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Can unilateral action be an effective response to global climate change? baylor Johnson worries that a focus on unilateral action by individuals will detract from efforts to secure collective agreements to address the problem. Although... more
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      Game TheoryClimate Changeglobal Climate changeTragedy of the Commons
Marine reserves are promoted as an effective supplement to traditional fishery management techniques of harvest quotas and effort limitation. However, quantitative fishery models have ignored the impact of noncompliance (poaching). Here... more
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      Game TheoryBehaviorFisheriesPopulation Dynamics
The Earth's orbital space is increasingly threatened by debris. It is frequently described as a common-pool resource vulnerable to a 'tragedy of the commons' scenario. Scholars have suggested ambitious policy proposals to tackle the... more
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      International Space LawGlobal Environmental ChangeSpace PolicyGlobal Environmental Governance
Occupied from ca. 7040 B.C. to A.D. 1400, the Eel Point Site (CA-SCLI-43) on San Clemente Island, California represents one of the longest sequences of near-continuous marine resource exploitation on the west coast of North America.... more
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      Environmental SociologyHistorical SociologyEnvironmental SustainabilityTragedy of the Commons
Since the very beginning of its existence, humanity has aspired to new discoveries. Over time, with huge technological advancement and discovery of modern technologies, when no blank spots left on the globe of the Earth, humanity turned... more
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      Outer Space PoliticsTragedy of the CommonsCommon-pool ResourcePollution
This article presents a reframing of workforce diversity as a social tragedy. We draw on Hardin’s concept of ‘tragedy of the commons’, which explored the conflicts between individual and collective good. We identify two dilemmas that... more
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      SociologyEquality StudiesDiversityPolitics
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      Sociology of ViolenceViolenceFrench RevolutionPolitical Violence and Terrorism
This article intends to think the relationship between neoliberal capitalism and the common(s). First, it ties to define the common both in ontological and political terms, stressing the similarities and differences between the common,... more
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The "tragedy of the commons", as part of the mainstream economic theory, assumes that the selfish and rational human nature will lead to the depletion of essential resources (such as water, air, subsistence items, etc.) in the absence of... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentRational Choice TheoryEvolutionary theoryTragedy of the Commons
Economic prescriptions for the sustainable management of fisheries have typically been framed in the context of commercial fisheries. Fishery management failures have been characterized as a consequence of disjointedness between... more
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      ManagementSustainableTragedy of the CommonsFishery Management
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      Invasive SpeciesResearch AgendaBiological SciencesBiodiversity Conservation
In 1997 the Mexican federal government implemented a system of wildlife use and conservation units (UMAs [from its name in Spanish]) as a national strategy to promote wildlife management, biodiversity conservation, and rural development... more
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      ManagementZoologyConservationTragedy of the Commons
Several corruption scandals involving police, judges, or other law enforcement officials seem to surface every year in the United States. Inevitably, the official explanation is that such corruption is an individualized phenomenon... more
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      LawApplied EconomicsTragedy of the CommonsLaw Economics
Since the mapping of the human genome and the technical innovations in the field of biotechnology, patent law has gone through great controversies. Protection is required for an investor to make an investment but how broad should the... more
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      LawIntellectual PropertyInnovation statisticsBiotechnology
Författaren och journalisten Göran Rosenberg satte för drygt ett decennium sedan fingret på något viktigt i den samtida rättighetsdiskussionen och pekade dessutom på det problematiska förhållandet mellan rättigheter och därtill svarande... more
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      Social RightsWelfare StateFerdinand TönniesTragedy of the Commons
El intento del hombre por dominar la naturaleza le hace pensar que es dueño de todo cuanto existe y esto le da derecho a poseer y utilizarla a su antojo, sin embargo esta es una creencia occidental, muchas culturas buscaron estar en... more
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    • Tragedy of the Commons
This paper explores the ideological assumptions made within the theoretical tragedy of the commons, arguing that the thought experiment rests on historical inaccuracies and an incorrect understanding of the utilitarian maxim "the greatest... more
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      EconomicsUtilitarianismJohn Stuart MillTragedy of the Commons
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      CommonsPolitical EcologyTragedy of the CommonsHistory of commons, commoning, communal property
This paper draws attention to the somewhat neglected domains of affects, emotions, and subjectivity in the study of the commons. The paper argues that a focus on affective and communicative relations among humans and between humans and... more
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      ConservationCommonsPolitical EcologyGilbert Simondon
This article describes an exercise that simulates one of the most famous of all human management problems: the “tragedy of the commons.” Coined by Garret Hardin in 1968, the term refers to any situation in which people acting rationally... more
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      Training and DevelopmentCollective ActionTragedy of the CommonsCases
In 1968 Garrett Harding presented to the world a very captivating vantage point of the worlds population problem. He illustrated from the onset that his concern was ‘with the important concept of a class of human problems which can be... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyInternational RelationsPolitical Philosophy
Corte di Cassazione, Sez. un., 14 febbraio 2011, n. 3665; Pres. Vittoria; Est. Spagna Musso; P.M. Iannelli; A.M.A. c. Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze; Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti; Agenzia del Demanio; Regione... more
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      Civil LawWaterCommonsCommon Property
Both Walter Sinnott-Armstrong and Baylor Johnson hold that under current circumstances, individuals lack obligations to reduce their personal contributions to greenhouse gas emissions. Johnson argues that climate change has the structure... more
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      Climate ChangeEnvironmental EthicsTragedy of the CommonsPhilosophy and Religious Studies
Several proposals for addressing the “replication crisis” in social psychology have been advanced in the recent literature. In this paper, we argue that the “crisis” be interpreted as a disciplinary social dilemma, with the problem facing... more
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      Information SystemsNeuroscienceSociologyPolitical Sociology
The Orientation Framework acknowledges that the scientific understanding of pastoralism has undergone a veritable U-turn from the principles that directed pastoral development for most of its existence. It acknowledges the mistakes of the... more
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      Ethiopian StudiesPastoralism (Social Anthropology)Pastoralism in AfricaDrylands
This essay takes the motif of ruin as an entry point for a foray into the subject of the commons. It engages Garrett Hardin’s nearly unknown discussions of literature and poetry to shed critical light on his famous idea of “The Tragedy of... more
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      RomanticismCommonsRace and RacismRural History
Communal-level resource management successes and failures comprise complex interactions that involve local, regional, and (increasingly) global scale political, economic, and environmental changes, shown to have recurring patterns and... more
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      Human EcologyArchaeologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyCollective Action
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      Utopian StudiesAnarchismCritical PsychologyTragedy of the Commons
Part one of a two-part  critique of Garrett Hardin's "Tragedy of the Commons" and "Lifeboat Ethics." A revised and expanded version is forthcoming from Changing Suns Press (
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologySocial Demography
Le Yagour , dans le Haut Atlas de Marrakech, est un haut lieu de transhumance estivale qui fait l’objet d’une gestion communautaire reposant sur la mise en défens saisonnière du territoire pastoral (l’Agdal). L’Agdal est le produit d’une... more
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      CommonsRegional and Local GovernanceGovernanceEnvironmental Policy and Governance
This article explores the links between energy policy, tax policy and global warming. This article focuses on tax policy, because the emerging consensus among legal scholars favors economic incentives rather than command-and-control... more
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      Climate ChangeInternational LawEnergy PolicyEnvironmental Ethics
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      CommonsAlternative EconomiesCooperativesUrban Political Economy
Zu einer Arbeit, die die Auflösung des bürgerlichen Subjektes im Titel trägt, gehört es, sich den Wirklichkeiten fernab strukturell patriarchaler Subjektkonstruktionen zu stellen. Darum ist es mir eine Selbstverständlichkeit, mich in... more
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      Open AccessCreative CommonsPostanarchismCopyleft
Since the launch of the Sputnik 1 in 1957, around 8,000 man-made space objects have been launched in space. While these space objects have given us satellites and space probes which have revolutionized the way we perceive modern life and... more
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      International LawUnited NationsTragedy of the CommonsSpace Law
Bu çalışma, sosyal bilimler içerisinde iktisat felsefesi ve hukuk tartışmalarını da merkezde tutarak Türkçe mali yazında hiçe yakın tartışılmış iki olgu olan "ortak" ve "ortak olmayan" kaynak, mal ve mülkiyetin kullanım trajedilerini ele... more
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      Public FinancePublic EconomicsPublic Finance TheoryEnvironmental Sustainability
Sommario: 1. La costruzione pugliattiana delle proprietà conformate quale pietra angolare dell'elaborazione civilistica degli anni Settanta. I principali filoni culturali e metodologici del dibattito giusprivatistico in materia di... more
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      Civil LawCommonsProperty LawRemedies (Law)
There is an ongoing debate about how to define and characterize the formations of the present social relations. In this context , it could be argued one side of the debabe states that it is completely new form of social organisation we... more
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      ModernityUlrich BeckAnthony GiddensTragedy of the Commons
The aim of the paper is two-fold. It presents an integrated conceptual framework based on the literature on common-pool resource institutions, social capital and NGOs, and secondly, it applies the framework to the case of Bangladesh... more
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      Property RightsSocial CapitalTragedy of the CommonsConceptual Framework
A Term Paper On: THE CONTESTED COMMONS -A Realist understanding of the security dimensions and challenges of the global commons Submitted to: Dr. HAPPYMON JACOB By: DHARA P SHAH Registration No.: 64921 M.A Politics (with specialization in... more
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      International RelationsRealism (Political Science)Commons GovernanceTragedy of the Commons
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      Land and Property DevelopmentLand LawSocial HousingTragedy of the Commons
Artykuł stanowi prezentację jednego z najbardziej wpływowych nurtów w obrębie współczesnego marksizmu. Autor wskazuje, że żywotność marksizmu dobra wspólnego wypływa z jego zdolności do konceptualizacji przekształceń kapitalizmu, przede... more
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      MarxismRadical GeographyWorking ClassesHistory from Below
‘The tragedy of the commons’ and ‘the common heritage of mankind’ are concepts that dominate the legal discourse on governing global commons, including spaces beyond national jurisdictions, essential resources and concerns such as... more
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      International RegimesKnowledge ManagementNatural ResourcesInternational Law
Here is a paper on the resource curse and the tragedy of the commons based on two articles. The first one, presented by James Brander and Scott Taylor and called « The Simple Economics of Easter Island » describes the dynamics of the rise... more
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      Natural ResourcesNatural Resource EconomicsNatural Resource and Environmental EconomicsTragedy of the Commons
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      Public EconomicsMacroeconomicsPolitical PhilosophyHealth Economics
In the 21st century, humanity has entered an era of a turbulent, globalised and politically awakened world of the Anthropocene where science clearly shows that we need a global energy transformation for a sustainable future. Science is... more
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      Spiritual EcologyTransformational LeadershipImpacts Of Climatic Change On AgricultureCreative thinking
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      Cognitive ScienceArtificial IntelligenceAgent Based SimulationTragedy of the Commons
Outline of two chapters from Peter Linebaugh's The Magna Carta Manifesto, followed by a summary of Deleuze and Guattari on Molar and Molecular
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      AnarchismSocial and Political PhilosophyTragedy of the Commons