Traditional Shamanism
Recent papers in Traditional Shamanism
The Maka are an ethnic group belonging to the Mataguayo linguistic family that is native to Northern Chaco (Paraguay). Until the mid-20th century, the group lived in the heart of the Chaco, and were traditionally hunter-gatherer-fishers.... more
The Grolier Codex is discussed in the context of the archaeoastronomy of the ancient Americas on pages 98-99 of the March 1990 National Geographic Magazine article "America's Ancient Skywatchers" by John B. Carlson. One of four known... more
The Stele commemorated Idiquts of Qocho, dating to 1334 and found in 1933 in Gansu, bears Chinese and Uyghur inscriptions including a legend on the origin of the Uyghur ruling dynasty. According to the text, its founder was Udan Boquq Qan... more
The Cartesian view of the world influenced anthropological studies of ritual and spirituality. Spirit possession studies in particular suffer from this Western idiosyncrasy, because many anthropologists who write about possession argue... more
Programa da 19.ª edição da Formação de Psicoterapeutas Clássicos de Xamanismo Transcultural (Estudos Antropológicos Teórico-Práticos) que se realizará através de teleaulas e de telepráticas (por videoconferência, portanto, ao vivo, mas... more
The interpretation of depictions in petroglyphs belonging to the Bronze Age in South Siberia as shamanic ones is debatable. Obviously, cultic attributes belonging to men were not removed from barrows 2 and 5 in Pazyryk. Their series can... more
An ethno-historical perspective on the popular magic in Sardinia.
The Sacred Hoop Magazine Guide to Shamanism A collection of 27 articles from previous issues of Sacred Hoop magazine focusing on some of the basics of shamanism - practice and ethics Articles from : • Jonathan Horwitz • Sandra Ingerman... more
The focus of this paper is to examine the legacy of San pygmy spiritual journeys through a three-tiered cosmos of sky, earth, and underworld as they are consciously danced and reinforced by rock paintings, which seem to be the oldest and... more
Giriş Məni Şamanizm haqqında araşdırma aparmağa sövq edən əsas cəhətlər mövzunun Azərbaycanlı tədqiqatçıların əsərlərində və azərbaycan dilli mənbələrdə araşdırılma səviyyəsi ilə bağlıdır. Azərbaycan dilli mənbələrdə şamanizm Cavad Heyət,... more
Nushagak, Alaska, 19th century: Wallaunuk as a Shaman’s Free Soul [I] The discovery in 2007 and the in-depth study of a Yup’ik seal mask identified the ritual practice of using halved paired masks, designed by the shaman as simultaneous... more
A short article on several of the minerals/gemstones that are/have been known as Shaman Stones, such as Hag Stones, Shaman Quartz and Amber...
How do we take indigenous animism seriously in the sense proposed by Viveiros de Castro? In this article, I pose this challenge to all the major theories of animism, stretching from Tylor and Durkheim, over Lévi-Strauss to Ingold. I then... more
This is an article in two parts. The first part discusses current research in psychoactive preparations of ergot in various religious systems with a particular emphasis on Persian, Greek, Jewish and Islamic sources. Certain poems, hadith,... more
This article was supposed to be a simple review of the book by Baldini La strada dai molti canti. Filosofia e sciamanesimo greco (The road of many chants. Philosophy and Greek shamanism), but after reading it, it developed into something... more
This article undertakes a reexamination of shamanism in early China, an issue that centers on a religious title (wu) that is consistently mentioned in virtually every major text from the period. For roughly the last fifty years,... more
Huichol religion and cultural standards are explored, with an analysis of the role and importance of the shaman within the community. A full explanation of the Peyote Hunt is provided, along with a full bibliography for further research... more
Preface Throughout all of Europe we find examples of folk-belief assigning special qualities to the seventh-born son or daughter of a family. At times these attributes were positive, at times negative. However, they always had a magical... more
Contents (chapters and authors): The shamanic-ecstatic hypothesis for the Alpine rock art of Valcomonica, Umberto Sansoni. Sensuous visions: Encountering the shamanistic rock art of the Bayan Jurek Mountains, Kazakhstan, Kenneth Lymer.... more
This article presents an analysis of certain erotic strategies employed by shamans of the early Chinese state of Chu that were intended to attract and seduce an array of spirits thought to inhabit the world of nature. These strategies are... more
EDITOR'S NOTE The articles offered here the readers, resulted from papers presented in the frame of an International scientific and practical conference, dedicated to the memory of Vladimir... more
Ce qui, à l'origine, a motivé mon projet de thèse -comme, auparavant et, plus généralement, mon intérêt pour l'anthropologie -était, pour reprendre les mots de Jean Pouillon, « une attitude somme toute normale pour un ethnologue et qu'en... more
This article traced the construction of the Mongolian term and concept böö mörgöl, which denotes ‘shamanism’, later developed to böögiin shashin meaning ‘shamanic religion’. Although the term bö’e (alternatively böge or böö), referring to... more
Аннотация. Иконография кетов никогда не становилась предметом сравнительно-исторического исследования, подразумевающего анализ ареальной дистрибуции ее элементов, и данная статья представляет собой первый опыт такого рода. На основании... more
Short piece looking at Stones and some of the Spirits associated with them.
During the summer of 2010, while traveling from California to the Yucatan on an epic road trip to do anthropological fieldwork, I happened by chance to meet two shamans-wise men, healers, diviners, explorers of sacred realms. Later,... more
The aim of this paper is to outline the current situation of shamanism in Mongolia. It examines the relationship between shamanism and ethnicity, the phenomenon of urban shamanism and the emergence of shaman associations and shamanic... more
The specific Hmong Ntoo Xeeb ceremony described in this text was conducted by the elders of Ban Mae Sa Mai (Mae Sa Mai village), located in Tambol Pong Yareng, Mae Rim District, Thailand, approximately 30 kilometers north of Chiang Mai.... more
In 1992, the experts of the World Health Organization decided to introduce a new diagnostic category. Possession Trance became recognized as a psychiatric disorder. The introduction of this new category prompted the clarification of its... more
The Siberian Northeast shows striking parallels between the cosmologies of hunters and reindeer herders. What may this tell us about the transformation from hunting to pastoralism? This article argues for a structural identity between... more
This course examines Shamanism in the history of religions with attention to recent interdisciplinary approaches to the topic. The course initially examines the classification of " shamanism " as a category within the study of religion.... more
The history of shamanism in pre-contact South and Mesoamerica follows a diverse, ranging pathway, much like the Amazon and Orinoco snake their way through the physical landscape of those regions. Indeed, even determining the boundaries... more
--Abstract-- The Syncretism of Shamanism and Islam Gave Birth to Alevism which is “Anatolian Sufizm.” This paper examines the similarities between... more
This paper introduces the work of a legendary contemporary Indian Doctor, the Mandan (Crow) and Shawnee shaman, visionary and healer to an international conference of traditional wisdom-keepers, spiritual leaders, clinical psychologists,... more
Al empezar a hablar de la vida religiosa de Euskal Herria y concretamente del papel de las mujeres llamadas sororas o seroras en ella, nos incumbe tener en cuenta los estrechos vínculos del presente trabajo con intentos de identificar,... more
Erstmalige Zusammenfassung der bekannt gewordenen linearbandkeramischen Plastiken aus Niederösterreich und Überblick über die diesbezüglichen Nachweise der Lengyelkultur des Waldviertels. Die zweite - durch Neufunde ergänzte - Auflage... more
Darstellung des Forschungsstandes in Niederösterreich für den Zeitraum vom Paläolithikum bis zum späten Neolithikum. Geringfügig (betreffend einer Lengyelgefäßform) ergänzter Zweitdruck eines Vortragstextes, der im Jahre 1982... more
The article follows the travels and investigations of the late Sheikh Oruc Guvenc--a music anthropologist teacher of contemplative music and dance-- tracing the ancient roots of music in Turkic-Asian countries from Turkey to China,... more
Faerie Stones explores the Faerielore and Folklore associated with different stones and various crystal formations, from the ancient Neolithic arrows known as Elfshot to magical Faerie dusted geodes known as Fairy Cavern Quartz. It deals... more
A detailed table of contents of Andrei Znamenski's three-volume anthology Shamanism: Critical Concepts (RoutledgeCurzon, 2004)
No abstract available. I conducted this interview with Sun Bear for the Special Issue on Shamanism and Magic in The Laughing Man Magazine.
کاہن یا شامن پورے دردستان بلکہ وسطی ایشیاء و سائبریا تک پائے جاتے تھے، کچھ اثرات ابھی بھی مل جاتے ہیں۔ کالاش دستور میں کاہن یا شامان جس کو وہ دیہار کہتے ہیں بہت اہمیت کا حامل ہے، کالاش روایات میں دیہار سے بہت سارے واقعات منسوب ہیں، دیہار... more
The past year has witnessed the passing of many friends, including two of the iconic pioneers of humanistic and transpersonal psychology, Michael Harner and Stanley Keleman. Both men were highly original and innovative thinkers, major... more
Se propone aquí leer la deconstrucción de la soberanía en el seminario de Jacques Derrida, "La bestia y el soberano", a la luz del pensamiento amazónico, el cual sugiere que lo que vincula a la soberanía con la animalidad no es... more
Notes on a conversation with Zorigtbaatar Banzar, Shaman from Mongolia, in attendance at the 21st International Conference on the Study of Shamanism and Alternative Modes of Healing. Zorigtbaatar Banzar and his wife, Bayarmaa Osor,... more