducationYouth Theatre
Task of the educator, regardless of his rank in the educational hierarchy, is to be an active mediator in the full contact of the student with the aspired knowledge, provided by him. Education therefore constitutes the indubitable point... more
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      EducationDrama In EducationTheatre EducationTeaching Methods
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    • Theatre Education
Theater has always been considered, from ancient Greece to the present day, an important device to educate, train and teach which potentialities, manifested in various forms, have been repeatedly put at the center of pedagogical debate.... more
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      EducationTheatre StudiesDrama In EducationApplied Drama/Theatre
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre EducationTheatre for Social ChangeDrama/Theatre in Education
Este trabajo quiere mostrar la necesidad de que los estudios superiores de arte dramático, como ya ocurrió con otras enseñanzas superiores reguladas en la Ley Moyano de 1857, se integren en el sistema universitario público para lograr su... more
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    • Theatre Education
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      EvaluationCommunity theatreTheatre EducationCommunity evaluation
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      Music EducationTeaching and LearningMimesisPhilosophy of Education
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesFolkloreAesthetics
Con el objetivo de contribuir a repensar los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje propios de la educación superior en arte dramático, el texto que presentamos propone tres líneas de reflexión-acción: de un lado, la reivindicación de la... more
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      SociologyInterdisciplinarityTheatre EducationTeatro
The extent to which Shakespeare is a true catalyst (an idea suggested by theme of this issue), a substance that is chemically unaltered by the reaction that it initiates or speeds up, is a concept that deserves critiquing. This article... more
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      Performing ArtsTheatre StudiesShakespeareDrama
Exilio, separación y teatro cubano en Miami se mezclan en este artículo para dar una idea de la trayectoria del arte de las tablas en el enclave Floridano. Un repertorio de sainetes, farsas, comedias musicales, zarzuelas y dramas, han... more
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      Theatre StudiesCuban StudiesCuban literatureTheatre Education
Nel nostro precedente incontro 1 ci siamo impegnati a ricercare e a proporre semplici modalità per richiedere ai bambini di esercitare la loro capacità mimesica, e abbiamo accennato all'importanza di questo esercizio per lo sviluppo... more
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      MimesisTheatre EducationDrama/Theatre in EducationPedagogia
Resumen: La educación fue para los ilustrados españoles un elemento clave en su propuesta reformista y modernizadora, en un país anclado en las estructuras estamentales de un Antiguo Régimen que se resistía a desaparecer. Por ello, la... more
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    • Theatre Education
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      Actor Training and Working PracticesPhysical TheatreTheatre EducationActor Training
The paper presents the Oratorium Dance Project and its impact on the activities of the CHOREA Theatre after 2011. In 2010-2011, the Chorea Theatre carried out the groudbreaking project for its biography: the Oratorium Dance Project. It... more
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      Community Action Projects (Art)Theatre EducationTeatrologíaCommunity Theatre, Art and Citizenship, Participatory Art
The legacy of convivencia or cultural exchange among the Muslims, Jews and Christians of medieval Iberia has an important contribution to make to education in the 21 st century. Creating a bridge between the history of convivencia and our... more
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      MulticulturalismEducationAction ResearchCommunity Development & Conflict Resolution
This article studies the problems of reconstruction of a historical performance as an artistic phenomenon and as a method of studying the history and practice of Russian stage directing art. Primary experience of integration of a... more
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      Theatre HistoryRussian TheatreTheatre Education
Resumen: Con el objetivo de contribuir a repensar los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje propios de la educación superior en arte dramático, el texto que presentamos propone tres líneas de reflexión-acción: de un lado, la reivindicación de... more
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      Theatre EducationTheatre Pedagogy
The abundant use of musical terms as prestige words in artistic and educational theatre discourses seems to indicate that musicality – in some sense of the word – is generally considered an important quality in acting. Music is part of... more
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      Music EducationTheatre EducationMusicality
A finalidade última deste trabalho é apresentar alternativas para novos processos de formação de professores de teatro, discutindo diferentes aspectos que possibilitem uma capacitação profissional desta natureza e abordando a compreensão... more
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      TheatreTheatre EducationTeatroFormação De Professores
More than artistic goals, theatre can be useful as a teaching methodology in order to sensitizing different people. Despite of that, in order to preparing the students who participate of the Programa Fronteiras da Diversidade (Programme... more
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      Theatre StudiesDiversityApplied TheatreCultural Diversity
LA EDUCACIÓN TEATRAL: NUEVOS CAMINOS EN HISTORIA DE LA EDUCACIÓN 99 REAL DECRETO 1467/2007, de 2 de noviembre, por el que se establece la estructura del bachillerato y se fijan sus enseñanzas mínimas, publicado en el BOE del 6 de... more
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      ArtTheatre EducationHistoria de la EducaciónHistoria De La Educacion
espanolCon el objetivo de contribuir a repensar los procesos de ensenanza-aprendizaje propios de la educacion superior en arte dramatico, el texto que presentamos propone tres lineas de reflexion-accion: de un lado, la reivindicacion de... more
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      SociologyInterdisciplinarityTheatre EducationTeatro
Wiele zostało w ostatnim czasie powiedziane na temat niekwestionowanego bogactwa technik wypracowanego przez polskich twórców teatrów alternatywnych i niezależnych. W kolejnych debatach Ogólnopolskiej Offensywy Teatralnej, a także w... more
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      Actor Training and Working PracticesTheatre EducationActor TrainingApplied Drama/Theatre, Education, performing arts
The paper presents the Oratorium Dance Project and its impact on the activities of the CHOREA Theatre after 2011. In 2010-2011, the Chorea Theatre carried out the groudbreaking project for its biography: the Oratorium Dance Project. It... more
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      Community Action Projects (Art)Theatre EducationEvaluation of Community Arts and Creative Community Environmental Projects
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      Theatre EducationEuropean Theatre & Actor TrainingConservatoire training
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      Creative WritingScreenwritingAristophanesMedia Studies
Źródło: Alice Theatre Laboratory (ATL) jest grupą teatralną z Hong Kongu zarejestrowaną jako organizacja charytatywna, która otrzymuje trzyletnie granty z Hong Kong Arts and Development... more
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      Devised TheatreFranz KafkaExperimental TheatreTheatre
The paper presents the Oratorium Dance Project and its impact on the activities of the CHOREA Theatre after 2011. In 2010-2011, the Chorea Theatre carried out the groudbreaking project for its biography: the Oratorium Dance Project. It... more
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      Community Action Projects (Art)Theatre EducationEvaluation of Community Arts and Creative Community Environmental ProjectsPolish Theatre
The abundant use of musical terms as prestige words in artistic and educational theatre discourses seems to indicate that musicality-in some sense of the word-is generally considered an important quality in acting. Music is part of the... more
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      Music EducationPerforming ArtsActingTheatre
Στην παρούσα εργασία παρουσιάζεται μία απόπειρα εισαγωγής της μεθόδου του Θεόδωρου Τερζόπουλου ως θεατρικής τέχνης στην Α/-θμια εκπαίδευση, με σκοπό να διερευνηθεί αν αποτελεί χρήσιμη διδακτική πρακτική στο μάθημα της Θεατρικής Αγωγής.... more
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      Action ResearchDrama In EducationApplied Drama/TheatreTheatre Education
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      EmpowermentRefugeesTheatre EducationDrama/Theatre in Education
By breaking up the dramaturg role into a set of research-driven tasks, students engage in collaborative and singly-authored projects that give them room to fail and try again.
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      DramaturgyPerformance As ResearchTheatre EducationPaula Vogel
El objeto de la educación es formar seres aptos para gobernarse a sí mismos y no para ser gobernados por los demás. (Spencer) En todos los tiempos, la educación ha sido una de las herramientas principales para imponer un determinado... more
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      Theatre StudiesCritical PedagogyTheatre EducationEducación