Recent papers in Schleiermacher
This is my masters’ thesis – it examines the various intellectual forces at work in the years leading up to Schleiermacher, and the Enlightenment’s challenge to orthodox Christianity. This provides a proper context for understanding... more
The hermeneutical circle is one of the most important "doctrines" of the hermeneutical tradition. Its meaning and roots are however seldom properly understood. This encyclopedia article sorts them out and focuses on the different meanings... more
This book investigates the philosophical path that took Heidegger through phenomenology to the question of the meaning of Being, from his initial encounter with Husserl’s texts in phenomenology in 1909 to his definition of phenomenology... more
Cette étude tâche de dégager la double signification de la philosophie socratique comprise comme philosophie politique à l’aide d’une interprétation des Amoureux rivaux. Le refus d’accorder à ce court dialogue socratique une affiliation... more
Nineteenth century Christian thought about self and relationality was stamped by the reception of Kant’s groundbreaking revision to the Cartesian cogito. For René Descartes (1596-1650), the self is a thinking thing (res cogitans), a... more
Trotz seiner Distanz zum Judentum als Religion und seiner Abwendung vom neologen Gedankengut seiner Lehrer, die eine Nähe von Judentum und Christentum begünstigt hatten, bereitete Schleiermacher den Boden für eine jüdische Selbstreflexion... more
Western thought: the phrase immediately solicits the expression, ‘dead, White guys.’ The aim of this course is to equip students to analyze the ways in which ideas that seem outdated are still very much alive. Current debates about the... more
The world sees a shift in people’s religious identity, moving away from the orthodox centre to either the extremes of religious fundamentalism or the religious identity of being ‘spiritual, but not religious’. This article investigates... more
This is the synopsis of my new book, which is now available from Stanford University Press, but also Amazon etc/. See further here on the SUP page: "A fresh and more capacious reading of the... more
This essay demonstrates the prominence of imitation in Kierkegaard’s ethics. I move beyond his idea of authentic existence modeled on Christ and explore the secular dimension of Kierkegaard’s insights about human nature and imitation. I... more
With his project of a universal characteristic, Leibniz is commonly seen as a precursor to modern developments in logic that also gave rise to the computer age. But Leibniz had also conceived of plans for a different, non-numerical form... more
La religione, in quanto espressione dell'umano a livello sociale ed individuale, trasversale alle culture e alle epoche, è da sempre stata anche un oggetto di rifl essione, un tema e problema per il pensiero; fi n dalle sue origini... more
This paper puts forward a conception of specialised literary criticism, more specifically deconstructive readings, as a mode of communicative interaction which can be described through a pragmalinguistic account. Schleiermacher's... more
Este artigo tem o intento de compreender o desenvolvimento, em Friedrich Schleiermacher, não apenas de uma análise filosófica da religião, mas, a partir de um olhar que abrange sua primeira obra filosófica e a última teológica, uma... more
Mit dem späten Schelling brach, betrachtet man das ihm Vorangehende und Nachfol-gende, ein frisches Aufblühen verheißender Frühlingssturm in die dösende Winterland-schaft der Philosophie ein, mit einem gewissen Begehren nach Erneuerung... more
This paper traces trends in 19th-century thought, both theological and philosophical, about eschatology and apocalypticism. A corrected and formatted version has now been published in the Oxford Handbook of Nineteenth-Century Christian... more
Explora este trabajo algunas de las intersecciones entre el estudio de la interacción lingüística y el de la interpretación literaria, e investiga para ello ciertas analogías entre la hermenéutica de Schleiermacher, la de Gadamer, el... more
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The doctrine of election lies at the heart of Reformed theology. This essay offers a review of Matthias Gockel’s recent comparison between two of Reformed theology’s greatest voices: that of Friedrich Schleiermacher and Karl Barth. Gockel... more
En el contexto del creciente interés filosófico por el modelo de la ‘traducción’, se lo interrogará como clave posible de un pensamiento frágil que, tras el cuestionamiento de los discursos universales de la modernidad, sea capaz de dar... more
A: Friedrich Schleiermacher ED: 1838 / 1977 Die Aufnahme von Hermeneutik und Kritik in die vorliegende Sammlung könnte mit gewissem Recht als ein Fehler zurückgewiesen werden. Denn weder hat Schleiermacher selbst eine Schrift dieses... more
Die Frage nach dem Anfang gehört seit jeher zu den kardinalen Anliegen der Disziplin der Kosmologie. Sie fragt indes nicht nach dem Anfang eines partikularen Objekts oder eines spezifischen Themas oder dergleichen, sondern nach dem Anfang... more
This paper is a reconstruction of the hermeneutical theories of Friedrich Schleirmacher and Wilhem Dilthey and an initial attempt to contextualize their ideas within the framework of Philippine Studies. In particular, the paper explores... more
The question of the relation between religious experience and Christian belief in God is addressed in radically different ways within contemporary theology and philosophy of religion. In order to develop an answer which avoids the... more
Leo Strauss's claim that many philosophers of the past wrote exoterically is without a doubt his most fruitful contribution to the study of the history of ideas. However, to this day this claim remains highly controversial. To gain a... more
Hermeneutik, metodolojik bir problemden doğmuştur. Bu problem aynı zamanda anlama ve yorumlama sürecini içerir. Hermeneutik bu sürecin içerisinde ortaya çıkmıştır. Dolayısıyla hermeneutiğin doğuşu Antik Yunan dönemine kadar... more
A tarefa da "crítica da razão histórica" empreendida por Dilthey implica saber como é possível o "conhecimento" da realidade espiritual. E esta tarefa se dá pela distinção das capacidades particulares que atuam conjuntamente para a... more
ABSTRACT: Karl Barth is perhaps most clearly differentiated from Friedrich Schleiermacher when the two are compared in the context of their unphilosophical vs. philosophical soteriology. They each seek to answer the core question, ‘How... more
Augustana-Hochschule Neuendettelsau | Forum Religionsphilosophie Waldstr. 11 | 91564 Neuendettelsau | 23.-25.03.2022 Kaum ein Thema hat die Gemüter in der klassischen deutschen Philosophie so sehr bewegt wie die Religion. Hinter die... more
FROM THE BACK COVER: What is the essential nature of meaning? . . . . . This book answers by examining interpretive theories from the past and present. It finds that an historical struggle with meaning has been underway since the... more
This article re-examines the theoretical basis for environmental and heritage interpretation in tourist settings in the light of hermeneutic philosophy. It notes that the pioneering vision of heritage interpretation formulated by Freeman... more
* Both Herman Bavinck and Karl Barth sensed the open question caused by the subjectivistic tendency of Schleiermacher’s doctrine of revelation. Barth argues that Schleiermacher ignores the objective feature of revelation by orienting the... more
The historical overview covering Schleiermacher and the disciplinary status of translational hermeneutics was written by Cercel, the sections on important concepts and research within the paradigm of translational hermeneutics was... more
This paper seeks to understand Schleiermacher's contribution to philosophical hermeneutics by studying (1) the historical context that shaped him, (2) the philosophical thought that undergirds his system, (3) Schleiermacher's... more
born in Breslau, Silesia; died in Berlin) was educated at Moravian Brethren institutions in Niesky and Barby (1783-87), and the University of Halle (1787-90). His infl uences included Fichte, Herder, Kant, Plato, Schelling, Friedrich... more
The article analyzes the concept of universal salvation-apokatastasis in the thought of Friedrich Schleiermacher especially with reference to his early Speeches on Religion and the later treatise The Christian Faith. It moves from... more
Lawrence Venuti's discourse on domesticating and foreignizing translation harks back some two hundred years ago to a speech by the Prussian hermeneutician Friedrich Schleiermacher. This paper is a critique of Venuti's genealogies of... more
Religionsphilosophie lässt sich in einem ganz allgemeinen Sinn zunächst so bestimmen: sie ist der Versuch, mit den Mitteln der menschlichen Vernunft das Phänomen der Religion geistig zu erfassen.