Theology of the Cross
Recent papers in Theology of the Cross
Compelling voices charge that the theological notion of “sacrifice” valorizes suffering and fosters a culture of violence by the claim that Christ’s death on the Cross paid for human sins. Beneath the ‘sacred’ violence of sacrifice, René... more
PROLOGUE of this paper is an extreme detail analysis of Chartres Cathedral's the symbolism embedded into the three Rose Windows. The whole purpose of this paper is to illustrate how Ezekiel's Merkabah is symbolized by the North and South... more
Book about the fourdimensional transcendental cross structure in the St. Matthew Passion of Johann Sebastian Bach
The article begins with a question whether the tragic message of the cross of Jesus allows Christians to see in the cross not only a reminder of the cruel death of the Saviour but also an important and meaningful call of God.... more
One of the buzzwords of 20th and 21st century theology -- especially Lutheran theology -- is "theology of the cross." In the year where we mark the 500th anniversary of the Heidelberg Disputation where Martin Luther first talked about... more
在二十一世紀的今天,本書最叫人驚豔之處,可能是最後一部分整整用了三章的篇幅,討論十字架的信息所建立的生活與群體。在這重視主觀經驗的世代,以及強調群體的學術氛圍下,許多人對十字架的理解,是側重於它傳達了基督自我犧牲的思想範式,以及一種主觀經歷的轉化力量使人能效法這思想範式,並因此能建立一個遵循此範式的群體。這個面向的理解確實有幫助,也是傳統思想常常忽略的。但是斯托得牧師不但沒有忽略這個面向,反而精準地將這種偏向主觀與群體的理解,重新建基於客觀的代贖事實。盼望本書能幫助讀者重新回... more
Il s'agit de l'introduction approfondie de plus de 50 pages à la nouvelle traduction de la Science de la Croix et de Voies de la connaissance de Dieu écrite ensemble avec Cécile Rastoin, la traductrice.
T he historical authenticity of Jesus' prayer to God to forgive his enemies (Luke 23:34a: Πάτερ, ἄφες αὐτοῖς) is still debated by New Testament scholars. The disputed textual tradition underlying the verse and the ambiguous status of the... more
A critical review of The Day the Revolution Began by Tom Wright. Key words: N T Wright, The Day the Revolution Began, critical review, atonement theology, OT narrative & allusion, propitiation, divine wrath, Gospels, substitutionary... more
En méditant sur l’esprit des Béatitudes, nous entrons dans la spiritualité de Jésus, dont toute la vie et l’œuvre ont été de nous apporter Dieu, afin que nous le connaissions et l’invoquions. Or les béatitudes sont un concentré de sa... more
Dans sa lettre aux Galates, Paul ferraille contre les « judaïsants », ceux qui voulaient soumettre les disciples de Jésus issus du monde païen à la loi de Moïse. Avec la vigueur qu'on lui connait, l'Apôtre des gentils montre comment,... more
Dalam tema ini, kita akan masuk ke diskusi mengenai relasi antara kebenaran historis dan iman. Jika kita melihat Pengakuan Iman Rasuli (Symbolum Apostolorum), yang sampai saat ini masih belum bisa ditelusuri penulis aslinya, selain bahwa... more
This Essay proposes an approach of the Theologies of Marcella Althaus-Reid and Victor Westhelle towards an understanding of the Theology of Cross and the Queer Theology, looking at aspects of the same multiform God in Multiform Suffering... more
The emergence of Dalit theology in India can be considered as a significant event in the history of Indian Christian thinking as it is very much related to the historical experiences of an oppressed and down trodden people. It can be... more
Delivered as an open sectional paper for the 29th Annual Symposium at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO- Sept. 18, 2018 In his 1534 lecture on Psalm 90, Martin Luther praised the work as “Moses at his most Mosaic (Mosissimus Moses).” I... more
The article relates Paul Hinlicky's project of critical dogmatics to the constructive work of two Reformed theologians, Jürgen Moltmann's The Crucified God (1972) and Mark L. Taylor's The Executed God (2nd. ed. 2015). After highlighting... more
The thrust of this article is to suggest that the theory of Penal Substitutionary Atonement (PSA) as it has been constructed during and after the Reformation is problematic and needs to be reconstructed in order to be faithful to the... more
This paper presented at TARF Wittenberg 13.9.2019 examines Luther’s theologia crucis in his texts between 1513-1521 (mostly 1515-1521) with an emphasis on Luther’s connections to certain mystical themes as exemplified by Bonaventure... more
This is an address I delivered to the NEXUS conference in June 2015
Resumen En este estudio se pretende hacer una lectura contemporánea de tres categorías centrales en el pensamiento del teólogo alemán Jürgen Moltmann, a saber: la teodicea, el pathos de Dios y el Crucificado. Inicialmente, se presentan... more
Mark Mattes observes in his recent book, Martin Luther's Theology of Beauty: A Reappraisal, that a great deal of scholarship has been given to Luther's appreciation for music, his view of worship and the liturgy, as well as his defense of... more
Summary: The Gospels are often said to be more concerned with the fact of the atonement than with theories of the atonement. In the present note, I consider John 18–21 as a case study, and, on the basis of it, I argue otherwise. The... more
This is the third chapter of my contextual introduction to the New Testament, From Crisis to Christ (Nashville, TN: 2014), 51-74. It was published on the Bible and Interpretation site, May 2015 as an example of my new approach to biblical... more
This article gives an account of Luther's Christology. Luther's theology is strongly Christocentric, but Christology is rarely the central focus of his writings. In some of his most considered summaries of his own faith, he presents... more
La cristología contemporánea muestra una extraordinaria diversidad y pluralidad, que se fundan en la riqueza misma del misterio de Jesucristo que hace camino y se cruza con los caminos de los hombres de todos los tiempos. En este artículo... more
Wiener ForumfürTheologie undReligionswissenschaft/ Vienna Forumfor Theologyand the StudyofReligions Band 17 Herausgegeben im Auftrag der Evangelisch-Theologischen Fakultätder UniversitätWien, der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultätder... more
The aim of this seminar presentation given at The 11th International Congress for Luther Research, 22.-27.7.2007, Universidade Luterana do Brasil, Canoas, Brazil, is to examine Luther’s relation to the medieval distinction between active... more
PAPER INTRODUCTION: St. Anselm of Canterbury’s Canterbury’s Cur Deus Homo (Why did God become human? or Why a God-human?) was a path-breaking work in theology; the first attempt to explain by means of a systematic theory why the Word... more
The article aims to briefly outline the overall development of Przywara’s thought starting – not chronologically but prospectively – from his little summa, which he calls summula, Was ist Gott? In this text he faces some of the most... more
Those who use the text to advance a descent into Hell with a proclamation to fallen angels have insisted on reading a very controversial first century teaching into what they deem a catechistic text which has no other support aside from... more
The author contextualizes the Problem of Evil in Open Theism system, listing its main theses, primarily the logic-of-love-defense (and free-will-defense) connected to Trinitarian speculation. After evaluating the discussion in Analytic... more
Dans un précédent article, intitulé « Circoncision e croix du Christ », j'ai montré d'abord comment les institutions d'Israël que sont la circoncision 1 , le sabbat, la kashrut et le temple, obéissent toutes à la même logique, celle de la... more
Molti sono gli intrecci esistenti dopo il Mille tra la figura e il mito di Costantino e quell’articolato fenomeno che sono state le crociate. Chiariti i termini del rapporto, si è cercato di evidenziare alcune strutture ideologiche e... more
This book identifies the impasse between classical Protestant and contemporary charismatic and Pentecostal pneumatologies as a fundamental theological problem. Its goal is to contribute a constructive pneumatological proposal for moving... more
Could it be, contra to many spiritual songs, that heaven has already been prepared? It is a kingdom and a city already constructed. Heaven has been ready for indwelling by the elect of God since before the foundation of the earth. As a... more
Travis E. Ables, in “The Apocalyptic Figure of Francis’s Stigmatized Body: The Politics of Scripture in Bonaventure’s Meditative Treatises,” argues that a popular theological politics is receiving support, structure, and guidance in... more
The German author encountered what is called "Asian Theology" through his teaching theology at Lutheran Theological Seminary in Hong Kong. He tries to understand, what that means, following such authors as C.S. Song, Kosuke Koyama,... more
L’arte europea conta un tale numero di grandi raffigurazioni della Crocifissione che essa costituisce una magnifica armatura su cui innestare ogni tipo di sentimento e di sensazione. Può sembrarle curioso che una persona non religiosa... more
In this article, I argue that Gary Anderson’s work exploring the different metaphors used for sin in Jewish theology helps to clarify Hans Urs von Balthasar’s soteriology, especially in reference to his controversial teaching on Christ’s... more